Chapter 49 - The Mushroom and Darklands Ball Part 2

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 Chapter 49 - The Mushroom and Darklands Ball Part 2

After drinking with Luigi, Bowser was in his room, just like Peach he wanted to impress his bride, so he couldn't be any smaller than anyone in the room. And while his bride would be the star of the party and he would be the whole galaxy around her.

After taking a nice shower, Bowser puts on her perfume and thanks Wendy for her good taste in her mind. Moving on to the choice of outfits, Bowser was prepared to impress everyone and he had the perfect outfit for that. To match Peach the koopa wears a black tuxedo, with small silver details on it, along with a gold shirt and a white tie made with small pieces of diamond.

After putting on shoes, which he hated, the only thing left was to fix his unruly hair, Bowser knew the job it was to fix his hair, which always had a mood of its own. Choosing a more rebellious hairstyle, Bowser puts his hair aside, giving the impression that his hair was messy, but in a more organized way, which belonged only to him.


With Karen managing the entrance to the castle, the work that the task force had done was worthy of praise, everyone worked in record time, and without disturbing the Toad Town festival, they had created a new path for the guests. The barrier finally being removed, everyone realizes the trick that had fallen, and except for guests they could enter the castle, which was now being managed by Bowser's force, driving the media crazy, trying to somehow get into a single photo.

While the guests were amazed by the changes in the castle, and took advantage of the Mushroom symphony orchestra that was already cheering everyone around, however there was still a separation between the guests from both kingdoms, with each choosing to stay on one side, act that Toadsworth was unable to resolve on his own.

Only when Ludwig appeared before everyone, that the people of Darklands can breathe a sigh of relief, the prince of his kingdom, was walking properly, he did not care for crooked looks and was showing the dignity of royalty. When everyone saw Bowser's eldest son being praised, some nobles from the Mushroom kingdom decided to test the prince's performance for themselves and were impressed by the education and presence he showed, making many curious to talk to the prince.

Being the prominence of the ball, Peach and Bowser had not yet shown their presence at their own event, according to Bowser's plan, the delay would make everyone forget the differences, it was a way of bringing the kingdoms closer together, and making all eyes go towards each other. them, while they look happier and sexier than ever.

Knowing it was time to shine, as Junior had warned his father about everyone's presence, Koopa leaves his room and goes to Peach's room, knocking on his bride's door a few times, Bowser prayed to impress her, he wanted to make her even more passionate, and that she had been right in her choice of outfits.

The moment Peach opened the door, the princess showed how beautiful she was, at that moment no one would see the princess as a little girl in love, but a beautiful woman who would be the queen of two kingdoms.

Going back in time; while Peach was getting ready, she felt she needed to show Bowser that she was the only person in her life, during this event, how many would ask for time with her fiancé, hoping to get him out of her life and that she would not allow . Wearing the earrings her son gave her, the princess was stunning, the jewelry matched that of her dress, which although it was a new model, with a slightly bolder neckline, still had a large blue sapphire, which shone with her. eyes.

After a long wait, after hearing Bowser call, Peach, who was already anxious, became even more nervous, she had done everything she could, and was looking forward to finally being in her arms. The moment her eyes found Bowser, her heart jumped in her throat, a shiver went through her body, and she couldn't stop blushing, just as Bowser fell in love when he saw her, Peach couldn't hide his emotion, from his clothes to his hair, all of this was creating a flame in his heart that grew by the second.

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