chapter 20 part 1

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Chapter 20 Jamie's POV

"Mmm this cake sure is good Aunt Jamie." Amy told me between bites.

I smiled warmly at her and took a bite of my own slice of cake. "Why thank you, but it wasn't all me. You two did help make the mess..." I trailed off and looked pointedly at the both of them, Jay and Amy.

Jay rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly while looking around. "Yeah about that... My mom is going to be super pissed when she sees the kitchen."

I looked around the kitchen. There was eggs cracked everywhere, and flour on the floor. They even had cake mix on the ceiling! "I think we should clean up before your moms gets..." I was cut off by the sound of a door slamming.

"I'm home!" Lucy yelled out loud. My eyes widened  and I looked at Jay who had the same expression on his face as me. Amy had somehow already left the room without a sound.

"I'll get the mop!" I said hurriedly and ran to the broom closet.

I heard Jay running behind me. "I got the broom!" He said. We quickly got to work and had the floor spotless in less than a minute. We were both out of breath when his mom came in the kitchen holding grocery bags.

"Hey kids. How'd your day go?" She asked us curiously.

"Ohh it was calm you know... We didn't really do anything." Jay told her.

"Oh okay, Well i've got some stuff to unload here so yall go find Amy or something and get out of my hair."

Jay and I looked at each other and shot out of the kitchen like rockets.

"I can't believe we didn't get caught!" I told Jay as we ran upstairs too look for Amy.

"I know! My mom usually notices everything. Maybe she just let us get away because you were there." Jay said looking at me thoughtfully. "I think i'll keep you around." He said and threw an arm around my shoulders.

I smiled at him and placed a hand on his arm. "Well that's flattering. Just keep me around so you won't get into as much trouble." I told him faking a pout.

He ruffled my hair and gave me a cheeky smile. "You know that's not true Jamiekins. I love you, I love everything about you." He said sincerely.

"Aww you gave me a nickname! That's so sweet!"

"Uncle Jay that is sweet!" Amy yelled as she came running out of his room and into the hall. After she made it to us out of breath she said, " did she notice?"

Jay laughed. "No Amy she didn't, and you would have heard her screaming if she did."

"Oh well that's good. Uncle Jay can we go for a run pwetty pwease?" Amy asked him giving him the cutest puppy dog eyes ever.

he took one look at her and sighed. "You know I can't say no to that face, and the only way we are going is if Jamie wants to come. I'm not leaving her alone with my mom."

"Yay!!!" Amy screamed and then turned the puppy dog look on me. "Can we Aunt Jamie please?"

I smiled and picked her up, putting her on my hip. "Of course we can. But do you think you can keep up with us?" I asked questioningly.

Jay spoke up. "By run she means in wolf form and she rides on my back."

"Ohh I see. Well let's go!" I said eagerly. I can't wait to transform again.

We ran downstairs and through the kitchen. Lucy was washing dishes and just gave us a 'behave yourselves look'.

Finally outside and in the woods Jay stood to the side of me smiling. "This is how your first shift should have been. Now to shift swiftly you have to really concentrate."

I smiled at him. "Okay, so I have to concentrate what else?"

He breathed in deeply. "Try to communicate with your inner wolf and she will talk you through the process of changing. Got it?" Jay looked at me and I smiled reassuringly.

"Yeah I think I've got it."

"Alrighty then, i'll be right here the entire time." In the next instant he was back to his familiar wolf form and Amy climbed up on his back.

"Come on Aunt Jamie! You can do it." Amy yelled while laughing at Jay as he almost made her slide down his back.

I nodded my head and tried to reach for my inner wolf. 'I'm here.' I heard a calm voice in my head.

'Okay, well are you ready to come out and play?' I asked her in my head.

'Yes!' She said excitedly, and before I knew what was happening a tingling sensation spread throughout my whole body. It wasn't painful this time, it just sort of pretty much happened. In no time I was back in my wolf form.

I scratched at the earth beneath my paws and stretched getting the feel of this form agin. After a minute I felt comfortable in it, and I turned to Jay licking him on the nose.

Amy laughed from on his back. "Let's go Uncle Jay and Aunt Jamie!"

I gave them a wolfish grin and took off into the woods. The woods were so peaceful and the wind felt cool flowing through my fur as I ran faster and faster.

Jay was a few yards behind me, being slowed down by Amy on his back. I relished in the feel of freedom that being in my wolf form brought me.

'Danger' my inner wolf said to me. It caused me to slow down but before I could turn around to see Jay a heavy weight was on my back and teeth were clamped around my neck.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N~~~~~~~

alright second part of this chapter will probably be posted tomorrow!!! so comment and vote on this one if u like it :)

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