Chapter 6

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This whole day was just plain out hell, i got punched in the groin at P.E by six guys, a baseball hit me right in the elbow which caused me to lose all feeling in it for about half an hour, Zayn and his friend's kept tripping me when i tried to run for second base or third since i got to hit the ball like twice, than someone decided that it would be funny slam mud on top of my head when we were heading off to the lockers to change. I waited for everyone to leave just so i can quickly switch off into my regular clothes. But what's so different about this day with any other day i have here? Only time i really catch a break from these guys is mostly Saturdays and Sundays when i'm either working or at home. It's pretty nice at work since no one i know's goes there, but than again some of the elder ladies there don't like me much because i'm to quiet, or to nice when it comes to costumers waiting on they're food.

''I knew someone was in here but never would have expected the fag boy to be that someone.'' I quickly turned to see Zayn leaning against one of the metal lockers that was placed in the locker room of course, i couldn't help but look down at my dirty dress shoes. ''Never thought i would see you after school in here.'' 

''I-i w-was ch-changing, b-but excuse m-me.'' I gripped my sachet harder than i was suppose to only to try and walk passed the man that had the same smirk on his face, i knew that smirk too cause that's what he's always wearing when it comes close to kicking my bum. 

''Ah ah ah where do you think your going nerd boy? I'm here alone and my mates had left me just to go pick up someones car so i'm stuck here with you. Hmm i wonder what we can do just to let time pass, you have to be home?'' He kicked himself off the locker and started pushing passed my shoulder just to stand in front of me, ''Answer me bitch.'' He gritted through his scary looking teeth. 

''I-i ha-have to g-go to wo-work an-and my f-father doe-doesn't wa-want me la-late get-getting hom-home.'' I sniffed trying to hide back the tears that were of course spilling out of my eyes, i started shaking hoping that my inhaler was just in my pocket. 

''Stop fucking stuttering shit, it's fucking annoying and that's one of the reasons you get beat up at school and at your fucking house. Don't think i haven't noticed any of the bruises on your face that we haven't caused, so that must mean your daddy beats you for something you do at home. Maybe it's because your a little faggot arse boy that likes cock in the arse and mouth huh? You let someone fuck your arse while your sucking someone else off, maybe that's why your daddy doesn't want you late for work is because he needs a good cock slut like you to keep him busy while he drinks his life away. Don't think i haven't met your daddy before, cause my mum knows the prick and he ruined my sisters damn birthday party by showing up fucking drunk.'' I looked up to meet the golden colored boy, was he serious?

''I-i'm so-sorry, i-i di-didn't kn-know.'' I tried to take a deep breath but my shoulders were shaking so much it was even hard to keep my bag on my shoulder. I could feel my glasses fogging up from the hot air in here that was caused by the showers that the other boys had taken. But of course i stayed far away from them as possible since they thought i wanted to see they're weenies. 

''Sorry for being born? Sorry for having a daddy that likes to ruin shit just like you? Sorry for even wanting to come to school and learn when all you'll ever be in life is someone's slut? Yeah i know you marcel, you think life is so fucking hard when all you think about is learning, working, and going home just to face your daddy. Shit you act like he's the one that brings hell to you, i don't like your fucking daddy but your probably the reason why he does what he does. This is why your our target, not only because your hay but the fact that your just so fucking stupid that it's impossible not to fuck with someone that likes to take a beating without sticking up for themselves.'' 

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