Chapter 17

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As my day's passed by and without jeff that is, i still couldn't help but think back at the day zayn actually talked to me about apologizing. I could care less at the moment, i'm still pretty shaken up about that one stranger that was apparently my stalker. I looked down at my work as Mr. Sheeran talked about his wife and how everything was going, i do feel bad for not really paying much attention but i have other things on my mind. My father hasn't really been home much either, he's been out fucking women who are younger and more into drugs than finding a good woman to make him happy. I don't think he deserves happiness though, he beats me, rapes me, and makes me do things i don't even want to....For example cleaning up the house after he drinks his day away. I don't see why he doesn't just go to rehab and fix himself up, but i guess he doesn't see how he's acting. Those two men that my father has been keeping in contact with, the two men that come over every night while i'm trying to sleep, the two men that do horrible things to me while my father...the devil stands by and watches with a smile on his face. Biting my lip, i looked over my shoulder for a second just to see Zayn smiling and laughing about something him and his so called mates were talking about. It's rude to talk when someone is literally spilling their feelings out in front of the class room. But i shouldn't be talking since i'm not even listening either. Taking a deep breath, i put all my attention back on the red headed teacher that was now chuckling at what ever it was Leigh...Zayn's girlfriends friend said. She's nice sometimes but never trust a girl that smirks behind your back. She sometimes tries to talk to me when it comes to doing homework or even needing help with something in other classes that i don't have. 

''Alright class, i want to thank you so much for being very patient with me when i was out. I'm sure your teacher has told you more about the news that i haven't even told you all about. But i want to get started on this project tomorrow and after this project, we're going to be going on a little camping trip to check out the woods and maybe some nature that we can write a paper on.'' Mr. Sheeran is the type of man to talk about peace and love, so of course we're all going to do this stupid thing. I don't believe in all that or my life would have been a lot easier than it is right now. 

''What if we can't come?'' I sniffed a few times, grabbing my tissue box from my back pack and wiping my nose. I looked over at Donna that was now talking about the trip. ''I mean, i don't even know if my parents would approve of me going.'' She did have a point, what if we couldn't go? Looking back up at the smiling man who was shaking his head and leaning up against the main desk. 

''For those of you who aren't going, you'll be working on a paper about school and what it would be like to actually have uniforms and classes that were longer.'' Wow, that seems better but than again i would really love to get away from this place and find new creatures out there to discover. ''Just ask your parents or guardians about this and see what they say, if any of you want...I can call a few of your parents and let them know what we're doing.'' I wanted to go so bad, but than my.....Satan wouldn't allow that since he wouldn't be using me at the house. I started scribbling down on my paper with my red colored pen that i had bought myself a few days ago when zayn's friends stole my others and broke them right in front of my face. They thought that i would cry or maybe beg for them to stop picking on me but that just had me thinking about my life and how worthless it is. ''Anymore questions? Good now we're going to just work on sheets of papers today to catch up on some work we all missed, which i am truly sorry about again. Than starting tomorrow, i will be pairing you up with someone else in here for this lovely project.'' 

''My. Sheeran what if some of us don't like the person we're going to be partnered up to? Like oh my god what if i get that loser over there.'' Knowing that it was of course the stuck up dimbo Perrie who was talking, i rolled my eyes as everyone started snickering behind me. ''He smells funny to, i don't think he even showers. I mean ew look at those pimples, one of them could pop and land right on my face, his braces are dirty. His clothes don't even look like they fit him anymore, Mr. Sheeran i just don't want to work with that hobo.'' Everyone was now in fits of laughter as i felt my eyes burn with tears. 

''That's enough Mrs. Edwards, but i was actually going to pair girls up with girls and the boys with boys, so if you don't mind....You can sit outside of this classroom right now for your rude comments.'' I wasn't even happy about her sitting outside, i still knew she would keep at it whenever she got the chance. It's sad how girls can even pick on me without anyone stopping them, i just never really saw girls as much as a threat like i did with the boys. Looking down at my scribbled paper and seeing how i just drew little stick figures with frowning faces, i couldn't help but draw a rope around one of their skinny little necks. 

''Wait so what will the grade go up to? Say that i have a D in this class.....Something that faggot would like.'' Laughter started up again as Louis started with his stupid jokes, i don't really mind them anymore since he's always going at it. ''But anyways, will this boost my grade up to an A or what?'' I slowly turned to look over my shoulder just to take a small peek at the boy who was being such a dick to me, but when is he not? Biting my lip, Louis looked right at me with that scary smirk on his face that caused me to look away and pray that he doesn't hurt me after class. I find that impossible though, their always doing things just to get at me with insults and slamming me against anything they can. 

''Well since you asked Tomlinson, it won't boost it up that far, maybe a C but we'll find out. Now quiet down and work on your paper. I have to make a phone call but i'm not leaving the room, seeing that most of you like to screw around while teachers aren't paying attention.'' He looked passed me and to the back of the room where most of the jocks were laughing and moving stuff around. ''You can work on this sheet with a partner, but if not....Well take out an iPod or whatever.'' shrugging his shoulders, i looked down at my sheet that was still blank. Well let's get started, i guess. ''Now get to work and keep the talking down, it better be about work to and not any parties or sex.'' I choked on my saliva while looking back up at the red headed man who was glaring at the back. Wow he has no shame, does he? Shaking my head, i continued with my work. Finally getting to the last question, someone had pulled a chair up next to my desk and took my paper right from under my pen. 

''Your going to help me Styles or your getting your arse beat after school. I don't care if you have work or you have to be home with daddy waiting for you so he could fuck your loose arse but i need help or i'm screwed.'' Looking into those shiny hazel eyes, i quickly looked down at my work while biting back on my lip trying to hold back the remarks i wanted to tell him all so badly. But knowing me, i'm just some weak worthless pussy that can't even defend himself. ''I take that as a 'Yes master' so now let me copy this shit and your going to be doing my homework until my grade goes up. My teachers and coach have been telling me to bring them up or i'm off the fucking team. Now you see.....Unlike you, i have the population, fuck buddies, and of course the money. So your going to help me pass or so god help me, i'm going to end you.'' 

''Y-yes'' Was all i could say before looking back down at my bare desk that use to have my work on it, i looked up hoping that Mr. Sheeran noticed that zayn was indeed copying my paper, but he was to busy talking on the phone and laughing at whatever it was he was doing. 

''Now come by my locker after school, oh yeah. I'm still pissed off that you didn't even show up at my place when i fucking told you to. But right now, i'm going back to my mates as you see, no one would want to be here sitting with your pimpled arse anyways.'' He started chuckling as he walked away with a smile on his face. I licked over my chapped lips, i need to go to the restroom and clear things out of my head right now. Raising my hand, Mr. Sheeran noticed but nodded his head knowing what i wanted since i usually just raise my hand for the bathrooms. Getting up, i walked out of the room and headed for the bathroom which i just need to think about stuff without someone being mean to me. As i closed the door and walked closer to the sink, i was pushed against the wall and pinned with the side of my face smashing up against the cold tiled walls. 

''You like dick up your arse nerd boy? I'll make sure you stop liking what makes you happy.'' With that, i could feel my pants being yanked down along with my boxers that seemed to small for me as well. Without another word, someone was jamming something right up my bum, trying to scream was hard since they wrapped their arm around my neck and yanked me back while slamming the object inside of me. I don't know why but i felt like dying and telling the gods above to just leave me to rot in hell. My ears were buzzing, my eyes were blurring, my breathing was getting harder and harder each second the object inside of me was tearing my walls. I could feel warm liquids running down my shaky thighs, knowing what it was right away. Blood. 

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