Chapter 19 - Support

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The couple was having a great time, after going to various attractions, when they found a dance mat in that arcade, Peach insisted that Koopa try, even if they were separated she would be rooting for him, and would like to see how he would do.

Choosing the greatest difficulty, and knowing that he had the support of the princess behind rooting for him, Bowser knew he could not do badly, and after warming up and choosing the music, in a few moments a crowd would gather around the dance floor . Everyone applauded every trick and every combo that Bowser got, he spun, he jumped from side to side, he even used his hull as a support to be able to achieve the perfect combo, no one from Darklands would believe in the speed that Bowser was at reaching, it was just perfect.

Compared to the way he danced at the ball, Peach was not too surprised that he was extremely perfect in the game, and yet her heart swayed with every move he made, and in no way was she able to look away, and make the butterflies in your stomach calm down.

Bowser ends the song with all the accolades in the most dramatic way possible, which Koopa ends the last step on his back while looking at the princess, with the game's DJ announcing a new record, after the crowd cheers and even some screams for koopa's performance. A message appears if you want to continue with the game or remove your chips, Bowser without having to choose whether to press to remove the chips, when he feels a touch on his claw that he immediately realizes that it was Peach who was touching him.

"I don't want to be the only one to have fun, do you think I should make another song," said the koopa, smiling and awkward for being in that situation, and even though everyone was asking for another song only one person's opinion mattered. Peach just smiling without having to say a word, Bowser understands the princess's message and puts two more tokens in the machine while Peach walks away a little to make room for the king to give his show, which he is secretly loving just watching.

Smiling non-stop, everyone could see the face that Peach was making, although Bowser danced very well, he looked for her approval to continue dancing and was more excited than ever and everyone could see that he was not dancing simply to be the best, he was dancing the best he could to show her.

After jumping off the platform with an immense stack of tickets that both were carrying, Bowser was trying to win some praise from the princess who was in a radiant mood. "How do you think I did?"

"You know very well how you did, besides, just look at the queue behind you, everyone decided to try their luck on the machine. And I'm picking up with my heightened senses, that someone just wants to be praised "

"Maybe I am, who knows, the crowd left me a little bewildered, so I don't know how my performance went, so I would like to hear from you how amazing I was."

Peach laughed, she was already used to Bowser's lines and seeing the koopa's face approach her while waiting for a compliment left her with a good feeling in her chest. "Well, I think you deserve a little praise, let's say you did well ... I heard that the real Bowser is as incredible as that, especially in this type of dance. I also learned that he himself said that he will be the best in all types of dance, no matter how stupid they are ".

"I just did it well ... I thought that the person who says I'm his best friend, would praise me more," says Bowser, laughing as he sees the reaction of the princess who doesn't know what to say.

While they were both in line at the box office, Peach thought about how wonderful her day was, Bowser was doing everything to please her, and he didn't ask for anything in return ... and yet he just had a smile on his face, just for being with her. Wanting to somehow return what she was feeling, the princess decides to let the koopa decide the character they are both playing.

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