Jack Avery - Bronchitis

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Jack flipped through a magazine when he heard Corbyn calling for him. He got up and went downstairs. "What's wrong Corbs?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering where the documents are. You know, passports and stuff." Corbyn sighed.

Jack shrugged. "Doesn't John have them?"

Corbyn shook his head. "He gave them back yesterday. I just can't find them."

Daniel walked in coughing. Corbyn felt sympathetic as he looked at the boy. Daniel clearly had fever and he was shivering even with his hoodie. Jack took Daniel to the living room. "Just lie down. You're all shaky and in no position to be wandering the house."

"Zach wanted the cough syrup." Daniel mumbled.

Daniel and Zach had been sick with a cold for almost a week. Corbyn sighed. "Zach come here so we can take care of you. I don't want you just hiding up there with a high fever."

After a few days everything got back to normal. The boys were in studio messing around. Daniel was making beats. Zach and Jonah were playing games. Jack and Corbyn were reading. The in house studio was the boys' favorite hang out spot. "Corbs."

"Yeah. What do you need?" Corbyn muttered not putting the book down.

"Pineapple juice." Jack replied.

"You hate pineapples." Zach replied.

Jack sighed. "I have a sore throat." he mumbled.

Corbyn frowned. "Well if you have a sore throat maybe you shouldn't sing tonight." he said.

Jack shook his head as he got up. "I'm sure I'll be fine." he mumbled.

"Pineapple juice is on the bottom shelf in the fridge." Daniel said. "Left over medicine is in Jonah's room."

The next day Jack woke up with a headache and was unable to talk. Jonah frowned. "Jack, you've got a fever."

Jack swallowed and winced at the pain. "Yeah, I'm also stuffed up."

Jonah sighed. "It's the same as what Zach and Daniel had. Take it easy."

A few hours later Corbyn arrived at the house. "I'm home. Thanks so much for helping me with the groceries."

Jonah appeared downstairs. "Sorry about that Corbyn. Zach and Daniel are out. Jack's sick so I've been taking care of him."

Corbyn frowned from behind the bags. "Sick?" he asked between gritted teeth. He was holding the keys in his mouth.

Jonah took some bags. "Yeah. He's got really bad cold."

Corbyn set down the bags and ran upstairs. There he found Jack asleep. The boys was curled up in a ball. His curls were damp with sweat. He wore a hoodie and sweatpants. The blankets had been kicked to the floor. Corbyn sat beside his boyfriend. "I'm sorry J." he whispered.

Jack moaned and shifted slightly. "Corbyn." he whispered.

"Yes." Corbyn replied.

Jack sighed. "I feel dizzy."

"You only have a cold. You shouldn't like that." Corbyn said getting the thermometer.

A few seconds passed and the thermometer beeped. Corbyn's eyes widened. "104.3"

Corbyn drove Jack to the doctor. The doctor raised an eyebrow. "How can I help?"

"He's got a high fever." Corbyn said.

The doctor gently felt Jack's neck. He took a stethoscope and put it between Jack's shoulder blades. He finally nodded. "Jack has bronchitis. He'll be fine. There are no other infections. The fever got a bit high and I'll give some medication. Otherwise just give him the same medicine you give for a cold."

Corbyn helped Jack off the table. "Thanks."

Jack dozed off during the drive home and Corbyn smiled. When he finally pulled into the driveway, he shook Jack's shoulder. "Come on bud. Let's get you on the couch."

Jack nodded and followed his boyfriend into the house. The boys got settled and turned on a movie. A week later Jack was fine and back to his normal self.

Yeah I know I haven't posted a story in a while. But here we are. Requests are open. Hope you enjoyed❤

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