chapter 2

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chapter 2 jamies POV:

The streets weren't very crowded. They had the usual people coming home from their late night partying and then the same older people I see everyday who wake up early. I smiled when one of the regulars from the restaurant pass by me on the sidewalk. He was an older man, didn't speak very much but when he spoke it was with wisdom.

I took off at a slow jog going my usual route with Jay beside me. He seemed like he could keep up. We didn't say anything, just concentrating on running. I wanted to be in shape in case I ran into anyone from my family... I'm not sure I could handle seeing them just yet, not with what they did to me.

"Ready to go faster?" I asked Jay.

'Sure thing doll' he answered then winked at me. 'Think you can keep up?'

"Ha! I could totally out run you. I was on my schools track team."

He smiled wolfishly at me and then took off. I blinked, shocked that he would try to cheat. He was a good thirty seconds in front of me before I took off sprinting after him.

I caught up with him in no time, panting lightly we both stopped. 'Okay, i'll give you that you sure can run fast... but lets have a race back to the apartment. What do you say?' He asked me

"Well... your on!!" I took off sprinting back to my apartment I made it there in no time.

I pushed open my door panting hard from the exertion. 'Wait... didn't I lock my door?'

Quickly I took out my gun from behind my back. I walked cautiously in the kitchen checking everything out. I made my way to my bedroom and pushed the door open. My gun leading the way... which was a huge mistake obviously. The next second the gun was knocked out of my hand and pointed at me.

A big muscle man stood in front of me. He was only about six foot with a bald head and plain brown eyes. I looked him over noticing that he was smirking at me.

"See what you like darling?" Ugh his voice was meaty as well.

"Actually I was wondering what the fuck are you doing in my room!!" I yelled back at him.

He just smirked at me. " Where is he?"

"Where is who meatball?" I asked really annoyed. Your probably wondering why I'm not scared of being held at gun point. Well thats easy enough to explain, I've been waiting to die my entire life. But the past is the past...

He sneered at me obviously not liking his new nickname. "Where is the boy before I blow your brains out!!"

That got me puzzled for sure. He must have seen the look of confusion on my face, becuase next thing you know he's cocking the gun back putting a bullet in the chamber. "You know what, never mind I'll just kill you now."

I closed my eyes with a smile on my lips and waited. When nothing happened I peaked again but meatball was looking at something behind me. I turned around to see what and gasped.

Standing there not five feet from me was the sexiest man alive. He had jet black hair with familiar blue eyes. He was over six feet thats for sure, and was wearing dark jeans and a tight black t-shirt that showed off his muscles.

'Damn' was all I could think of. I may have even been drooling.

"Put the gun down John." The guy said in the same deep husky voice that Jay had. I looked into his eyes and thought 'that can't just be coinsidence right?' He looked at me and smirked, then his eyes widened and everything went black.



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and sorry its so short i have a MAJOR migraine... hopefully some more up during the week :)

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