chapter 10

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Chapter 10 : Jay's POV

"Hello future Alpha." I heard Carlos' voice say from next to me. He was my fathers second in command, his right hand man. And i'm most certain that he was sent to bring me back. Little did he know that I was already planning on going back, just on my terms.

"Shit." I whispered. 'Why does he have to be here now!' I thought. 

He turned to face Jamie and I growled menacingly when I watched him eye her up and down with lust written clear on his face. Raising an eyebrow as he turned back to look at me with confusion.

"Could you be so kind as to not look at my mate that way. I may be inclined to tear your eyes out." I told him being truthful about my threat. Inhaling sharply I could smell Jamie's arousal and it nearly drove me and my wolf insane! She must be a wolf, there's no other explanation for her behavior. So that means that she's coming into her first heat and all other male werewolves will feel it from almost a mile away. This is not good...

Carlos put his hands up in surrende and took a step back. "I'm sorry Jason, you must know what it feels like though. It's just not something you can control very easily. Expectially with an unmarked bitch in heat..." He trailed off at the end looking back at Jamie who wasn't even paying attention to him, but had her eyes glued to me. My wolf purred in satisfaction.

"Yeah I know what it feels like, but it still dosen't mean I can't kick your ass for doing it." I snarled out at Carlos who looked away from Jamie again guiltily.

"What do you mean unmarked? Aren't I marked anyways since Jay knew I was his mate?" Jamie asked quietly.

I shook my head in answer and further explained. "For a female to be marked they need to umm..." I faked an uncomfortable cough. "The female and her mate need to be making love and well, the male bites into her neck marking her as his..." I trailed off and looked up at Jamie. Her cheeks were red and she was fiddling with her hands nervously.

I took her hands into mine and waited for her to look up at me. "I promise you Jamie, I won't let anyone touch you. And if you really want to be with me, I'll wait for you. I'll never force you into anything that you don't want to do."

She smiled lightly and nodded her head at what I had said.

Carlos interrupted us. "Ok so now that she knows all of that... Let's go Jason. Your father has been waiting long enough."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I was going to come... I just wanted to talk to Jamie about it first." I looked at Jamie again, "Well what do you say love? Want to go meet my pack, well more specifically my father?"

She thought about it for a minute and then nodded. "Alright then." I turned to face Carlos. "Well we just have to go get our things at our motel room and then we'll be on our way."

Carlos nodded. "Alright I'm holding it to you then Junior." He said using my nickname he gave me when I was just a little pup.

I stood up and gave him a man hug slapping his back. "Nice to meet you by the way." He told Jamie and then he left without another glance back.

We got our food and ate it quickly. Now making our way back towards the motel Jamie breaks the silence.

"Soo... how does he know that your telling the truth about going back?" She asked me curiously.

"A man is nothing without his word love." I answered her truthfully.

"Oh okay. I can see you being an honorable man and what not." She said with a smile on her face. "If you don't mind me asking... Why did you run away or whatever in the first place?"

I stopped walking midstep and watched her turn back around looking at me questioningly. "No I don't mind at all... I was just thinking that I'm glad that I did it because otherwise I wouldn't have met you."

She looked down and blushed. "I'm really glad too... Except you got me fired." She said after in a teasing tone.

I smiled at her sheepishly. "Sorry about that. I'll just have to get my old job back as a construction worker. Then you won't have to work at all. How's that sound?"

She put her hands on her hips. "I don't think so mister. If this mating crap works out then you better get use to me working as well because I don't depend on anyone, never have never will."

I cocked an eyebrow and had a grin plastered on my face when she said that. 'Damn I love a woman who can take charge. But if she thinks that she's going to be working she has another thing coming.' "Okay we'll just have to wait and see I guess."

"You damn right. Your going to see me working." She muttered under her breathe and took off walking back to the room.

I followed after her with a big smile on my face as I watched her ass sway back and forth as she walked. 'I could definately get use to this.' I thought.

Back at the room she was packing all of her stuff back up while I watched her. After a few minutes she had everything back in her duffle bag and her keys in hand. "Well you ready to get on the road again?" She asked me going to pick up her duffle bag.

 I beat her to it and slung it over my shoulder on my back. "I'd go anywhere as long as your right by my side."

She blushed again and I walked up to her tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. She cleared her throat, "ok then... let's go!"


ok ok soo thanks everyone for reading commenting voting fanning!!!! keep it up :D i'll have more up maybe friday maybe sooner... you'll just have to see!

soo bye guys and dont forget to vote comment fan!!!!! :)

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