Chapter 8

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I already knew today wasn't going to be good at all, i woke up an hour late for school, didn't have time to gel my hair so letting it flow with a messy set of curls on my head, wearing grey sweats and a regular black jumper. I didn't even have time to find my shoes so i just grabbed my slippers and rushed to school. Running in the cold while the fog from my breath was floating in the air. I stopped running only to take out my inhaler just to take steady deep breaths. Great i forgot my glasses, no time for that. I have an extra pair in my locker anyways, shrugging my shoulders. I walked the rest of the way while looking in my bag for my homework and my house keys. Just to make sure that i wasn't going to be locked out and have my father get even more disappointed than he was last night. I mean, he was happy that these two men at the house were going to pay my father money just to touch me in places. I blinked away a few tears that were clouding my eyes, the only thing i could feel from last night was my father sticking his fingers inside my back side, plugging me up with some weird plug. He says that, 'It's to help the stretch so the men can easily get it on and than leave.' 

''I'm so gonna get in trouble, but than again this is my first time being late for class so they should let me off with some kind of warning right?'' Sometimes i like talking to myself just to pretend someone else is talking to me. I like feeling that i'm my own friend, i don't care much about myself but i do care about having someone take interest in me. Finally on school grounds, i walked inside getting glares from some of the cheerleaders that were in the halls talking about some boys, and also about girl drama. 

''I think i would let Zayn fuck me if he ever ask's, but than again he's to good for the cheer squad anyways. That's what he always says, he goes for them girls like Perrie and bitches like that.'' I heard one of them say, she was really pretty to be honest. She had long wavy red hair, green eyes, red lipstick and a few tattoos scattered across her arms and back. She looked like a pinup girl actually, looking down at my slippers that had a little bit of blood stains on them. Than some girl with short black hair started to speak up.

''I think if i was Perrie, i would put zayn on a leash just to keep him by my side. Never know if he's cheating or what.'' I thought Zayn was single, but he just liked messing around? Knitting my eyebrows together, i turned to corner while heading off to my dirty locker that looked worse than anyone else's down here. Yeah, people here like to draw and throw food at my locker, sometimes even spitting on it. Pulling my books and extra pair of thick glasses, i placed them gently on the bridge of my nose while closing my broken locker. Usually when i come out of class, my locker is open and stuff is taken from it. 

''There you are Styles, thinking about joining class today or are you just going to skip?'' I looked up to see one of my teachers who was a older lady but she was still a little nice to me when she wasn't in a bad mood. ''Come on in sweet heart, you didn't miss much but next time come in early ok?'' I quickly nodded while rushing to the door she held open for me. 

''Than-thanks Mr-mrs. Hays.'' I whispered while sitting down in the only empty seat that was placed in front of the teachers desk. I looked down at my desk already feeling uncomfortable, the kids at my school really don't like me. Sometimes when i even go to eat in the restrooms, they follow me inside and start dumping my only food in the toilets and sometimes shoving it in my mouth while i threw up at the same time. Sometimes they even push me down on the ground in the middle of the halls just to stomp all over my stuff and breaking the things that i have in my bag. 

''So your all going to do this project i have been planning but with another teacher as well, most of you already know him since you have most of his classes. But Mr. Sheeran will be helping you with this as well. Most of you can work alone if you want, but please just pay attention to this project.'' Staring at the back of the room which i already knew who she was staring at. ''That goes for you Zayn, i better see that your working on this project as well or you will be hearing from your coach about your grades young man.'' 

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