Chapter 27

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After walking around for more than a few minutes, i finally stopped next to a river that had little fishes swimming around. I'm surprised that i can even see them under that dark shade of black which is probably blue in the light sky. It's time, it's time for my mates to know the true feelings i have over the boy i use to bully just because he was brave enough to be himself and not hide away from the world as it grew harder to live in. Turning to face the two boys who had followed me all the way out here, it was probably a bad idea to have them alone with me out in the middle of the woods like this. I don't really care what they do nor what they say to me though, if they have a problem with me loving another boy let along the one that they dislike just like i told them too. I'm going to care and love him no matter what they say or how they react anyways, i'm finally going to be able to be myself and not let anyone bring me down if shit happens tonight. I love Marcel and i'm not going to give up on him just because of a few boys or people at school that don't like him. He's an amazing person, he's sweet, shy, smart, and very beautiful. He deserves more than the worst, he's going to be the richest man alive once he does things that he wants to do, i believe in him and i'm not going to just stand around and let someone like louis and josh hurt him. If he has to suffer, than i'm going to suffer with him. 

''Um Zayn? This place is fucking scary mate. Why bring us all the way out here just to stand around and look like a bunch of deer waiting to be hunted?'' Smiling, there's the louis i'm going to miss when he's turned on me for loving the same sex. ''Zayn you look like you're about to cry mate, tell us what's wrong? Did Marcel touch you're no no parts? Should we go back and beat his white arse for doing something like that?'' Now he's just being stupid, shaking my head as i placed my hands on both their shoulders. My left touching louis right shoulder while my right hand was placed on josh's left shoulder. 

''You guys.....I know that i needed to tell you something back at the camp but i guess i just wanted to go somewhere peaceful and quiet where the fire isn't in the way of one of you throwing me into it. I don't know how to say this but.....I'm in love with someone and i don't think you guys will understand the love i have for this person. They make me so happy and they make me feel even stronger than i have ever felt in so long. Their sweet to me and they had given me so many chances after what i had done to them. I don't think i want to live without them being in my life, i'm just saying this just because you guys are my best mates and i trust you but now i'm having second thoughts on this shit. Maybe i should have never said anything, just forget about it.'' Taking my hands off their shoulders and walking away just to place my feet that of course were bare from removing my boots. I wanted to at least feel the cold water and how it would make my blood feel a little warmer than it is right now. I felt two more figures sit on each side of me, louis being the one to speak first. 

''Mate, there's nothing in this world that will make us hate you for what you love or who you love. We're always going to be here for you, i mean....I don't know if you being a murderer would keep me from leaving but you know what i mean?'' Laughing, wow it felt so good to have my last laugh before losing my mates. ''See, there's that laugh that we love to hear. Now tell us what's got you looking like a depressed emo, we don't like seeing you sad bro. You know we love you, who's this so called 'Lucky one?''

''Well......I know you guys will just leave me so here goes........I'm in love wi-'' Being cut off by a loud scream that was coming from ahead, i couldn't help but put all my attention on a figure that was running our way, my heart started to speed up as my eyes widened. ''Who the fuck is that?!'' Yelling at louis and josh who were standing scared, looking at one another as they started to scream along. The girl that had screamed was covered in blood and worn out clothes that looked to be a thousand years old. My mind was going insane, watching as she stumbled over branches and rocks that dug into the bottoms of her tiny pale feet that were taken over by dry mud and what seems to look like loose skin. 

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