* Chapter 36.6 - Meeting

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Having a great night's sleep, Bowser and Peach wake up embraced in the same position they fell asleep in, as if sleeping together was the most natural thing they both experienced in their life

"Good morning my bride, how did you sleep tonight?"

"Extremely well, I was with my fiance even during my dreams."

Exchanging caresses and flirtations when they wake up, both decide to stay a few more minutes inside the tent, before finally saying goodbye to Cloud Kingdom. As they talked, the koopa noticed that Peach was lost looking at her ring all the time, as if she was admiring the greatest work of art in the world, making Bowser proud to be right in choosing this jewel.

"Hey Bowser, I never imagined that you would choose something so delicate ... not that you wouldn't be able to, but from the latest experiences, I thought you would give me a jewel that could see thousands of distances." Laughing right after his comment Peach, he shows his fiance that he was getting more and more, leaving the past behind. "She really is beautiful, I can't stop being enchanted by the sparkle of the jewel on her, it looks like I'm looking at the moon itself".

Chuckling Bowser takes Peach's hands and explains about the ring he is wearing properly. " You really don't go with extravagant things, I learned it last time, like the one that wouldn't even fit on your finger. But this alliance is unique, the glow you are looking at is the essence of the moon, which is why it draws so much attention. I confess that it was a little difficult to get this way, because I don't use Power Moon, it would be something like having a piece of the moon's soul, it is something pure and without malice that you will not find anywhere else in the universe ".

After Bowser kisses Peach's forehead, the princess grabs the koopa and kisses him back on her lips, feeling the heat she loves so much: "Bowsy, you could sing again; I can't forget how special our night was, the music, the weather, the feeling. Everything was so perfect that I even ran out of words, you said you made this song with Ludwig and I couldn't answer as I wanted, I was very moved, I cried with happiness. Bowser I need you in my life, I was afraid to wake up and all of this would be a dream, because I don't want to be apart from you, I want to be with everyone ... and I hope that after we solve everything in our kingdoms, we can get married and never stay away from each other ".

"You don't have to ask me again, I will sing every time you ask me, to make you happy".

After Bowser sang for the love of his life, and Peach once again saying that he wanted to marry the koopa, the couple decides to leave the tent and reunite with their family and friends.

Having coffee with everyone around them, the koopas are looking at their radiant Mama Peach, and notice the sparkle in her ring, and realize everything that had happened last night, becoming jealous of Ludwig who was the only one who made a mistake. surprise for their mother.

With Junior sitting on Peach's lap, the little koopa can't forget everything his father did last night, and he wonders if all of that was because they would be gone a long time without seeing his mother. "Mama Peach, I know you have to leave ... but now that Dad has given you a ring, does that mean we won't be seeing you for a long time?"

Peaching her heart, Peach knew that this delicate subject would come in an hour, she could feel the look of everyone around her and knew how much she would miss each one of them, just as they were part of her life. At that time, Peach felt that since her return to Darklands, she hadn't spoken in all letters about her relationship with the koopalings, they loved her and did everything to please her, simply because they wanted her around, and now it was time for her to repay all this.

"Yes Junior, I have to go back to Mushroom Kingdom, I am the main conductor of my kingdom and I cannot leave you and stay in the palace with you all. But I also will not abandon any of you, even though I am away, I am the mother of all of you, and you are my children, I will always return to be close to my family, and I will also take you to my kingdom whenever possible. So Junior, I'm not going to be away for long, I just ask you to be patient, but know, they will always be in my heart.

Bowser X Peach: A WishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora