Chapter 25

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Time has gone by so fast, now here i am, sitting on the bus next to Zayn who had decided to just sit next to me and making it seem as if he was threatening just to impress his mates. I don't really mind it at all, as long as he doesn't hurt me than i'm perfectly fine. He made sure to look around, seeing if anyone was actually watching us but to my surprise, no one was really paying attention as their eyes were set on the tree's and wild animals we were passing. I must admit though, i do find this all very unique. I have never seen such a beautiful view in so long that my mind had blanked out every little creature that i use to talk about when i was very young. Smiling a bit, i pushed my glasses back up to the bridge on my nose, checking the time on my watch. Already 4:43 pm and we're still on the road. The bus driver was also playing music, mostly jazz but that's fine with me. Calming yet interesting at the same time, i couldn't even bear to think about what's going on at my house right now. I haven't even told my father about this trip, i don't think i want to go back home once we camp out. 

''What are you thinking about baby?'' Looking at zayn, he was closer than he was before but who's complaining? Not me, i gave his hand a tight squeeze. It's annoying that we have to hide our feelings for one another but it's for our safety. Shaking my head, i placed my eyes back on the cold breezy window just to pay more attention to our surroundings. ''It's so nice out here, i have never thought about camping until the day Mr. Sheeran actually made me a deal. Did you know he's going to bump my grade up? Yeah, he said if i come, i don't have to write anything or even explore. But i think i want to walk around a bit, i at least want to spend some alone time with you.'' 

''I-i wou-would li-like th-that zay-zaynie, ju-just y-you and m-me?'' He slowly nodded, lifting my hand up to his lips and pressing a kiss to the back of it. I wanted to kiss him back, more like on the lips but his mates could catch us being all lovey so i wouldn't want to cause any problems. 

''You're to cute, i care about you and i hope you know that. Now shall we rest since we have another two or so hours to go? I don't want to be to tired to even put up the damn tent, i can be lazy at times but i'll try my best to help out with the setting up.'' He started chuckling, squeezing my hand in his but not so hard. ''I like this, i wish i could just come out though. Everything would be so much better, i just don't want drama right now.'' I understand where he's coming from on that too, i don't want people making fun of him or even picking on me some more. If my father found out about zayn and i than my arse would probably never come out of the house. He would make me regret dating or are we even together like that? ''You look like you're about to explode, you okay there love?'' Nodding again, i gave him one of my fake smiles that he always fell for when i was trying to be nice. 

''Alright class, i'm really hoping you all learn something. At least learn one thing than for the rest of the time you can all camp around and make smores, but please no fires, fighting, drugs or drinking. I don't want anything going bad on this trip, if something happens that'll get me in trouble than there will be no more going out like this. You have no idea how long it took me to beg for the principal to let me do this for you guys, be good and meet new friends. I know there's a few of you in this bus right now that don't like one another, i'm hoping for that to change this week.'' As soon as he said that, he looked right at zayn who only chuckled right beside me. ''Do i make myself clear?'' Everyone started mumbling, as half the girls on the bus started giggling. Mr. Sheeran is a good looking teacher, i'm not going to lie on that. Most of these girls do like to flirt around with the red headed lad, he's a very nice person. 

''You don't have to worry about drama this week, everyone seems pretty chilled out right now. I'm sure if it happens than we'll stop it before anything get's serious.'' Looking at zayn, i gulped trying to think good thoughts. I really hope he isn't planning something just to hurt me, is this all a joke to him? Was i a dare, everyone seemed pretty calm and it's just getting suspicious to me. I could feel my walls closing in on me, the shell that zayn had started breaking was building back up as i released my hand from his. Feeling how sweaty i had become, he cocked his head to the side. Giving me those big puppy like eyes that i had fallen for many times already, i tried to shake the feeling of being used, off my shoulders. But people were just being.....nice all of a sudden. The trust i had for zayn started bubbling down as i knitted my brows together. Wiping away the sweat that had dripped from my chin, i couldn't even think about any happy places. I should have listened to jeff, i should have stayed at his place and sleep the whole week off. Okay....Maybe i lied about my father not knowing about this trip, i had totally forgotten that i talked to him about it and being to shocked to remember how he let me go. What is wrong with me? Why am i acting like some lying a-hole who has no friends and has this one guy that is way to cool for me. ''Baby, your sweating like crazy. Do you need me to get some water out of my bag for you? I don't like seeing you like this, you look as if your about to pass out.'' I looked over at the confused man, he rested his hands on my shoulders. 

''I'm fi-fine, ju-just feeling hot is all.'' Smiling, i couldn't even keep my own food down, so puking a bit in my mouth. I had swallowed what i threw up, tasting the burn and the nasty candy i had eaten before getting on the bus. 

''If you need anything than you better tell me, i don't want you getting sick on me now baby. Remember, i'm here for you and no one is going to do anything to hurt you nor make you cry again. Like i said, i may have been an arsehole back than but i swear that i'm a changed man. Don't let anyone pick on you without trying to defend yourself, i don't want you being that one person who is always to afraid to do something when things got worse. I care about you, i want you to believe me and never doubt me on this. You have nothing to be scared about anymore, i'm here for the long run. I know that we're still in high school and all but i need you to know that this is going to be the best thing that has ever happened to you from here on. Now sleep, ignore the people in the back that are staring too. Let them think what they want, i don't care anymore. I'm not ready to come out but if it's what you want than.....Than i'll come out at school after the trip.'' 

''So we should be there soon if the traffic doesn't keep us waiting. I hope you brought ipods to keep yourselves from being bored the rest of the way. Make sure you don't forget anything while we're out there as well, don't want parents bitching to me about their kids whining about losing something here. Now please keep it down, there are blankets up here if you get cold. Just ask me if you want one and i'll be more than happy to hand one to you.'' Mr. Sheeran started smiling down at the bus driver who only chuckled in return. The bus driver was pretty nice, she was an older lady who thought about spending this whole camping trip with us. Even though this isn't a regular yellow bus, more like a bus with a toilet which i was thankful for. ''Anyone want one right now? Also.....If you would like to take a small nap than go for it.'' I cuddled up against the window, letting the cold glass cool my sweaty face. 

''Mr. Sheeran, can you pass me one please? I would like to keep myself warm and not die before we get there.'' Looking at zayn without even picking my head up, he took the white fluffy blanket from the teacher, thanking him with a huge grin on his face. ''Hey baby, here's the blanket. I knew you would be cold, please don't deny the blanket either, i want you to be warm. Can't have my cute button getting sick and not enjoying his week.'' He draped the nice blanket over my figure, tucking in the ends just to keep me from freezing my bum off. I gave him a quick peck, knowing that no one was watching us in the first place. ''There you go love, nice and toasty. Looking like a baby kitty in a big warm blanket. Go ahead and sleep babe, i'll be here when you wake up or maybe just be here sleeping as well. Whichever one, i'll still sit here. Mind if i listen to music?'' Shaking my head, he took out his headphones. ''Thanks, if you need anything, just pat me on the head and i'll make sure to answer them.'' He gave me one last smirk, leaving me to close my eyes and let myself dream of a better place than school, my home, and of course living in all. 

Living in Fear(Zarcel Stylik)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon