Chapter 24

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''I don't see why you just agreed to be Zayn's fucking camping buddy when all he's done to you is hurt and cause you depression, i mean i understand that your father is a bitch as well but come Marcel, think for a moment. You only know he's trying to get inside your head just to fuck with your mind, he wants you to fall in love with him so he can ruin your life, make you think that he likes you just to tease you about something else. I'm sorry but this shit doesn't slide with me, what about us? What happened with that kiss in the hall?'' Looking down while i played with my fingers, sitting in Jeff's car wasn't helping either since he had the windows rolled up and the doors locked. My father use to do that when we were in private places just so he can hurt me and touch me everywhere a man shouldn't do to his own son. ''I'm not giving you time to talk, you need to listen and know that people like him are just as bad as people like your damn father. Can't you see that Marcel? Can't you see that he's still a bad person but he's trying to change just to take what he wants.....Even though your kind of not, in my opinion i just think this is all some fucked up bet.'' Still not saying one word, i looked at jeff's face, seeing that he was looking right back at me but with so much hurt. 

''I-i'm so-sorry je-jeff, i ju-just don-don't unde-understand. He ma-makes som-something in-inside me bu-burn.'' Blushing, i looked back down at where my hands were now playing with the straps of my bag which carried most of my things for this camping trip. It's more like a field trip though, since we still have to do some kind of research on the tree's and animals that stalk the night. 

''just be careful, i thought that you actually liked me in that way but seeing that i can't make you fall for me the same way i had fell for you. I'm just worrying about what he's thinking, your special to me Marcel, you always have been and you always will be. Sorry that i can't come with, i can't believe i got in trouble a day before the fucking teacher decides to hand out the papers. Anyways, you can't have electronics there so just call me whenever you get back. I still want to check up on you and know how your feeling, just be safe is all i want you to do.'' He gave me that same smile, that same smile he gave me when i first met him in class. Showing that he's not just being nice just cause he wants to, but he actually cares for me. 

''Th-thanks, i sh-should g- go knock n-now, but i pro-promise to ca-call you wh-when we ge-get back.'' throwing my arms around his neck, he started chuckling while nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. I could tell that he wanted me to stay with him and hang out, i had already told zayn that i would be going to his place so i can help him choose the things that are needed for this trip. I don't really know why i agreed to sleep over but i guess it's just cause i'm afraid of him and his devious ways. 

''Now go have fun, not to much though. Make sure you pay attention to what he's doing, don't want you hurting yourself or getting tricked into doing something he wants.'' Nodding against his neck that i have all of a sudden took interest in, he pulled away just to look me over. ''You look good with your hair all curled, baggy sweats looking comfy along with that over sized jumper. Glad you let me buy it for you too, couldn't help but think about you being cold in that awful house.'' Chuckling, i grabbed my bag and took my glasses from his hand while placing them back on my face. ''You're gonna text me later?'' 

''Y-yes je-jeff, st-stop wor-worrying so mu-much.'' He playfully glared at me while unlocking the doors of his Chevy, jumping out with a big grin on my face and waving him off as he waited for me to get to the front door of zayn's nice looking house. Staring at the color of this place, white....and pink which really brought out the bushes that had lovely pink roses growing from the tips. This was just a beautiful house, i think i could get use to coming here....If he wouldn't mind that. I feel somewhat safe here, i haven't even been inside and i'm already thinking about this place as a new home. Bringing my shaky hand into a tight fist, i knocked once. Turning to look over at Jeff who was still sitting there staring at the house as well. The door slowly creaked open, Zayn was indeed standing there with his tight jeans, black tank top and a beanie on his head. He looked as if he hasn't shaved in a few days when he was just at my house not to long ago, giving him a shy smile. 

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