Chapter 58 - Escape and Games

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Waking up to a light knock on her bedroom door, Peach gets up from her bed with great difficulty, she was still sleepy from having taken Bowser's place since he disappeared for a very important meeting; the princess, in addition to being almost everywhere in the palace, also needed to pay attention to Daisy and Luigi, spend time with their children, and speak directly to the media who were dying to exchange a few words with their future queen.

Finally managing to open the door to his room, Peach doesn't find anyone outside, but realizes that there was a small note taped to his door, which makes him very curious to find out what it was all about. Holding the small paper and going back inside her room, the princess manages to read that someone was waiting for her alone in the palace hangar, she should also wear something comfortable, and ensure that no one followed her, a task which the princess knew would be a bit complicated.

Even not knowing the reason for all this, Peach had nothing better to do, it was still early and she had the freedom to do what she wanted; opening her closet, the princess chooses a white T-shirt, with a red skirt which Fairy Godmother had made with great care, and it matched very much with the skin tone of the princess who was increasingly enjoying the small changes that were happening in her closet. . Finishing changing, and wearing a little more comfortable makeup, but having more mature features, Peach uses the technique Junior had taught her and manages to leave her room without making any noise, now all she needed was to head to the hangar without anyone noticing her, but she needed a safe route where no one would suspect the direction she was heading. Choosing to go to her garden, Peach knew she was taking the long way around, but she had the perfect excuse in case someone found her, which came true as Kamek appeared right in front of her with a very angry expression.

"Your Highness, may I know where you are going?"

"Hello Kamek, I woke up a little early and decided to go to my garden, at least I can enjoy some time alone, before Daisy wakes up and makes me take her to the amusement park."

"I see, and I would like to apologize for everything I said, your highness has the right to go anywhere you wish. And by any chance, did King Bowser come to you?"

"No need to worry, from your face I can already imagine it's something serious, and I haven't seen Bowser since yesterday, I even stopped by his new room looking for him but I couldn't find him."

"Thank you for everything your highness, and as much as I wanted to accompany you, I have to look for that devil, he should be in a meeting right now", bowing and disappearing quickly, the magikoopa couldn't waste any more time, he had to find your king or he would have a really messed up day.

Continuing to walk towards her garden, Peach realizes that even the palace guards were looking for their king, and that some corridors were completely empty, causing the princess to remove her heel and run towards the hangar while praying that no one would notice the path. what she was doing.

"Great, I'm in the hangar and I wasn't followed by anyone, but now what should I do, this place is huge and I don't know where to go", standing still the princess tried to find some sign, she knew there were several sectors and hoped to at least find some clues in some of them. But since she didn't have any clues, the princess decided to go find them all in the cafeteria, and just as she was turning away, Peach felt a hand covering her mouth as someone held her and he ran with all his might.

"We have two minutes to completely disappear, I'm sorry I didn't want it to be that way, but this year he really messed things up", with Bowser giving a small smile so as not to scare his fiancée too much, the koopa se directs to sector E, and stands in front of a door that needed a password to get in. "We have only one chance to make it work, but I promise you I'll make up for the rest of the day, just be careful not to fall, this time we will do things very fast".

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