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Ink sat down on the floor wrapping his arms around his knees. He looked up at the stars. Then at himself. "What are you even doing?" A rough voice called from behind.

Ink looked at him. His pupils staring into his. "Have you ever felt immense pain?" Error looked at him a bit shocked. But sat next to him anyway. What good can he even do?

"Physically? Well-"

"No.. this type of pain..." Ink went on.

"Where you want to cry but you can't. You feel out of it. That no matter how hard you tell yourself to get up and keep going. All you want to do... is just stop. But you know you can't when you have people.... the universe... to keep going for. That they'd be sad if you just loosen that smile off your face. I don't want to be a burden. I want to be someone people can rely on. Not a nuisance." Ink continued as Error looked at him.

"Yeah. Everyone feels that. Even me. You think I like destroying universes upon universes? I have to do it. Because it's my job." Silence filled the air as the both of them continue to sit in silence.

"I've seen so much. And all I want to do is just feel whole again. I can't remember the last time I ever felt peaceful. I ever felt calm." Ink looked down at his hands. Error looked at him then looked away.

When everyone goes through at their worst.

They're expected to get up and keep going.

But they've only kept going because of something that's movitating them to.

"I know." Error sighed.

Error only destroyed universes so he can spend time... a little time with Ink.

They were fated against each other. These moments were the rarest since all they do is bicker and fight each other until one is to injured to continue. They are the balance that holds the universe. They need one another. But need to destroy one another.

Error rubbed Ink's back.

"I.. know.."

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