Chapter 14

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A week has gone by since i have made a great friend, a week has gone by since anyone has really messed with me. Sure they call me names and push me down in the halls while my books scatter everywhere. But it felt so different not having Zayn do those things to me, i see him in all my classes, i see him at lunch, i see him before and after school. Sometimes he even comes to my work and buys little cupcakes from one of my bosses that love him. The only other bad thing that was going on while my week was passed by.....My father and those two other men who would wait for me to get home from school and work while they beat me and raped me like i was some torn up doll. I'm currently at work, thank the gods that i don't have to be home till 12...midnight that is. My father usually goes to the bar o Fridays, and since it's Friday he won't be home till late tomorrow. I still felt sore, still felt dirty, lonely, hurt, and of course sick. the only good thing was Jeff, he stayed by my side, he's been my shoulder to cry on when i would go to his house covered in dirt and my bottom covered in blood. Every time i went to school limping and wincing, Mr. Sheeran would ask questions, but i would just give him little lies just to get him off my back. The project we were suppose to be working on, was pushed another week since Mr. Sheeran's wife ended up going to the hospital. I guess something was wrong with their baby which i didn't even know he was having until yesterday morning when he told us that he needed a few days off to take care of his helpless wife. 

''Well at least we don't have to do the stupid project till next week, i could finally focus on the packets of homework i got from English.'' I looked over at jeff who had bags under his pretty blue eyes, hair that was always pulled in a pony tail, clothes that looked like he could just fall asleep in right now and not care about himself being uncomfortable.

''I-i c-can he-help y-you, i-i go-got al-all my ho-hom-homework do-done.'' I've been trying so hard to control my stuttering lately, even jeff has been trying to help me. But it just takes time and he's patient with that too. It's weird cause we may look like a couple but really.....Jeff's not gay and i'm not really into him like that. I mean yeah, he's really cute and funny. But i could never date my first and only friend, that would just be weird.

''It's easy and all, but there's just to much. Thanks though, but i got this bro.'' Smiling at me with that one dimple poking from his left cheek. I couldn't help but look away and stare out into the side window that one of the older ladies were standing by. ''So.....You want to come over again? Or do you want to do something else other than coming by my place every Friday? I don't mind what we do.'' I bit my lip while thinking, shrugging my shoulders. ''Oh....WAIT Matt and lita shouldn't be home today, do you like....want to make cakes and stuff? Haven't baked in awhile and i didn't want to with them there cause they would mostly get in my way or just plain our throw the flower at me.'' He started chuckling while turning the page in his math book that i didn't even notice he pulled out. 

''U-um..Th-that sou-sounds li-like a fu-fun id-idea.'' He started chuckling again while placing his hand on my cheek, looking into my eyes at the same time he's done that. I licked over my lips while staring into his as well, can't look away though. He smiled at me while flashing those amazing white teeth. Me on the other hand......i don't have great teeth, seeing that i have to wear stupid braces to keep them straight and all. 

''Your stuttering is getting a lot better bro, i'm proud of you and everything else you do.'' He leant forward placing a small kiss to my forehead. ''I think you deserve some ice cream on the way to my house, maybe two scoops.'' He started chuckling again which had me blushing, sometimes he treats me like a child but i never really had a childhood living with the devil himself. Rolling my eyes, i playfully smacked his arm while shaking my head. ''Awe don't go shy on me now Marcel.'' We both looked up at the clock that was placed right besides that same window i look out of everyday when i'm at work alone, one whole hour than i'm off. 

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