* Chapter 37.7 - For my family

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Entering her room and coming face to face with Daisy, Peach sits next to her waiting cousin.

"You may think I was insensitive, but all I did was think about you. We have practically another night here in Volcano, and you are very used to Bowser's presence at your side; and now you need to know how to deal with distance and longing ".

"Don't even tell me that, Daisy, I know I'm a little attached, but it's because I've never felt that in my life, it's all new, and when I leave I'll be away from them, and I won't be able to come back here to take care of each one ".

"That's why I'm here, to get you used to being away from them, I know it won't be easy, and I can't stay with you for as long, so the time we are together will be for practicing", knowing the fears that surrounded Peach's thoughts, Daisy tries her best to reassure her cousin. "Peach, don't worry Bowser loves you, you are his life, when the two of you are together, you lose track of time and stay in a world just yours. I know you are worried about each one, you just need to show that even far away you will always be with them ".

Amazed by all that Daisy said, Peach realizes that her cousin is right, the period away from Bowser and the koopalings will be very difficult for her, and she should do something for everyone not to forget her, and show that she was always thinking in them, just like the flower that Bowser gave him.

Getting stuck in her thoughts, and dangling from side to side, Daisy says that Peach was very pure, and should provoke her fiance, to spice up the relationship, as this would bring the two together, and make certain people like Lady P. stay away.

"Daisy, how can I tease you, I'm not very good at it, and when we're alone, it's Bowser who teases me, making me barely able to walk, and the only thing I can do is hold him while my heart accelerates, looking like it's going to get out of my chest ".

"Time's silly, you need to do almost nothing, one detail changes everything, you know a different outfit, a different touch, a long kiss, this will already move his heart. Of course, it would help if you knew his weaknesses, when you discover these things, nothing can stop you ".

Laughing at Daisy's comment, Peach remembers when she was messing with Bowser's hair and found one of those places that her cousin just talked about, and in her mind she is curious to discover the other weaknesses that Bowser would have.

Daisy, asking Valkoopy for a bucket of popcorn, decides to watch a movie in Peach's room, while the princess goes to take a relaxing bath and reflect on everything that was happening. Getting lost in her thoughts, Peach realizes that Bowser has done a lot more things for her, than anyone ever in his life, besides having proposed and making her happy every day, he gave his greatest treasure, the flower from the heart that was linked to your own life.

"No matter the time or place, the flower will always be by my side, it reminds me of your smile, it reminds me of your voice, it reminds me that I am not alone in the world, and it reminds me of all the feelings that I have for you. I feel like I did so little for him, since he does everything for me ... my Bowsy managed to never forget him and always be with me, from the moment I wake up, until when I go to sleep ", stopping talking alone, Peach gets out of the bath and gets ready for bed. Going to their bed and sitting next to Daisy, they both finish watching the movie, and after talking about feelings, the two decide to sleep early, to enjoy the next day better.

With Daisy fast asleep, Peach summons the flower of the heart and keeps looking at the gift that Bowser gave her, and feeling an infinite affection for that gift, Peach named Clara's heart flower. Keeping Clara in her heart, the princess feels a warm flame in her heart, which reassured her and left Peach more determined to do something for everyone to feel the same way she did.

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