Jonah Marais - Anorexia

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Jonah stood in the bathroom scrolling through his Instagram comments. It seems that @jonahmarais has gained weight. Maybe it's because all he does is talk about the gym but never actually does anything.

@jonahmarais looked like he's gained weight. Did you see how tight his jeans were at the concert last night?

Tears streamed down Jonah's cheeks as he looked in the mirror. He pulled off his shirt and sighed. Not what he wanted to see. The bathroom door opened and Jack walked in. "Jon, I thought you were taking a shower."

"I'm going to." Jonah muttered.

Jack pushed back his curls and frowned. "Are you crying?" he asked.

Jonah looked away. "Please leave me alone." he sighed.

"Tell me Jon." Jack said kindly.

Jonah handed Jack his phone. "Read the comments."

Jack sat on the bathroom counter and read the rude comments. "Oh Jonah. Don't listen to them. You've got a great body."

Jonah shook his head. "You have to say that because you're my boyfriend." he muttered.

Jack led Jonah to look in the mirror. "Look at those beautiful eyes. Look at that smile. Look at that soft dark hair. Look at that muscular build. Jonah you're one of the best looking guys around." he whispered.

Jonah shrugged. "Yeah sure." he mumbled. "Can I just take a shower?"

Jack nodded "Okay. I'll be downstairs with the others."

Jack walked downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. Corbyn sighed. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Read the comments on Jonah's account." Jack muttered.

The boys pulled out their phones and read the comments. Daniel set his phone down and sighed. "This is what I hate about being famous."

"What?" Zach asked.

"People think that we don't have feelings. That's not okay." Daniel replied.

"I agree." Zach sighed. "We're just as human as people who aren't celebrities."

That night the boys walked in with a bag of chicfila food. After handing it out he sat down.

Jonah stared at his food and sighed. "I'm not hungry."

"What did I do?" he asked.

Jack shook his head. "Just leave it." he muttered.

As the boys sang Jonah forgot everything that had happened. "Don't walk away, cause it's cold in LA. Every time that you leave me behind. Stay..." That's when Jonah noticed the sign someone was holding.

Daniel noticed too and took the microphone. "Hey you with that sign. Please leave. That's not okay." he snapped.

Jack led Jonah offstage, not wanting Jonah to see anymore. Daniel continued talking. "We're humans too. We don't deserve people telling us that we're fat or ugly. How would you like it? We break, we cry, we get sick, we laugh. We're the same as you. No more inappropriate signs." Daniel said.

Zach took the microphone. "Jonah doesn't want to perform tonight and I don't blame him. Next time keep your rude comments to yourself."

The next morning Jonah woke up to Jack humming What Am I. He sighed. "Hey."

Jack smiled. "Breakfast."

The boys went downstairs. Corbyn smiled. "Look Jon. I made chocolate chip pancakes. Your favorite."

Jonah sat down and pushed the food around the plate. Corbyn frowned. "Are they not fully cooked?"

"No they're fine." Jonah assured Corbyn, a weak smile playing at his lips.

When no one was looking Jonah put the pancakes in a napkin, careful to leave some crumbs. He put the napkin in his pocket. "Guess I'll take a shower now."

Jonah smiled. "They were good." he said.

Jonah wasn't lying. He'd taken a small bite and it was good. He wandered upstairs and went to the bathroom. He rolled up his sleeve and sighed. "Here we go again." he muttered and got out a razor blade.

Several days went by and Jonah wasn't feeling well. He didn't want to tell the boys but he knew at some point they would find out. He was walking down the stairs. "Jack." he moaned.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked running over.

Jonah retched and Jack knew what was going on. "Bathroom. Come on." he said and led Jonah back down the hall.

After several minutes all Jonah had managed to bring up was acid. His whole body was shaking as he looked at Jack. "I don't feel so good." he choked out and went limp.

Jonah was too heavy for Jack to carry on his own. He began trembling. "Corbyn!" he screamed.

Corbyn raced up the stairs in a panic. "What's going on in... Oh my gosh!"

The boys drove to the hospital. After a few minutes the doctor came out. "Jonah's fine. He will need to go to a counselor because he has an eating disorder. Anorexia. We've rehydrated him and he's resting. You can go see him if you want to."

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