* Chapter 43.3 - Fever

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Putting the helicopter down and both of them getting out of the vehicle, Toadsworth believed that the hangar that Bowser landed did not belong to his palace, since the place was really big; however, in following King Koopa, the little toad is shocked to learn that both were already in Bowser's palace.

"Welcome to my home, I'll introduce you to Volcano Palace. You wanted to know how the princess spent these days, I can take you on a little excursion and clear up all your doubts, although I know that in two hours it will not be possible to show most places; good as soon as we start you will realize that you should not underestimate my palace. "

"I don't think it's so big in here, and I don't need a tour of the entire palace, just introduce me to the places the princess has been to, that these two hours will be enough to look at everything," said the little toad, wondering that Bowser just wanted to show every detail of the architecture of his home.

Barely managing to hold on, Bowser starts to laugh at the toad's face, and holds back as much as possible to be able to enjoy the moment that Toadsworth was at a loss for words. "Even if we go by car, we would not have time to see everything, I will show you the places that Peach most frequented, and just with that, you will see that comparing your castle to my palace is something you should never do."

Irritated by Bowser's words, Toadsworth does not believe in all the confidence that the koopa was having, and is irritated to think that his kingdom was inferior to Bowser's, especially the royal castle to which he was very proud to be a part. Choosing to remain silent, Toadsworth only thinks about the well being of Peach, although she chose Bowser, the toad would do anything to prevent the koopa from taking his girl out of the kingdom and not pushing her further away from him.

Choosing to show Peach's room first, Bowser chooses a path on which Toadsworth can see one of his bakeries, in which he was secretly enchanted by the smell emanating from the place. Taking advantage and explaining about some places that Peach frequented such as bakeries, and cafeterias like McGomba, the two don't even notice the time passing and finally arrive at Peach's room. "Toadsworth, this is the princess's room, I ask you not to move anything, because he is fixing it the way Peach left him. Only a few people are allowed to enter here, so I ask for your understanding ".

Opening the doors and letting his guest in, the koopa remembers all the moments he had with his love, and is mesmerized by his own memories. Toadsworth, who was at the place, realizes that all the decoration was designed in Peach, from the furniture, to the color palette of the walls, she also had a huge bathroom and a bed in which four more princesses could fit without problems.

"Do all rooms have the same accommodations, or just the one the princess stayed in?" Toadsworth asked, thinking of Princess Daisy's comfort.

"All the rooms are practically the same, I like to treat my guests with total comfort, come and I'll show you the room that Princess Daisy stayed in, you can do whatever you want there."

Heading to the other side of the corridor, the old toad is relieved to learn that Daisy and Peach were so close to each other, it was enough through a corridor and the two would stay together, that took away all the thoughts that Toadsworth had, thinking that his princess was alone and unprotected from Bowser's advances.

Entering the other room, Toadsworth realizes that the decor was really very similar, with only a few details being different from Peach's room, reassuring his heart with the hospitality that the two received. "Well, the rooms are approved, now there are doubts, if only these rooms maintain this pattern, or if the rest of the palace is in a koopa pattern".

"How brave of you, you can let me have the pleasure of showing the koopa pattern in each of the places we will go to", assuming that the entire Volcano Palace was koopa pattern, Bowser just smirks at the toad and waits for the same notice the size of its insignificance.

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