Chapter 19

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I felt so light, so weak, so afraid, but most of all.....I felt safe, which was really weird. I couldn't open my eyes but i knew who's voice was running through my head as i was laying on this really comfortable bed that seemed to smell of vanilla and not sex. I couldn't even hear any noises as the room was silent, i knew i was on a bed since i could feel the light pillows under my head, the blankets covering my shivering body as if i was naked, i knew i wasn't though. I could feel my toes being free as i started to stretch them out in the cold air. I could smell pancakes and somewhat perfume. I wanted to sit up but feeling my back side being very painful as i tried to sit up and figure our my surroundings. 

''Look's like someone decided to wake up and being very nosy. But that's alright, it's not like you can see anything which i wish you can.'' I felt my body freezing as i heard that evil voice, the voice that scares the crap out of me other than my father's deep devil one. I wanted to get up and run, but knowing that even if i try, i would fail and zayn doesn't like his victims running from a beating. So i stayed still and put my head down just like how he likes it. ''Look, Marcel i'm not going to hurt you or anything. I found you in the restroom of course and i know that you remember that but i'm sorry for what happened. If only i could help than i would, i know you don't trust me enough to listen to what i have to say but i'm still sorry and i'm trying my best to at least try and be nice to you.'' I sniffed a few time, not knowing if i should speak or not. 

''Zayn is your little nerd awake yet? I want to play some fucking call of duty and seeing that you don't want anyone in here just because he is, is just plain out annoying.'' Louis voice rang through my ears like keys falling to the floor, biting my swollen lip. ''Oh.....Well look's like he is, so can we play now? Josh has been bitching all day about it. He think's he can actually kick my arse.'' I could hear them chuckling while i pulled the fluffy blanket up close to my face just to hide. 

''Just keep the volume down, i don't want him getting some major headache and than crying about it later. My mum says it's best for him to stay the night since she couldn't get a hold of his dad.'' Did he just go through my phone just to look for my father's number? I'm so fucking dead if his mum left a message for my father to hear. ''I think he can just sleep in here while we take the living room. But don't get to loud, my mum said the neighbors were crying about us being loud when we threw that secret party. I think it was just me fucking Perrie.'' 

''You and that girl, i swear. Your gonna end up getting herpes or something like that. You never know if she messes around with the other lads. Besides.....I think you should hook up with Daisy, she seems like a good fuck. Long blonde hair, tattoos, big tits, thick lips, shit i would so do her.'' I wanted to roll my eyes, but i thought about it and just laid back down with the blankets over my head. 

''Okay, just stop now. Just take my x-box and go down stairs. I'll be down there in awhile, i have to get Marcel over here some pills and water.'' I gulped while slowly thinking back on what my father would say about me staying at someone else's house while he's at ours just waiting for me to get home so he can have his way with me. ''I need to call my mum later and let her know that he is awake, well...he woke up. She said if he didn't wake up within four more hours than it's the emergency room for him.'' I could tell he was now rolling his eyes, when it came to me, who wouldn't? 

''Yeah sure mate, just give me the controllers so i can take them down to Josh, oh and niall might be coming over as well. Said he wanted to come and chat about something with sports.'' 

''As long as he doesn't make a mess like last time, than i don't give a fuck. I might need to pick up some snacks unless you call niall and ask him to buy some on his way here. I know he has money, so if he says he doesn't than just tell him not to bother coming over.'' Wow, he's mean to his friends too. But at least he doesn't hate them like he hates me, they should be lucky to have someone like zayn in their lives. He's nice to them....sometimes, he's rich, he's popular, and of course he's the most strongest man i have ever met. I think jeff is pretty strong though, i should call jeff and tell him to pick me up since i don't feel like being here. But than again, i'm to scared to even ask zayn for some water or if i can use the bathroom.

''Whatever you say, i'll make sure he gets the goods.'' With that, i waited for the door to slam shut as it did. Sitting here.....More like laying here on my back, hiding under the blankets like i'm the only one in the room. No one spoke, everything was just peaceful this way.....Well it was, until zayn wanted to talk. 

''Marcel? You know you can sit up now, i'm just going to fetch you some water and pain killers. Maybe some ice for the bumps on your head. I could literally see one on your forehead, kind of looks like another eye.'' He started to chuckle while i laid here just biting down on my lip. Feeling the dry taste of blood, maybe i should ask him if i could clean myself up. I slowly sat up while popping my back a bit, i didn't want to be to annoying but i really needed to use the loo. 

''Um....z-zayn? M-may i us-use th-the bath-bathroom pl-please?'' Fiddling with the strings on the blankets, i waited for him to answer me. Maybe i should have expected him to just ignore me and do what his mum told him to do. I signed while bringing my legs up just to cuddle them to my chest as if they were the only friends i have ever had. 

''Uh.....I guess i could just help you, since it looks like you won't be able to walk on your own for a few days or so. Um, come on, let me help. It's the best i can do since i hurt you and all that shit.'' He's not very good at being nice but at least he's trying....If you want to call it that anyways. ''Lets go, i'll just pick you up and place you down in front of the toilet, i'm not helping you take out your friend down there though, so don't get to excited.'' I wanted to smile but everything inside me was keeping that from him. Nodding my head, i felt him lifting me off the bed and walking towards what i assume is the bathroom. I could feel myself wanting to fall asleep in his arms but i knew if i did than he might beat me up for being this close to him. ''I hope you don't mind but......My mum changed your clothes into a pair of sweats and a baggy jumper. Even gave you a pair of her fluffy socks, don't know how they fit you but i'm not even going to ask. Um....Your hair looks nice without all that gel too, just letting you know.'' Him being this nice is actually scaring me more then him being an arsehole.

''Th-thank you, fo-for ever-everything i-is wh-what i me-mean.'' Sniffing, i could hear a door being opened and than closed. I thought he was going to sit me down on the floor and leave, like he said. I held my breath as he gently placed me on the ground, waiting for him to leave which i didn't even hear foot steps. 

''Your welcome Marcel, like i said...I'm only being nice because of my mum but maybe it's pity or something like that. I'm sorry again, i'm sorry that something like this had to happen to you when all you do is go to school and do your work without wanting attention. But i guess this is mostly my fault for picking on you and being some stupid bully that like's missing with those who are weak.'' I held back a giggle as he started to talk again, ''Your a really nice person and to shy for my liking, but that's what makes you....well you. Sorry again, just don't tell anyone that we had this talk. I don't need people talking shit about me being nice to you even though Louis and Josh already know, but they don't have big enough mouth's to be giving it away like that.'' I felt him cupping my sore cheeks, but i ignored the pain and let him do what he wanted. ''I thought you were actually pretty cute for a nerd, seeing you hurt and crying just makes me more angry. Knowing that someone else is doing this to you and treating you like some toy...i guess it just makes me jealous. Sorry for everything, sorry about your bruises, your scars, the way you are used. I'll try my best to make sure that your life changes.'' I felt his hot minty breath upon my chapped swollen lips, everything was just hitting me like a ton of breaks, his voice, his touch, his......LIPS! That's all i felt, his lips touching mine. The only thing holding me up right now was his hands on my hips, his body pressed against mine as if it belonged there. I felt....Safe.

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