chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Jamie's POV

I love running, it makes me get my mind off of everything. While I was running I could hear and smell every animal scurrying away from me. I guess it's my wolf senses kicking in...

'Yes. Go forgive mate.'

Woah...  'Are you my wolf or something?' I asked inside my head curiously. I stopped at a fallen tree and sat down.

'Yes I am. You need mate for tomorrow so go forgive.'

''Well then I guess I know who's side your on.'' I muttered under my breath as I got up. It's not like I wasn't going to forgive him, I just wanted to get away for a little while.

I made my way back to the house, using my new found senses. In no time I made it to the plantation home.

Everyone must be sleeping or something because the only light that was on was the outdoor one. I made my way silently in the house and into Jay's room. He was sitting on his bed his back to me, and he had his head in his hands.

His hair looking like he ran his hands through it countless times. I went around his bed to stand in front of him. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "I'm so so so sorry Jamie. Please forgive me... my wolf was begging me to mark you I couldn't control him."

I put my hand on his shoulder in comfort. "It's alright hun, I just overreacted a little..."

He shook his head, "No love, you reacted as you should have. I should have been able to control my wolf. I le tit get out of hand."

"Well it's okay now. I'm just not ready right now for that. I've never really done anything with a guy before..." I said quietly and looked down.

He grabbed my hips gently and pulled me towards him hugging my waist. I laid my head on his and we just stood there for a few minutes.

"I thought you were gone for good. I wasn't sure if y you would come back or not." His voice sounded so heartbroken.

"Shh it's okay. I'm back, I couldn't ever leave you. After all you were my first pet." I told him laughing lightly at the end. He laughed with me.

We both laid on his bed and snuggled up, just holding each other. I noticed that I was  more comfortable with him in human form than what I was before. Jay and I fell asleep in each others arms.

"Aww look how cute!" I small voice said near the bed. I was so comfortable and didn't want to get out of bed.

"Shh Amy, your going to wake them up." Lucy's voice said. I pretended to still be asleep.

"But Aunt Lucy..." The small voice whined. It almost caused me to 'aww' but I remembered at the last second I was still suppose to be asleep.

Lucy sighed. "You'll be able to meet her when they wake up. Now come on we have breakfast to make."

I heard them both retreat out of the room. Jay was still fast asleep, and his light snoring soon caused me to fall asleep again as well.

"UNCLE JAY!!!!" The same voice from before screamed and then I felt someone jump on him.

I groggily opened my eyes and saw the most adorable girl ever. She had light green eyes and long brown curly hair. She was probably about five years old. Looking over at Jay he was smiling up at the little girl.

"Did ya miss me that much?" He asked with his voice husky from just waking up.

"Yess! Now you tell me who this pretty lady is right here before I sock you one." She said looking angry and putting her finger in my face causing my eyes to cross because it was so close.

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