Chapter 10

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At the end of the school day, i had walked my way home saying good bye to Jeff and waving him off as he started his way home. I liked jeff, he was nice, funny, and of course pretty for a boy that isn't gay nor bi. He wanted to hang out with me but having a father so cruel and rude wasn't going to have me go home with jeff to hang out and meet his family. I left school a bit early since the teacher in my last class is always letting us leave that way she can go home and take care of her baby girl who just turned a year yesterday. As i walked down the sidewalk feeling the wind blow my hair out of my face, good thing i was wearing warm clothes or i would have probably been a walking Popsicle. I pulled out my iPod looking at the time, i didn't have headphones anymore since the bullies at school ripped them apart and throwing them on the ground while using the head pieces that they had ripped off only to shove in my mouth and making me swallow them. I could still feel the thick pieces jabbing in my throat, but i didn't tell jeff, knowing that he could have beat those guys up to the point where they can't see. I noticed in gym as well that jeff had a really great body, he was all muscles and yet even though he ran outside over ten laps around the track field he was still smiling at me every time he passed the bleachers were i would sit and watch the others play sports. 

''I knew you would be walking home, you lonely piece of crap.'' I kept my head down, i really didn't want to deal with Zayn on my way home. I already knew that those men would be at my house since they told my father they were going over today to start their first session with me. I'm not stupid, i know what they want and why they keep paying my father loads of money just to see me naked and crying. ''Aren't you going to talk or are you going to tell your white boyfriend to fuck me up?'' 

''H-he's n-not my boy-boyfriend.'' Was all i managed to say since i was to afraid to look zayn in the eyes, he was always making me feel as if i wasn't suppose to be born. But for some reason when everyone else says crap like that to me, it doesn't get to me....But when it's zayn.....It just hurts so freaking bad. 

''Oh so he wasn't hugging you? Whispering shit inside your ear? Looking you in the eyes when you were crying like the baby you are? He wasn't holding your fucking hand? He wasn't making you smile or laugh just a little? He wasn't making you blush? I can tell when someone likes another, and knowing that you are gay for sure. He must be too huh? He must like cock, like the little girl in front of me huh?''

''He's n-not my bo-boyfriend, pl-please le-leave m-me alo-alone.'' Squeezing m eyes shut, i kept walking making sure i didn't run into anyone else who was walking. I'm so sick and tired of all these people assuming that i'm doing something so dirty just because i have a friend. What if Jeff get's tired of the rumors and he leaves me like everyone else? I started feeling myself panic as i looked across the street realizing that i was close to home and Zayn was already gone. How long have i been in thinking? Shrugging my shoulders, i crossed the street while taking a deep breath just to walk inside with the smell of alcohol. 

''There you are, took you long enough. Looks like plans have changed so no butt fucking for you today. Oh wait.....You didn't think i was talking about you getting arse? Did you? I'm talking about the two men that were here yesterday wanting to fuck your arse. Told them that you were tight enough for them to feel good, so be lucky that they can't come today. They had business to attend to but you do have a job to do. So get to work.'' My father smacked me behind the head while walking into the messy kitchen. 

''Y-yes si-sir.'' I mumbled, taking off my backpack and hanging it on the coat rack were we keep all our jackets. Well were he keeps all his that is, i only have one which he makes me throw on the floor so he can wipe his muddy feet on it. 

''When you get back, i want you to make dinner, clean the kitchen, clean the living room, give me the money since you get your check today, clean up the halls, clean the back yard and don't give me that bullshit about it raining. than do your homework, clean the bathrooms, clean my room and don't even dare thinking about taking anything either. Than record my shows, do the laundry, fix my computer, shower, than make dessert. That's all for today, and than tomorrow will be your double sex tape that will be sold to many men who like seeing a young boy being pounded by two men.'' I sniffed a few times just to hold back the snot that was trying to come out. ''Were you even listening? And use your damn words.'' 

''Y-yes si-sir.'' He chuckled while walking back out from the dirty kitchen just to look at me, i felt so uncomfortable under his stare. 

''But than again, after you get all your shit done, come to my room naked, bring the lube, the cock ring, and don't forget about the whip. Gonna have some fun with you tonight before your being recorded tomorrow. They also want to see a few more bruises across your back and chest. So be good for daddy and grab that stuff and put it in my room while you clean up in there. Just so you know, the recording won't be here, so when you come home tomorrow you'll have to wait for them to get here in order to go to their place.'' I started shaking violently, not knowing what these men would do to me while being alone with them. 

''I-i'm sc-scared, pl-please do-don't ma-make me.'' I whimpered, wrapping my arms around myself just to act like someone was holding me. I have never in my life felt safe, loved, cared for a little, even though i have Jeff.....That doesn't mean he can save me from everyone in the world. 

''IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING DECISION NOW IS IT?! DO AS I FUCKING SAY OR SO GOD HELP ME I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU AND HIDE YOU OUT IN THE DAMN BASEMENT WERE I SHOULD HAVE PUT YOUR DAMN MOTHER!'' Flinching away, i quickly nodded while running towards the supply closet just to pull out the cleaning stuff. ''You don't know how much i want to fucking hurt you, but your lucky they don't want bruises anymore on that worthless fat face of yours. Be happy i'm laying off of you for awhile until their done using you for their recordings and porn shit.'' Pushing my head away, i bit my lip only to taste the blood in my mouth, i do this way to much but i get use to the pain now. ''I'm going out, don't even think about taking a break, when i come home i want to see those fingers bleeding from work, your face red from all the Clorox, your body hurting from bending to sweep and mop. Don't even think about sitting for a second. When i come home, i expect this house to be spotless.'' 

''Y-yes si-sir.'' I mumbled again, looking down at my ugly slippers. I bit my lip again watching as he slipped on his shoes and slammed the door shut behind him as he left. Wait.....I have work though......I looked down at the house phone that i was never suppose to touch, but i needed to call my boss and let her know that i'm not going in today. But than i won't get my check, so what do i do? I looked outside from the window to see my father coming back inside after feeling around his pockets. He must have forgotten his keys or maybe wallet. As he opened the door, i kept my head down trying to figure out the words to say. ''Um.......Fa-father?'' 

''What the fuck do you want now? And don't call me that anymore, call me Sir. I like it better. Makes me feel like i never had a son.'' He chuckled evilly as i felt my heart clench just a little. 

''Wh-what ab-about wo-work si-sir?'' He slammed his hand down on the arm of the couch mumbling a whole bunch of curse words that frightened me. 

''Shit i forgot that you had to work, why don't you leave now and when you come home just clean up some of this awful mess and than go to my room and get ready up there. I suspect you to have the check on my dresser as well young man or i'm going to have to beat the living hell out of you.'' He patted my head a little to hard for my liking, while leaving. Pulling my beanie over my head and walking out but not before grabbing my house keys so i wouldn't lock myself out like last time. I got beat for that too.

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