Chapter 60 - Peach's Birthday

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"Peach honey, what do you think you're doing at this hour?"

"Good morning Toadsworth, the day is very pleasant isn't it?"

"Isn't that what I asked princess, and theoretically you should be sleeping!"

"I ended up waking up a little early and couldn't sleep, so I'm just finishing signing and reviewing some documents, at least we'll have everything ready in time."

"You can't see what you're doing to yourself...", Peach might have been acting tough, but Toadsworth could see how hard his girl was trying, the makeup wasn't covering all the sleepless nights, she practically was working until exhaustion. "Since you got back from the Darklands, the only thing you've been doing is standing behind this bench, full of documents, but you're forgetting the main thing, which is taking care of yourself."

"But I'm taking care of myself, I'm enriching my mind, and soon we'll be opening our new trading system, I can't afford to make any mistakes."

"Peach, all documents are in perfect condition, I spent days reviewing every detail myself, not to mention the efforts of her majesty and her fiancé who made everything go smoothly. So please put down those papers and look around you, everyone in the castle is tense and worried about your health, some even spend their nights awake in fear that something will happen to their health, so why don't you decide to take the day to relax and really enjoy the day?"

"I didn't want to worry any of you...that wasn't my intention, I just wanted to." Shutting up and seeing the toad's fatherly gaze in front of her, Peach puts down her pen and does as Toadsworth suggested. Day off is no problem."


Being in a closed chamber, full of sharp objects, and lava corridors, Bowser ran, while his sons attacked their father with everything they could. No one spared efforts, and everyone was serious in the fight against the big koopa, especially Junior who for the last two months was training daily with his father.

Blowing a fireball in its hands, the koopa uses its claws to slice and melt some giant blades coming towards it, but by delaying its movements, Bowser who had never stopped, ends up slipping in his own sweat, completely delaying his movements. , and giving the koopalings the perfect opportunity to create a group attack from all directions.

Ludwig used his wand to create multiple copies of himself and launched fireballs which along with Wendy's bracelets surrounded the entire area around their father. Roy and Morton took the opportunity using their strongest attacks, with Morton throwing a giant hammer and Roy firing his loaded cannon at full force.

Even if his father escaped, the koopalings had a common goal, to defeat his father and so no one was giving the super koopa rest, they knew that somehow he could escape. So Lemmy and Larry threw as many Bom-omb's at their disposal, creating a shower of heavy artillery, followed by a strange liquid that Iggy was releasing from one of his latest inventions.

It was because of his small flaw, that Bowser was stuck in a very complicated situation, no matter which route he chose he would surely be hit by his children's attacks, and although the koopa was happy to see his children evolve every day. The king of the Darklands also knew that if he got hurt, his bride's wrath would fall on his skin, an act he needed to avoid at all costs. With no options for leaving the scene, Bowser had to defend himself on the spot; and the only thing he could use was his own body, apart from the floor that was broken from the impact of his training.

That was a challenge the mighty koopa had to face, now without Mario in his way, Bowser couldn't relax, he had to keep fit, the king had to outdo himself, he couldn't resort to the old tricks anymore. Tricks which have always been defeated by the nosy plumber which he can never fight at full strength.

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