Chapter 10 - Power of a Date

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Guidelines and guidelines, the King of Darklands did not remember spending so much time in a room deciding on his birthday, in his memory he only missed one day of his birthday week and enjoyed his days with his family peacefully, the only thing that was keeping him in place was the princess's presence at his party. Tired of meaningless discussions, Bowser sighed and let his arm fall all over the table, making everyone pay attention to the king, who stared at everyone making everyone shut up. "What are you discussing now, I thought we were finishing up this meeting."

A mustache goomba replied, "What types of punch are we going to serve, how are we going to have the bar in the lounge, we don't know what types we make available."

To serve, the same thing we're discussing- "

" Since the last minute, we've decided on the arrangements, on the seats, the dance instructors, the bar, the last items on the buffet, and the last-minute electricity bill, you really think I care what punch we're going to serve. I really don't care what stupid type we're going to serve, put all the options, we can afford it and that won't define the party, I want everyone to enjoy the best of the palace, don't worry about the extra expenses, tomorrow I'll surprise you everyone and I will profit some coins that will pay for all these expenses, we are then understood ", rising Bowser gives an intimidating look that prevents anyone from adding anything to the conversation.

Even if there was an issue, everyone knew that they could not dare to play with the humor of his majesty, however much he hated meetings, the king always resolved everything with mastery, but no one had the courage to keep the king in one day. living room; thus marking the end of all those boring meetings.

Kammy getting up approaches his king, being the only one that Bowser would care to hear at the moment. "Sir, as you finished here, we can start your dance lessons. Or I do like every other year, I can cancel your commitment ".

"Because we still have this on my agenda, I never needed dance lessons, why should I learn to waltz?"

"We don't take it out because it's a tradition, but I don't mind doing it like every year, I can be your partner, we run a few times and open the party room for everyone, you don't need to learn any steps and you will have your free time "Says Kammy to his king, trying to hide a sly smile while trying to deceive the king.

Kamek, appearing silently in the room and listening to the magikoopa's words, realizes the move that Kammy was trying to offer to his king, and decides to intervene by not letting an old woman interfere in his king's happiness, especially with him knowing the results.

"I say why you should go to class this year".

"When you came here, Kamek, were you listening because you didn't immediately tell me your answer and are you making me wait?"

"All because of suspense, or a need to be bad, I can't decide which one. Anyway this year is different, Princess Peach will be your partner, of course she will dance with you ".

"I don't think she would be willing to do that, with a crowd watching her."

"Well, that's not what I heard, the princess loves to dance at dances ... and you will be on a date, I imagine you want to impress her!"

With Koopa's face lighting up, having the princess at his side could not show that he was not able to learn another dance style: "Kammy take me immediately to the dance class, I will in a few hours master all the movements ".

Kammy looking at Kamek with boiling eyes, could not do anything when his king was decided, no matter the argument that she used nothing would make the king give up, and worse it would affect his relationship with his king for the first time.

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