Daniel Seavey - Seizure

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Jack ran into the house with a grin. "Dani! Zach! The new skateboard park just opened." he announced.

Zach lowered his game remote. "Are you serious?"

"Let's go." Daniel said eagerly.

Corbyn got to his feet. "I'm coming too."

"Let's all go." Jonah sighed.

The boys grabbed their skateboards and raced out the door. Jack had been teaching Daniel and Jonah how to skateboard. Since the two were improving, Jack decided to take them to the new skate park. Daniel grinned at the others. "Let's do this."

Jonah frowned when he saw Daniel blue eyes. "You feeling okay?" he asked with concern. "Your pupils are dilated.

Daniel nodded. "Truth be told he felt sick. His stomach was uneasy and his head was pounding. As they walked down the street Daniel stumbled. Zach caught his friend. "Dani."

Daniel's body began shaking, causing Zach to back away. Jonah knelt down. "Dani!" he gasped.

A small choking sound game from Daniel's throat as his body shook more violently. Corbyn's eyes widened as he realized what was going on. Jack put his phone out, calling an ambulance. After a few minutes, Daniel's body went limp. Jack touched the boy's shoulder. "Dani, please. You have to wake up."

"Dani, the ambulance is on the way. Just wake up." Corbyn pleaded.

"My head." Daniel murmured in a slurred voice.

"Oh man. How do you feel?" Zach asked.

Daniel moaned and put a hand over his mouth. "I think I'm gonna throw up." he murmured almost inaudibly.

Jonah quickly rolled Daniel onto his side. "You'll be okay. Just get it out."

Daniel heaved but nothing came up. Corbyn sighed with relief when he heard the ambulance start to arrive. He looked up and waved when he saw the vehicle. "How old is he?" a medic asked.

"Twenty." Jack said.

"Epilepsy?" the medic asked.

"Not that we know of." Zach replied.

"I'm sure your friend will be just fine." the medic said as he put Daniel on the stretcher.

On the way to the hospital Daniel had a second seizure which was worse than the first one. Soon the boys were in the hospital waiting room. A doctor went to them and sat near them. "Hi. You're here for Daniel Seavey?"

"Yes sir." Jonah said anxiously.

"Your friend is going to be just fine. We called his parents. Turns out he's epileptic. His parents thought you knew. He ran out of his medication." the doctor said.

"So he's alright?" Zach asked.

"Yes." the doctor said.

"Thank you so much doctor. We really appreciate everything." Jack said.

The boys raced down to the ER and found Daniel sitting on the stretcher crying. Corbyn hugged his friend. "Why are you crying?" he asked.

"I'm sorry." Daniel said. "I should've told you. I ran out of medication and it's my first seizure in years. I didn't feel like I needed to. You might worry even more."

"Don't be sorry. We're just glad it's nothing else." Jonah said kindly.

The boys had a group hug and promised to tell each other anything that could be serious.

Sorry about the crappy ending. A new part will be coming soon. :) Requests are open💜

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