* Chapter 33.3 - Competition

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With everyone getting ready, Bowser wastes no time, and gives orders to everyone in his palace, leaving no detail out, entering his room, the koopa wastes no time and begins to execute his plan. Locking himself in the room, Bowser knew he couldn't make mistakes, so this time his plan should be perfect and contain no flaws, as he only had one chance to make Peach happy, and he wasn't going to waste that moment. As his bags were already packed, Bowser showed that he was more concerned with this trip than anything else, and soon began to use his powers and black magic leaving the entire environment of his rooms in complete darkness.

Using the Power Star and even the Power Moon, the koopa is unable to succeed by making him angry, and making the koopa disappointed in himself, making him have to resort to other modes, even if for that, he has to stay some time away from Peach.

An hour after breakfast, as agreed, Bowser goes to Daisy's room to pick up the princesses and take them to the main hangar; arriving at Princess Bowser's room, she knocks on the door and enters the rooms and only finds Daisy, with a large suitcase and she already wore a beach outfit.

"Hi Bowser, I'm ready, but I think there's something wrong with Peach, she just ran off saying that she had to solve something super important, I think you better go to her room, I'll be waiting for you both in the hall".

Thanking the warning, worried Bowser walked quickly to his fiancee's room while Daisy stayed behind. Warning that he is entering the room, Bowser sees Peach in his bed holding with all his strength the gift that he himself gave her. "Peach something happened, you are well, someone dared to hurt you", said the great king of Darklands with a tone in his voice that showed that anyone who touched his bride would be eradicated from the world.

"I can't go out and leave the palace, if someone took my treasure I wouldn't know what I was going to do". With a worried look on Peach, he looks into Bowser's eyes showing how much he cares about him, and the fear that something will happen to him.

"Give me the vase," said Bowser, pointing his claws at the flower of the heart. "Now follow what I am going to do, even if it is of a different foundation, so I remember you still know a little magic. Make a star like me on the object and make another one in your heart, infuse magic in those movements that everything will be alright".

Doing exactly as Bowser says Peach realizes that his treasure has magically disappeared, as if it entered his own body and a flame inhabited his heart. After assimilating everything, and remembering that the flower feeds on the emotions that inhabit his heart, Peach jumps on Bowser hugging him and is calming himself while he was in the arms of his beloved.

Staying a few seconds like this, they both kiss warmly, until they move away. Being able to see the situation much more calmly, Peach shows Bowser his clothes for the pool. She had an outfit covering her on top, but Bowser could see the bikini that the princess was wearing, he had a design that resembled her dresses, but had many more details which made the princess even more wonderful.

With my mouth open Bowser almost fell off the bed with the reaction of the clothes. "How beautiful you look, everything ... is it all just for a day at the beach?"

"Yes, all this for the beach, I wanted to look pretty for my fiance to look at me". Speaking without thinking, Peach sees that his sentence was very embarrassing making her unable to look at Bowser. Picking up one of Bowser's two claws she pulls him forward not letting him see his face and walks towards Daisy, so everyone together goes to the main hangar.

While the two walked wondering how they would get to the beach, Bowser presents nothing more and nothing more than his battleship. Since the last incident in which Bowser desperately tried to marry Peach and was left on the moon he had not yet changed the colors of his ship. "Must still modify the colorsit, the feeling of white with purple is giving me nightmares that do not wish to remind anyone, at least it is equipped with the Power Moon, then there will be no problem for us to give as many want to travel."

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