Chapter 13

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Staying the night at Jeff's had to be the most fun i have ever had in my life, we played games, ate junk food, and even watched tons and tons of awesome movies that i have never seen before. He even let me pick out a sweater i wanted to wear, to which i just asked for his green hoodie that felt so warm on my skin. The cotton that was engulfing my pale and bruised up body was actually making me feel like i belonged somewhere. I sniffed the sleeves, they smelt so calming and breath taking. I'm not creepy or anything, but i just like the feeling of someone close by just to make me feel safe and loved at the same time. That's what jeff and his brother were doing tonight, they had put me before anything else. Even the pretty red headed girl named lita....She was super sweet and i thought i would have made Matt jealous but i guess he was to focused on the way she danced when one of her favorite songs came on the radio. Looking over at Jeff who was painting his nails, i scooted a little closer to his side while looking down at his pretty hands. How can a straight guy have so much nail polish? Hair like his? Eyebrows that are plucked nor waxed? Maybe he's just a pretty boy like zayn.....Zayn. I don't know why i keep thinking about him but for some reason, i felt like he was watching me. I bit my lip, and started looking around the living room but keeping my bum planted to the old looking couch.

''Sorry about the place being dirty again, i know i keep saying that but.....It's just, we don't get much visitors or we never have in any of our other houses. But your my friend and i wanted you to see were i lived just in case you needed somewhere to go for the night.'' Jeff started speaking which brought me back to looking at his thin lips, his K-9 teeth, i licked over my bottom lip while glancing back into his blue eyes. ''I clean and all, but i don't do much now since i have school and tons of homework to do. Other than that, everything else is pretty much nice.'' He shrugged his masculine shoulders while putting down his nail polish and blowing at his skinny fingers. 

''D-do y-you thin-think you ca-can ta-take m-me to sch-school fr-from no-now on? I-i do-don't li-like wa-walking.'' I felt so ashamed, just asking him for rides now. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder while bringing me a little to close. But i didn't budge out of his hold, just let him hold me close to his warmth. I know i have a sweater on, but i like this feeling...A lot. 

''So you want me to go pick you up from your place everyday for school? I thought you didn't want me.....You know....Going to your place.'' He mumbled out, i looked over at Matt and Lita who were to busy kissing and all that nasty stuff. Shaking my head, i leaned my head down on his shoulder and closed my big green eyes. ''I take that as a yes now? So no matter what, i'll be picking you up from your house and dropping you off at school along with me of course, than i'll just drive you to work?'' I sat up and thought about it for a minute. 

''W-well no, i-i don-don't wan-want you dri-driving me to wo-work or ho-home. J-just pi-pick me up y-yeah?'' He chuckled lightly while nodding, kissing the top of my head and sitting back with his hands behind his head. ''U-um?'' I sniffed a few times just to get his attention, which worked since he was looking right at me. 

''What's up?'' Should i ask him? Should i talk to him about everything my father and his two friends were doing with me? Should i tell him that my father wants his friends to touch me for money? I took a deep breath while shaking my head, i'm not going to tell him yet. ''What's wrong? You want to go to my room and lay down? We can watch some cartoons or whatever you want?'' He got up and started stretching as i spotted a trail of hair under his belly button. I have never thought about another man in such a way, but it wasn't just jeff i was thinking about...No. He's not gay, it was mostly Zayn and the way he had me pinned against the wall, how close he was to my face. I know he's not into men as well, but there's just something about him that's tell me....He might be. 

''Y-yes, le-let's g-go.'' I jumped up off the couch and giggled into my covered hands. Jeff's sweater was way to big for me, but i like that. He slid his hand around my waist and waved his brother and Lita off, i shyly waved too but not like he did which was really funny. We walked into a small little cute hallway that had pictures of jeff from when he was younger...How do i know? Well maybe because he was telling me about it but here i was also day dreaming about zayn. Was he really the boy he was at school? Or was he just acting, just to impress people? I don't mind him using me as some horrible punching bag, but i don't like being treated like shit. I'm use to my father hurting me, telling me i'm no good, pushing me around like some ragged doll...But i would love for someone to actually tell me i'm nice looking, tell me that i'm worth being a aprt of this ungrateful world, telling me that they love me and they would miss me if i decided to end my life. 

''You zone out to much, you know that? But that's ok, i do that sometimes too.'' I looked up at jeff who was already looking down at me with a small smile spreading across his face. I was close to apologizing when he shook his head and guided me to his messy bed, i don't have a problem with the sheets being everywhere and the pillows on the floor. ''So here's my awesome room, i'm just kidding. But really, you can sleep on the bed if you want. I'll just take the floor, i'm not even that tired, so.......I'll be up if you need anything ok? Just throw a pillow or something at me, cause sometimes i get to distracted on Facebook.'' He chuckled while tearing off his own shirt...Not literally tearing it off, but more like stripping it to the side and throwing himself down on top of his sleeping bag that i didn't even see down there in the first place.

''N-no y-you can ta-take you-your be-bed.'' I tried to protest against him sleeping on the floor since he's the one letting me stay here in the first place. He held me down on the bed while laughing, i was a bit scared to find out what he was going to do....but when he did nothing. I looked into his eyes while staring, he was doing the same but quickly pulled away while clearing his throat. 

''No, you take the bed Marcel, i'm good down here but thanks anyways bro. Just get some sleep and i'll take you out for breakfast in the morning. Like i said the first time, i'm not tired so i'll be up and talking to people on here. So please just lay down and get comfortable....or you can stay up with me and chat. Only if you want, i'm not going to force you into sitting down here or going to sleep.'' He took a deep breath while looking back down at his phone with a frown on his face. ''That's weird, some unknown number just texted me.'' He mumbled, i jumped off the bed and placed myself right next to him.

''Wh-what's i-it say?'' I asked, hoping he'd tell me since we're friends now. He gave me his nice looking phone while cocking his head to the side, i guess he wants me just to read it. 

Unknown: I know where your at and i'm going to find you when your alone so don't even think about hiding or acting like your going to be the toughest bloke at our school. Watch your back weirdo 

''I have no idea who that is or what their problem could be but once i find out, than i'm going to start questioning them about why their texting my cell and why the hell they're threatening me. I'm sick and tired of people these days, i mean....People need to grow up and learn to just mind their own business once and awhile.'' I sat here frozen, not blinking but feeling myself wanting to curl up in a ball and cry my heart out. All because of me, jeff is going to get beat up and not want to be my friend ever again. I felt myself wanting to run home and hide, wanting to leave jeff alone in order for him to stay ok. ''Marcel you ok there bro?'' He asked, he came closer as i shook my head. 

''I-it's m-my fault th-that they ar-are try-trying to sc-scare you, an-and if you g-get hu-hurt then it wi-will be o-on me.'' I choked out, not wanting to show him that i was about to cry again. He pulled me against his naked chest while hugging me close to his calm figure. 

''Nothing is your fault Marcel, don't ever say that again. I'm here for you and remember what i told you at school? I'm going to protect you, even if it means fighting. Now don't say anything ok? Let me just tell you better not be blaming yourself anymore, not about anything bro. You have done nothing wrong in order for this to happen, and i know for a fact that it's some messed up prank. Your good, so don't worry about it ok?'' I slowly nodded while cuddling against his chest, the little hairs that were growing on his chest were tickling my nose but i could care less. He's taking care of me and that's all that matters at the moment. But i wonder who the text was from.

I was going to post a pic of Jeff,Matt, and lita all together but decided just to post lovely jeff XD

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