Zach Herron- Lactose Intolerant

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*Zorbyn* *Requested*

Daniel walked out to the pool where the rest of the boys were. "What's going on?" he asked. "You decide to have fun when I go out?" 

Zach grinned as he splashed Corbyn. "Why not?" he teased. 

Corbyn and Jonah laughed at the look on Daniel's face. "There's room for you if you want," Jonah replied. 

Daniel smiled. "I'd love to but I really don't feel so good. I'm going to go lay down for a bit." 

"You sick?" Corbyn asked. 

Daniel shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe I can sleep it off. There's ice cream in the fridge if anyone is interested."

"Oh wow. Thanks Dani," Jack said. 

After a few minutes, the boys decided to go inside and relax. Jack stood at the fridge door. "Yo! Corbs. Vanilla or chocolate?" 

"Chocolate for me," Corbyn said as he walked into the room. "That shower felt good man." 

Jonah walked in with a towel around his neck. "Is there any salted caramel left?" he asked. 

Jack nodded. "You can just finish it. It's like a quarter full." 

"Z, what do you want?" Corbyn asked. 

"Nothing." Zach replied as he pulled on a shirt.

Jonah frowned. "Z, you never turn down ice cream. What is it?" 

"I just don't want any," Zach muttered. 

"Are you sick?" Jack asked. 

"Fine, I'll have some chocolate," Zach sighed. 

The boys settled on the couch binge watching Money Heist. After a few hours Zach began to feel sick. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "You okay?" Jack asked. 

Zach shrugged. "My stomach hurts a little bit."  

Jonah raised an eyebrow but went back to watching the show. After a while Zach's stomach began to feel worse. His stomach cramped and he gave a small moan. Corbyn looked sympathetically at Zach. "You're in a lot of pain aren't you..." he sighed. 

"I'm kind of lactose intolerant..." Zach muttered. 

"What? You usually get ice cream and stuff," Jack replied pausing the show. 

"Yeah. If it's lactose free," Zach sighed. "I'm sorry. I should've told you." 

"It's fine. It's not like it would've been necessary until now. At least we know you'll be alright by hopefully tomorrow," Jonah said. 

Zach was a about to reply when he felt everything shift down. He got up and went to the bathroom. Corbyn got up and followed Zach. He knocked on the door. "You good?" he asked. 

"No," Zach mumbled. 

"Should I come in?" Corbyn asked. 

"No," Zach sighed. 

Corbyn nodded. "I'll have some medication ready when you come out,"  he sighed and left. 

After a while Zach walked over and collapsed into Corbyn's arms. Corbyn handed Zach some medication. "Just rest a bit." 

Zach eventually dozed off in Corbyn's arms. An hour later he woke up feeling worse. A wave of nausea hit Zach. Knowing he wouldn't make to the bathroom, he ran to the kitchen sink. Corbyn hurried to Zach. "Hey, you're okay. It's alright." 

"My stomach hurts so bad," Zach mumbled and gagged. 

Corbyn nodded. "I know. You'll be alright. Try and breathe okay." 

Zach nodded and took a deep breath. Daniel walked into the room and frowned. "Oh man. What's going on?"

Corbyn turned towards Daniel as he tried to support Zach's weight. "Apparently he's lactose intolerant but didn't tell us." 

"Damn Zach. I'm sorry," Daniel said. "I shouldn't have got it." 

Zach shook his head as he straightened up. "It's fine, you didn't know," he muttered before puking again. 

Corbyn ran a hand through Zach's hair. "The others are in the living room watching Money Heist if you wanna join." 

Zach backed away from the sink and took a breath. "You done?" Corbyn asked. 

Zach nodded. "I'll clean it." 

"No go lay down. I can clean," Corbyn said as he lengthened the sink howse. 

Zach did as he was told and Corbyn turned to Daniel. "Are you feeling better?" 

"Yeah, I guess sleep is what I needed," he replied. 

"That's good," Corbyn said as they headed to the couch. 

That night Corbyn woke up to the bathroom light on. He sat up and realized Zach wasn't next to him. With a sigh, he wandered into the bathroom. There he found Zach half asleep against the wall. He knelt down and flushed the toilet. "Hey Z. You done?" 

Zach nodded sleepily. "My stomach doesn't hurt so much anymore," he muttered almost falling asleep. 

Corbyn lifted Zach into his arms and carried him to the bed. "Well that's good. It means it's finally out of your system." 

Zach muttered something inaudible and went limp. Corbyn smiled and went to sleep. The next morning Zach wasn't in bed beside Corbyn. Corbyn wandered downstairs to see Zach at the kitchen counter with a bowl of cerea. "Goodmorning Z. Should you be eating that?" 

"Hey Corbs. Nah this is lactose free," Zach said. 

Corbyn sighed. "That's good. You had me worried yesterday. It's fine though. I didn't mind taking care of you." 

Zach grinned as Corbyn hugged him. "I appreciate it," he laughed. 

Weird and awkward ending but hey we tried. Anyway, whoever requested this I really enjoyed writing this so thanks so much!! I hope everyone else enjoyed reading this. Love you guys 💕

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