Part 6 Back At Work

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So heading back wasn't too bad at least me and Curtis made it back before we got completely into trouble, Chloe was just coming down as we were just about to head upstairs so I could put my bag and coat down, "hey Raya can I just say thank you again?" says Chloe "don't mention it" I tell her rolling my eyes as I know what she's actually going out for probably a snog with her boyfriend or another spa treatment as she does as that's the type of thing she does which I know I am reiterating a lot because I really want this to hit home, she is the laziest, most irritating girl that I've ever seen in a line of work.
As we moved up the stairs Curtis turned to me "why the fuck would you cover for her babe?" Curtis asks incredibly annoyed "as you know what she's doing you told me so the other week so what gives?", "Curtis" I sigh almost as if to say why the hell should I explain this "basically Curtis if she gets away with far too much you know" "so why do it babe come on you're better than that," says Curtis a gentle smile covers his mouth, I shrug "I know, I know honestly if Z and I are working together then fine as I don't mind working with Zalika and Nova it's me and Ben that go at each other's throats," I say "yeah babe I get that anyway, listen I've got to help Martin in the kitchen after this so can you also do a dessert run as well for me?" says Curtis "I suppose so," I say, we get to the lockers and I put my bag, coat and New Look bag in the locker before heading back downstairs to finish the second part of the day off.
So the second we're downstairs on the cafe floor "right Shannon you're working tills with Nova" says Martin Shannon pulls the dirtiest look I've ever seen as if to say touch me love and I'll kill you those two don't get on then again I don't think it helped when Nova and Shannon had a fall out last year in September when they ran our McMillian Coffee Morning which was a complete disaster to say the least like we were all told that day to bring in homemade goodies so your usual cakes, brownies, cookies and whatever else and Nova brought in this chocolate cake which was clearly a store bought cake and Shannon went nuts as it was against the terms and conditions now don't get me wrong, I love Shannon she's always been sound with me but when it comes to law and order she's the girl that won't believe that something sounds wrong and by God will she not take it, but despite all that she definitely isn't afraid to call you out she's like a rottweiler on heat and by lord do those gloves come off when your around Shannon.
"Raya and Zalika are waitressing and cleaning table" continues Martin me and Zalika smile at each other and go off before we hear the rest of the rota. 

Curtis, Ben and Martin did the cooking in the kitchen usually Martin doesn't work often as he has the business with his wife Julia, but today we're short-staffed as George (who does our coffee run was off sick which is odd for him because he's usually really upbeat even when he's been poorly so today the person who's doing our coffee run is a young 18 years old who only works on the weekends a lad called Jordan and his mate Stacey so Jordan's doing the afternoon rounds). As soon as Jordan came in Stacey soon followed, they came threw and got ready to do their delivery service of cakes, teas, coffees whatever (we're kind of a does everything Cafe which I will admit I do like that), as soon as they've picked up their orders they head out.

"Raya doesn't look now," says Curtis as he comes out the kitchen "why what's up?" I question "well... the C words here," says Curtis "oh no not him," I say, I start to scrub a table that doesn't need scrubbing as I don't even want to see him and then I look up to the glass doors, it's him all right Connor Parker with his dirty blond hair in the man-bun, his athletic build, his baggy jeans and his tee shirts from Primark, I struggle to catch my breath. Connor was the biggest regret I've ever had in life he's cheating, sneaky little rat I can't believe I spent a good six months on that asshole as he caused more damage than what was necessary on him. 
I see him walking towards me, Curtis is there though so my eyes aren't even looking at his stupid fuck-ugly face "what do you want Connor?" says Curtis as Curtis really didn't have the highest opinion on Connor whatsoever "what you going to do you pathetic gayboy?" says Connor sarcastically "hey Rays" I don't answer "she doesn't want nothing to do with you so why don't you just leave her alone?" says Curtis honestly the way Curtis looked at Connor it was like if a wild lion had come in he'd have ripped Connor's head clean off his shoulders, Curtis's face was as stern as he stood my ground "leave" was written all over his face "fine I'll get a coffee and go later gayboy later Raya" says Connor giving a sarcastic wave, I'm surprised Curtis didn't knock his teeth down his neck, as Connor walks off thinking he's won.

He knows exactly what he's doing he's like my dad adds salt to the wound like it's going out of fashion, he's a homophobic wanker he never liked Curtis and Curtis doesn't like him the feeling is very, very mutual and when they square up you could cut the tension with a knife, if them two launched themselves at each other they'd be like two rockets in space. Curtis turns to me "you okay Raya?" asks Curtis "I'm fine just wish he'd fuck off as honestly, he knows what he's doing, I mean it doesn't get to me as much as it used to but it's so insensitive as hell" I say I get up from the table that I was pretending to scrub "you shouldn't have to do it" says Curtis "I know but you know what happened Curtis and I don't want to be dealing with it again like they can't stop him from coming in" I say shaking my head sadly, "well at least the decent thing the scumbag can do is be a bit dignified" says Curtis "Curtis just shut up" I say as I go over to another table "all done here?" I ask this couple of 18-year-olds "yes thanks love" says the male "aww love that is the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted better than Starbucks" says the female smiling "good glad to hear that" I say a smile painted across my mouth, I take the tray away and take it through to the kitchen for cleaning, I go back to the servicing and that's when I see him again Nathan "bloody hell someone needing any more protein shakes?" I say to Curtis sarcastically, Curtis gives a cheeky grin "hey Raya" says Nathan from behind me, I bite my lip "hi" I say turning around "surprised you're not on the tills" says Nathan "no one of the girls decided to skive so I'm on the waitressing duty" I say as I put a tray on the side "oh right it's a good look for you" says Nathan a cheeky grin covers his face "lol I can tell you're being sarcastic" I say with my reapative eye-roll "no, no Raya" says Nathan he winks that stupid wink, "anyway what you back here for other than a flirt" I say cheekily "nothing just waiting for Jay to get a strawberry smoothie then we're off out for the night" says Nathan "oh right" I say "Raya! Table 4" says Shannon "yeah alright then" I say, picking the tray of tea up with the small pot of milk and the little satchets of sugar and make my way over to the old couple sat together for their afternoon tea, "there you go guys enjoy" I say after handing them over their order "thank you very much" says the old man and woman in unison I smile "do you enjoy working here?" asks Nathan "honestly Nate I've had better jobs but everyone's friendly enough so" I tell Nathan "well if you don't enjoy it what do you enjoy?" asks Nathan "your right nosy you" I say "come on Raya I just want to know" says Nathan acting like a woman who's just having a chat with her friend about a hot date "look I'm working darling, but if you want to text me..." I say before pulling a note pad out from my apron, and I scribble down my number "there you go" I say handing him the piece of paper, Nathan takes it, I walk up to the staff room, honestly I feel like a dick. "Raya!" shouts Nathan I run upstairs "Curtis let me talk to her okay?" says Curtis.


I nod at the young man in front of me before he runs off after Raya "so how did that go?" said Jay "honestly I don't want to talk about it I feel like I offend her with everything I do" I say rather sadly "ah who needs her come on anyway mate we're hitting the town soon and then you'll get your pick of the skirt" laughs Jay I chuckle lightly as me and Jay head out.


Curtis comes through the door, "how you feeling?" asks Curtis "honestly I feel like a dick" I say in an OMG What Is Wrong With Me type of voice "it's just your fear talking honestly Raya, Nathan seems a genuine deal" says Curtis just sitting down on one of the chairs "maybe so" I say "yeah listen to me,  Raya we've only got an hour left so let's get this over with okay?" says Curtis "okay Curtis" I say I rise up from my seat, go up to the door and open it ready to finish off the day.

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