Chapter 16

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Trying to scream, kick, cry for someone to help me before something ends here without me telling Jeff what an amazing friend he has been towards me, how these teachers were only being nice to me out of pity. Squeezing my eyes, i stopped my movement as the man that was holding me against his hard chest. I knew something was going to go bad but i have never thought that i would die like this. I calmed my breathing as the man that was hurting me started to back us both down the darker part of the scary looking alley that had me wanting to just hold my breath and die in a slow painful way. 

''Shh baby boy, i'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk and make sure you understand why i'm doing this, but if you keep moving like this and trying to get away...than i'm going to have to take you here and make sure that you never speak of this to anyone.'' Biting back a few sobs, i slowly nodded the best i can while holding back the tears that were already falling free. ''Good boy, now i'm going to let you go but your not going anywhere but lean up against that brick wall. Don't even bother turning to look at me either, if you think about trying to take a peak than i'm going to shoot you right in the head. Got it pretty nerd?'' Quickly nodding, i placed my hands on the wall while biting down at my bottom lip, feeling the taste of blood and a bit of dry skin from my lips peeling off. I couldn't hear anything...But i did hear a click of something, this had me freaking out already. Was he really going to shoot me? Was he even going to give me a chance to tell him not to? I took in a deep breath, i don't want to die. I may have a bad life and all, but there's always something good that comes to it in the future when you stay strong....I have been trying to be strong for over 16 years though. 

''Pl-please do-don't hu-hurt me.'' I whimpered out, hearing him chuckle.....I knew it wasn't someone i knew cause i have heard all sorts of laughs and evil chuckles at school. This man didn't have either of those laughs that i knew about, he sounded so evil and so freaking mean. I could feel his hands grip at my hips as he started sniffing the back of my neck, i could feel him smiling against the back of my ear.

''I like your voice, sounds very masculine in a way. But i know that your not as strong as a 12 year old so i have nothing to worry about when it comes to fighting....right? I just wanted to talk, i have been watching you walk to and from school, i even watch you go to work, hang out with that colored hair boy, shit i even see you getting bullied at school. It's funny how i see you go home and when you come out, your in a limping mess. I don't want to know what happens at your house or who fucks you so good that you have bruises all over your pale skin. I'm just going to let you know that i have been keeping my eyes on your Marcel, your gorgeous eyes, the way you slick your hair back even though sometimes you come out of nowhere with the strands of your hair sticking out in different places, your just so good looking Marcel. It would be a shame if someone were to come in your life and hurt you the way others do.'' I could tell he was now wearing a stupid smirk on his unknown face, but who is this man? 

''W-who a-are y-you?'' I coughed out while being pushed up against the wall, feeling my palms slip from the bricks and being pulled behind my lower back. I could feel his hands gripping tightly around my wrist's as he separated my legs with his one leg and using the other one to stand his ground. 

''Shh love, i didn't say you can talk. But let me just tell you that your one of a kind and i would love to treat you out for something nice to eat.....maybe some time alone with you? I have seen the way you look at that one boy, that new boy i guess. The way you like walking so close to him when someone looks at you for a second, your so small compared to others, quiet when someone speaks to you, i have seen you smile once...but that was because you would see that jeff boy.'' What is he talking about? Do i know this guy? He sounds way to old for me to know, he doesn't sound like any of those weirdo's that my father let's in the house to watch me shower or change. He doesn't even feel like any of those other men that my father let's touch me when he wants money. I know it's not the time to be thinking about those times but......My father has been letting men....bigger men, stronger, older, and of course perverted ones in the house just to play with my penis or even touch my hole. Thing's would be so bad that i would feel two nor three guys trying to push in at the same time. 

''I-i do-don't wan-'' He didn't even let me finish, all he did was smack me behind my head causing my face to meet the wall in front of me. My glasses falling to the floor while everything went blurry, it's not like i hit my head hard or anything. It's just the my vision is so bad that i can't do anything without my thick rimmed glasses that help me see whatever it is i need to. Licking over my lips, i couldn't help but think back at the time my father shoved one of his cigar's down on my arm while thrusting his nasty unsafe penis inside of me. 

''Did i ask what you wanted? No, i don't think i did. So shut your damn mouth and stop talking or i'm going to be do something that we both will regret just by your fucking speaking. I'm not going to hurt you today nor tomorrow, but if you dare tell anyone about this little meeting or whatever you want to call it than i'm going to have to do something about your arse. Now i would hate to just leave you so you can be the little slut you are, but i have other places to attend. So if you don't mind......I'm just going to step away and i want you to count to ten in your head than you can turn around and go home or where ever it was you were heading.'' Sniffing a few times, i slowly nodded while gulping down the spit that was gathering in my mouth. ''Good boy, now start counting my love. I'll be seeing you real soon, but don't get your hopes up if next time i don't do anything. I'm still going to have my way with you, but i'll give you some time.'' With that, he patted my bum while backing away. 

''1.....2....3....4....'' I couldn't even finish, he told me to count in my head but my mind was telling me to stop thinking so much and just let it all out. My head was killing me, this headache was giving me flashbacks and it was something i wouldn't want to keep thinking about. My father was always one to blame me for every single thing, if the floor had a tiny stain than i would be the one getting on my knee's and my bare hands just to let him shove all kinds of stuff up my bum for his pleasure. He's always having me shove things up inside of myself whenever he wants something to entertain him if there isn't anything on the television. This is why my so called 'Father' is the devil himself, this is why i can't speak what is on my mind, why i can't live a normal life thinking about the man that causes me back problems, why my teeth look like crap, why i'm always waking up in the middle of the night for him to stick his fingers in my mouth, why my knee's are bruised to the point where i can't even walk right anymore. My life is so messed up and no one is going to be able to fix me no matter what they do or how hard they try.....Jeff is here for me but yet, he's still not enough.

''Marcel? What are you doing over here?'' Quickly picking up my non broken glasses, thank god they aren't. Placing them on the bridge of my nose and looking down the alley which was a mistake since i was met with the same eyes that i ran from earlier. ''Look i think i need to ask you something since my teacher is being a bitch about it.'' I knew what he was going to ask me, but i just didn't want to stick around for him to actually say it. So without letting him finish once again, i turned on my heel and started jogging towards the street in order to cross and run home from a different direction. I didn't get lucky this time though, zayn had his hand wrapped around my bruised wrist and was tugging me back against his chest like nothing. ''Listen.......Come to my place and we'll discuss what is going on and i want guess apologize for how i have been treating you.'' He pushed me away while walking towards a red pick up truck, what the hell......I don't even know where he lives. Rolling my eyes, i made my way home and ignored the funny feeling i was getting while walking closer to the front door. Fuck zayn, i'm not going to his place just so he can easily beat me up there. 

Living in Fear(Zarcel Stylik)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant