*Chapter 30.1 - Own Will

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Bowser was struggling not to cry, finally he was living everything he always dreamed of, and in the end happiness walked up to him. Before koopa thought that nothing would get over the week of his birthday, where he can approach the princess, where he managed to get into his heart, and now he was seeing that she loved him too, that she was in his arms, that he she could smell his perfume, that he felt that their hearts were just one.

Daisy, who was behind everyone, was shocked and at the same time thrilled, she hoped that their meeting would be different, but seeing such a sweet scene, so pure, her heart was melting with that scene. Daisy was also impressed to see Peach so happy, he did not imagine that his cousin could smile that way, and at that moment the princess knew that her cousin had found her place.

Bowser Júnior was overjoyed, he finally managed to bring his parents together and finally everyone's life would be much more fun, taking advantage of his parents' embracing, Júnior was getting closer and closer, until he reached the point that koopa managed to hug them both with all his strength in order to prevent that moment from ending. Peach, feeling the koopa's affection, opened her arms and placed him between the two, thanking her once again, for being the hero who brought her where she needed to be.

After a few minutes of hugging each other, Bowser was very curious about what happened, he was sure that Peach would be with Mario, and when Junior was involved in this. "Junior, how did you get out of the castle?"

"Actually, I sent myself by mail, since Mama Peach left the castle, I implanted a locator, and I was watching her steps, then it was easy to find out the hotel she was in and I sent it by mail, no one would suspect, and so I could save Mama Peach. "

Bowser was about to scold Junior, but Peach ended up laughing, making the koopa forget everything around him. "Peach ... but for your trip, shouldn't you be having fun with all your friends? And don't get me wrong I am very happy to see you again, I love you and I couldn't stand to see you smile for another day. "

At that moment Peach blushed, this was not the time to be ashamed, but she couldn't speak all that happened, and the princess hid her face by resting her head on the koopa's shoulders, while she dared to say everything she felt. Daisy, who was away and was watching the whole scene, at that moment approaches the couple, and shares some shameful moments of Peach. "As soon as Peach arrived at the airport, she was very strange, she didn't look like herself, she was traveling somewhere else and thinking about someone, who had been with her. On our trip, the only moments she had fun were when she told me about her week here, or when she smelled her perfume on the dresses she wore. The rest you can imagine, she finally found out that she was in love with you, and now we're here. "

Knowing that Daisy was enjoying revealing these moments to Bowser, Peach resolves to speak to Bowser herself, and not to allow Daisy to embarrass her any more. "As much as I was with my friends, and Daisy was with me, I felt alone. It didn't matter if you were next to a crowd, none of them were you and I couldn't find you anywhere, and my mind, my heart couldn't take it anymore. "

Kamek, arriving after everyone, realizes why Bowser had asked to pause the meeting, in addition to meeting Junior, he was beside Princess Peach who had returned to the palace to everyone's delight. However, the magikoopa had to worry, as Bowser ordered, his schedule was full, he had urgent commitments that could not be prolonged. Looking at Kammy who understood his look, Kamek asked her to gather all the koopalings to welcome the princess, while he addressed them both. "It is with extreme happiness that we have received your highness back, but the king has several obligations which it will no longer be possible to put off!"

Looking at Bowser, Kamek shows the entire list of his obligations and addresses only his king. "Sir, I know that it is difficult to hold you now, and I also know that you will not abandon your commitments because it was you who asked for all of them, and the king always keeps his word, so I promise you that I will help you, I will use every second of our day, every breath I take, I will teleport you to all possible places and I promise that I will make today as productive as possible. "

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