* Chapter 42.2 - Bowser Versus

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As everyone headed for the castle, Peach was quiet in the car thinking of the words Toadsworth spoke to everyone at the press conference, which due to his lack of strength, someone else had to take on a burden that only she should carry. Seeing the grief in her cousin's eyes, Daisy begins to take care of Peach who was soaked, and together with Luigi they start drying the princess so she doesn't get sick.

As Toadette and Toadsworth were in another car, Peach looks forward to arriving at the castle and being able to talk to Toadsworth about everything that happened. As soon as everyone arrived at the castle and finally all the vehicles stopped, the princess jumped out of her seat and ran towards Toadsworth who had just left the other car. "Why did you decide to take on all of this? I know you were always with me, you practically saw me grow up and I know when you disapprove Bowser, you could have been silent and now you are assuming what I should be carrying! "

"Now my girl, if he will be your future husband, how can I stay still, first I have to know how that fat gecko treats him, I want to know exactly what the place is like, I recently discovered that we don't know anything about Darklands, how I can be part of your life without knowing anything. So don't worry, silly, and know that if I see something you don't approve of, I will create drastic measures, I will not let the royalty decay, now I want you to rest, and put this dress to dry, it would be a pity to see something so beautiful and delicate to be damaged. Also take a hot bath, which I will ask you to prepare a hot tea and soup to keep warm, now with your license I need to speak to the king and send a message to Darklands. "


Taking advantage of the fact that his entire kingdom heard about the news of his marriage, Bowser once again transmits to the entire kingdom, that from today onwards security in the kingdom would be strengthened and affirms the importance of his collective, in which he will open the location of the his kingdom for everyone. Leaving the room in which he made his speech, the koopa meets with all his children who run up to their father to talk about how happy they are to see Mama Peach on television.

"King pope, we still have to keep some kind of secret that Mama Peach has been here all these days, plus we can really tell everyone that she is our mother." Asks Junior, looking carefully at what his father would say .

"Nobody needs to hide anything else, you can tell they were with your mom Peach, the only thing I ask is that you don't talk about the house on the beach, Salty Beach will become one of our secret vacation homes that we can enjoy whenever we want ", While hugging his children, Bowser was happy to see the joy of his children, and this scenario was calming his heart that was nervous to have seen his love in the rain. Of course he was happy, Peach besides defending him had spoken in front of everyone that she loved him, but he would not forgive all those sensational vultures that made his love have to act like that. "Kamek, how's the deadline for construction of the airport and the new kingdom communication network? "

"I believe that within a week, our new communication network should already be in place and operating without any problems, about the airport our engineering team said that by the end of December it should be concluded, everyone is doing their best and doing everything to make you proud ".

"Great, I'll spend time with my kids and later we'll go to Bowser Castle. You don't have to worry about anything else, after seeing how hard my Peach has worked, I'll make it a success, as well as showing it to each one of Mushroom's goons his rightful place. " Going out with his children, Bowser stays with them all afternoon, and at the request of his children asks to build a huge pool for everyone to enjoy when his mother returns to the Palace again,

saying goodbye to her children and leaving Kammy to take care of the castle, Bowser together with Kamek, head to the new Bowser Castle, where they prepare all the accommodation for the media Using the trick Peach discovered, Bowser together with Cookoopa prepared a large buffet that will satiate all their guests, making everyone kneel before skills of your cook.

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