Chapter 28

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Gun shots! Gun shots was all we could hear, the glass of the bus shattering around us all, my mates crying for help as they were cut with the shards of the clean sharp glass, The bus driver trying their hardest to get out of the way of this moving truck as they came closer and closer with their loud guns. I clung to the girl as she cried even harder, she cried for her mum and her older sister, she cried for someone to take her away and save her from the world. Looking down at her as she looked up at me with a quivering lip.....That's when it hit me, MARCEL! I pushed her off, giving her to louis who looked at me with tears in his eyes and snot running down his chin. I got up from where i had been sitting, trying my best not to fall and roll all over the place, the bus moving as fast as it could go, trying to get away from the gun shots and the crazy men who were driving the damn car behind us. 

''MARCEL! MARCEL, BABY WHERE ARE YOU?!'' I don't give two flying fucks if i sound like a fucking girl right now, i needed to make sure my baby was okay, i needed to make sure he was on this bus and hiding his poor little head under one of the seats. How could i forget about the only boy i have ever loved in my life? How could i be so stupid and forgetful when i have the most amazing boyfriend in the damn world? I pushed people out of my way as they tried to hide under the seats, Seeing that Mr. Sheeran was digging through his bag in order to find something that i bet was a......A gun since he had already pulled that sucker out. 

''EVERYONE GET THE FUCK DOWN AND STAY DOWN! I'M GOING TO SHOOT AND IT'S NOT GOING TO BE PRETTY! PLEASE GET DOWN AND DON'T MOVE, I DON'T NEED ANYONE SHOT AND KILLED IN THIS DAMN BUS!'' Everyone had listened to what the teacher was saying, throwing themselves down as if they were made to be ragged dolls. Me on the other hand, i kept walking just to look in each and every single one of these damn seats for the love of my life. Spotting a shivering figure just right there in the front, i quickly ran up to the cold looking body....Marcel, he looked more pale than ever but i'm sure it's because of the loud noises and people freaking out around him. I grabbed him by his chin, seeing that he looked slightly cold and sweaty which had me worried even more. 

''Baby, are you okay? Look you need to get down, i don-'' I couldn't even finish my sentence, i spotted a really thick looking red splat  on the back of marcel's shoulder, covering my mouth as i looked into the crying boys eyes. He shakily brought his hands up to cup my cheeks. His palms so cold and weak, his lips already turning a shade of purple as he gave me a small smile. The way his eyes twinkled under the night sky, his glasses on the ground but already cracked. I shook my head, trying my best to push the tears back but they had to be let free. It's good to cry once and awhile. ''Bab-baby, you-you're going to be okay. You need to be strong for me love, you need to stay with me and think about our future together. I have you now, i'm never going to leave you.....Look, we're supposed to be together forever, remember? We're supposed to get engaged, than married, shit....I want to have babies with you Marcel, i want to have a daughter named Carrie and have her call you daddy and me papa. I need you to stay with me, please don't leave me baby.'' I clung to the blanket he was holding onto. Everything was falling apart, i can't lose the love i have finally found. He was growing weak, everything was going down hill as he went limp against my body. Pulling away with the blood that had dripped from his back, now on the seat and pooling around me. ''SOMEONE, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!'' The bus pulled to a sudden stop, hitting my head against the seat in front of me.....Everything went black. 


Still Zayn's (POV)

I sat at the park, looking up at the clear blue sky that was surrounded by white fluffy clouds. After three months of everyone freaking out about the whole camping incident and having half the students parents suing our school. Those men who were after us were just trying to play some sick fucking joke on us with the little girl actually being their little sister, knowing that they had shot one of the students since they had no idea that those damn guns were actually loaded with real fucking bullets. So for the fact that parents had been suing from left to right, I knew that it wouldn't be the best idea to have mine do the same, i'm just happy to be alive and okay. I sat here, thinking to myself. What would have happened if i wouldn't have gone? What would have happened if i hadn't have fell in love with Marcel and his bad luck? Should i have stayed away from the good looking nerd and just let him be? Should i have just moved away and left with my grandparents who were happily wanting me there when they found out about my grades falling? I gripped the side of my head, headaches are coming and going but the doctors said it was because of all the stress that i had been going through lately. Why is life so fucking difficult? Why must i be stuck in a world that is always giving me ups and downs? Everything was perfect before i met.....Or even talked to marcel. I lost my friends, they found out about us, they never accepted me so maybe this is why i'm out of school, not because i chose to but because i fought louis and fucked his face up. Looking down at the leaves i had in my hands, the fallen leaves that had died from this beautiful tree that was once green and bright. I had never been in love before, knowing that......It even scares me, i had never been one to just settle down at such a young age. So why just walk around town thinking that i'm better than everyone when most people know the real reason why i'm just a little troublemaker. Smiling down at my wrist watch that i got from Marcel, the watch that had me paying attention to the time and where it had gone. I'm happy to be alive, i have been such an arsehole for most of my life and here i am, having a second chance from the big guy above. 

Living in Fear(Zarcel Stylik)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ