Chapter 21

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First Zayn sends me a really messed up text saying that he wasn't going to be nice to me or even look at me like he cares but than again.....He was at my house the other day kissing me and telling me how much he wants to protect me and no one else. He confuses me so much, i looked down at my class work while pushing my glasses up to the bridge of my nose while knitting my brows together. Mr. Sheeran says we're going on some field trip but not before he decided to do some class project.....He's a very strange man but i think it's just cause he's got short term memory loss or something similar to that. I bit my lip trying to concentrate on this damn work, he wanted us to write something good that had happened in our life and than make this little family tree along with real pictures of our family members. To be honest though.....I know nothing about my family, only my father really. But i have no pictures and even if i try to ask him for one then he'd probably flip out on me and smack me around while punishing me in his bed. I bit the tip of my pen while thinking about my mum, would she have been nicer then my father if he was the one to die or up and leave? I wonder to myself to much, i even wonder what life would be like if i grew up in a more of a richer neighborhood were the neighbors actually care enough to ask if i'm okay. 

''Mr.Styles, would you like to stay after class to finish your writing? You seem to look a little lost and i want to make sure your getting 100% on this paper.'' I looked up, seeing that everyone else was already done with their phones out and some with their heads down. 

''U-um, su-sure. Th-thanks.'' I mumbled, he gave me a small smile while nodding his head and walking towards the back where everyone of the jocks were sitting. I didn't dare look up from my work, i was to afraid to even think about zayn again since he's been on my mind all morning from the second he left my house. We didn't do anything but he was just being so weird, like he wanted to stay with me and talk about things that didn't really mean anything. He even held me close to his chest while letting me listen to his heart beat which i found soothing for my ears. 

''Now class, i know i have been talking about projects and that lovely camping field trip.....If i remember clearly that is. I will be planning this camping trip after school and talking to most of your guardians. I'm going to be talking to my wife to make sure she'll be fine alone for a few days, i want to make this the best field trip ever. Make sure your all learning something new as well, don't want to come back without leaning about nature and all it's beautiful creatures.'' 

''Why should we learn about something that won't even be mentioned later on in class? I think that's just a waste of money for a stupid trip.'' Everyone looked over at Andy, the girl who kept crying about every little thing in class. ''This is just so stupid, i think we should go to the mall for a whole day and spend money on stuff that is worth looking at.'' 

''Than you don't have to go andy, no one is forcing you to go with us. You can stay here and do extra work to catch up with your work, your not the brightest in this grade anyways. So i expect you to at least get a paper done without putting makeup on in class like usual.'' I could hear people snickering in the back of the class while the rest of us kept quiet.......Well me that is. ''Now for the rest of you, is there anything else you wanna know or what? I'm tired of being nice and letting you all off with just a F when your all taking advantage of me just because i'm taking care of my sick wife. Now settle down and be good for once.'' 

''Mr. Sheeran, what kind of bus are we taking? Last time i was on a field trip, we took this big arse hound dog bus and there was even a restroom inside of it. I don't want to be holding in my piss for over two hours or so just to go camping.'' Zayn decided to speak up, i put my head down trying to hide the blush that was coating my cheeks, why am i acting this way when he's embarrassed of me anyways?

''We'll be figuring all the arrangements out as soon as i talk to a few people here, but this won't be until a few days. Sorry if i confused any of you but class will soon be ending here in a few minutes so go ahead and start packing up.'' Most kids were cheering as some started talking about the camping trip, i honestly don't want to go since i could be easily picked on and maybe dumped in the river after someone murders me. But then again.....I don't want to be here and have my father hit me some more, i wonder if jeff is going. He's in detention right now for fighting this morning. The bell rang and i was up and out of the room within seconds, so rushing down the hall and waiting for Jeff to come out for a break. I looked around just to make sure no one was coming my way, i hate being alone when the jocks are walking around. 

''Hey there little bro, waiting for me?'' Looking up, i was met with a smiling jeff who only had a busted lip and a slightly bruising eye which didn't make him look to bad. 

''Y-yes, a-are you ok-okay?'' Touching his cheek, he closed his eyes while nodding and letting his head fall to the side while i caressed his stubby cheek. His skin was so soft, i wanted to cup his cheeks and just leave them there. But i remembered that i needed to ask him about the field trip thing. ''Ar-are you goi-going cam-camping wi-with us?'' Biting my lip, i pulled my hand away while pushing up my thick rimmed glasses. 

''I don't even know, i just got into this stupid fight with josh today and he's still trying to fuck with me. I swear that kid is asking for another beating and this time i won't go so easy on him either.'' I was taken back by his sudden mood change, nothing can stop me from wanting to be there for him though. So without saying anything else, i threw my arms around his neck and brought him in for a warm brotherly hug. It just looked like he needed one since he's so down at the moment. ''Your such a huggable person when people get to know you, i like that about you though. Your an amazing person and i'm here to make sure nothing else happens to you. I care about you marcel, your just so fucking adorable and so nice to me. No one has ever been this sweet to me before, people are so judgmental and having you in my life just helps me go on with living.'' I don't know what happened but his face was just a few inches from mine and then everything just seemed to be in slow motion as his lips met mine. ''Your lips....their so soft and they taste wonderful. I'm not gay nor am i bisexual but your so different Marcel, you make everything i'm stressing about, just vanish.'' 

''I....I....Thanks.'' I looked down, blushing like an idiot. I couldn't even look the blue eyed boy in his eyes without wanting to run off in the boys bathroom and cry just because i have never been treated like this before. He's so gentle with me but i don't like him like that, i like zayn....WAIT WHAT?! I don't like zayn like that, he's been hurting me physically and mentally. 

''I think i might be going camping with you and the others but let me just talk to the principle and find out what's gonna happen with my grades and all. I have never been in this much trouble before and seeing that this is my first time....It's kind of scary to think about it.'' He chuckled while tightening his grip around my hips. Oh....No....I forgot that we were still holding each other. I let my arms fall to my sides while looking up at him with a small smile. ''I have to get back in class, meet me after school so i can give you a ride to work or so. I know your dad isn't home seeing that you already told me in your text this morning about him being gone for a few days already. I wonder where he is, that's none of my business though. Your my business and your safety is all i care about right now.'' He pecked my cheek while turning to look back inside his detention classroom which i only seen a few people in there but sleeping. I wish i could just sleep like them, smiling from the peck. I walked away while gripping my binder close to my chest, but that soon ended when i was tugged by my arm and slammed inside some janitors closet. I tried to turn around to see who the kidnapper was but i was pushed chest first against the dirty wall. Getting my sweater vest covered in spider web and whatever it was that is leaking from the walls in here. 

''Don't fucking move Marcel, i seen what the fuck had happened between you and that fucking jeff lad. I swear to god if anything is going on between the two of you than i'm going to flip shit here. I already told you that i liked you Marcy which is why i haven't hurt you today.'' I knew right away who was behind me, i wanted to turn and tell him that it was all a misunderstanding but he shushed me by placing his lips on my neck. ''Your going to share a tent with me when we camp and your going to sit next to me on the bus. Make sure you look decent as well.'' I was left alone as he walked out of the room and down the hall that was now empty. I gulped, trying to catch my breath as my eyes started to water. Is someone playing some joke on me? 

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