Chapter 18

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Hours had gone by since i last seen Marcel, where the fuck did that nerd go? He's not one to ditch classes even if it's getting pushed around by my little gang of mine. Looking up at the clock that was attached to the wall, it was indeed almost time to go home and i still haven't got any of my damn work done since i was suppose to be copying that fucking idiot. Groaning, i turned to look over my shoulder, only to catch Louis and Josh talking about some video game that they were going to steal from this game shop that is ran by a very old lad. I don't see why they want to steal it if they could just pay with the money they have, what the hell am i saying? I usually tag along with them when it's something like that, closing my eyes just to make the time go by quicker. I really need to get out of here before i suffocate. 

''Hey Z, you want to walk with us? We're gonna be heading over to Daniels place for some new pranks.'' Chuckling at Lou, him and his damn pranks. He never gives them up even if you beg for him to. Biting my lip, i shrugged my shoulders while thinking about it. 

''No mate, i have business to take care of and that includes that fucking nerd that hasn't shown up to any of our damn classes.'' Gritting my teeth, if i fucking fail and get kicked off my team because of him than i'm gonna have his head on a plate and feeding it to the homeless. ''He was suppose to let me copy his homework and some class work as well but he hasn't even been here for the past two fucking hours. I'm starting to feel like maybe he's hiding just to piss me off some more.'' I felt my blood rushing to my head as i snapped my number 2 pencil in half like it was nothing...Literally these things are easy to break but still. 

''Well let's look for him after school and give him a piece of our mind yeah? He should have known by now not to fuck with us and if want something, then we fucking get it. His mistake was to make you angry and well......He's gonna deserve the beating that is coming to him.'' Hearing Josh talk was making me angrier than i was before, i can't listening to my other mates talk shit about someone. For some reason it made me angry that they were snickering about the size of Marcel's glasses, his hair, his voice, shit it even pissed me off that they were actually talking about how his arse needs a good prick inside of it. Maybe i just hate when they talk about him like that because i'm the only one that can pick on the lad more than anyone else at this damn school. I'm the fucking boss and what i say goes, no matter what it is. 

''I'm going to head off to the restroom, don't wait up for me if the bell rings and i'm not back by than.'' Raising my hand, Mrs. Bags looked up through her black rimmed glasses. ''May i go to the restroom?'' Biting down on my lip, she looked up at the clock which was already half passed three. Time sure goes by when your talking to people, ignoring the fact that she rolled her eyes and nodded towards the door. ''Thanks'' I mumbled out, grabbing my binder and walking out, i couldn't help but let my mind take over. Did Marcel's dad come and pick him up? I mean.....I know that it would be stupid of him to since he seems like the type of man to just let his son go out and do whatever, i don't even think his dad really cares about where he is or what he does. Shaking my head, i rubbed my hands over my sweaty face just to calm my nerves. I'm going to fucking fail all my classes and it's all going to be Marcels fault. Pushing the bathroom door open, hearing it slam against the white wall. As i walked up to the sink to splash some water on my face, i could hear someone sniffing in one of the closed stalls. Great another cry baby at our school, only girls cry. Rolling my eyes, i ran the water in the sink just to watch it go down the drain. The crying got louder as i stopped the faucet. Putting my bag down, i licked over my lips while knitting my brows together. ''Hey um.....Kid you okay in there? I'm not going to hurt you, just come out yeah?'' I walked closer to the stall as the boys crying became steady, i could hear shuffling on the other side but yet.....the door hasn't opened which had me biting down on my lip again. I think when i get nervous, that's when i started biting down at my lip like it's a normal thing. ''Hey come out mate, don't be scared. I'm not going to bite you, just come out.'' I tried again, this time everything became quiet. 

''G-go aw-way pl-please.'' That voice, i know that fucking voice, the stuttering, the crying, the fucking sniffing. Getting on my knee's, i looked under the stalls just to see nothing but shiny shoes...more like dirty ones that use to look like they were shiny. 

''Open this fucking door Marcel, i'm not playing with you now. You fucking skipped two damn classes and now i'm fucking piled with work over work, i'm already failing because of you. So get the fuck out of the damn stall and take my homework.'' Backing away from the door, i crossed my arms over my chest while tapping my foot against the white tiled floor. Still no movement, what the fuck. ''I said get the fuck out of there NOW!'' Raising my voice, i couldn't tell if he was scared or just ignoring me. He's lucky that door is between us or i would have already beat his faggot arse by now.

''I-i can-can't, m-my legs hu-hurt an-and my he-head.'' Kicking myself off the wall i was leaning against, i walked over to the trembling boy who was hiding behind the damn stall. Putting my palm against the white chipped door, i tried to push it open but seeing that it was still locked, i guess i'll do the only thing i can just to get this boy out. Dropping to my knee's, i started to crawl under the door. I'm going to regret this later, these floors are fucking disgusting and they look like they haven't even been cleaned in years. 

''Damn you owe me a new fucking shirt and maybe a pair of skinny jeans that don't look like they were picked out by my grandma.'' Groaning, i finally stood straight while popping my back. Finally looking down at the boy who was cuddled up against the corner of the stall, head hidden in between his legs while he had his arms wrapped around his trembling legs. Walking over to boy who was sniffing like crazy, i sat down right next to him while picking up his bag that looked beat up as well. ''Why are you in here crying when you could be in class helping me with my work? It's not like you've never been bullied before so stop acting like everything has changed. Look at me when i'm talking to you.'' Gritting again, i tugged at his loose curls that lost all it's gel. He hissed out in pain as he backed up against the wall with his head turning the other way to face the opposite direction. 

''Ple-please le-leave me alo-alone fo-for on-once.'' He sobbed out, what the hell has gotten into him now? Scooting closer to the wrecked boy, i cupped his chin while turning him to face me. I felt like throwing up my lunch and breakfast after seeing his face. My mind was going fuzzy as i felt myself wanting to cry for the boy. His face.....Two black eyes that have already started to swell into golf balls, fat busted lips, cricked nose, splashes of blood covering his pale skin, his ears are even bruised, now that i noticed.....his clothes are even ripped in all kinds of places. His hands were shaking faster than a stripper dancing on a pole, i could see the blood that had dried up against his braces which also caught me off guard as his tooth was just hanging there. Dried and wet tears were on his swollen cheeks, how can he cry when his eyes are so swollen though? I let my hand fall to my side as he quivered again, hiding his face behind his hands. I could see his finger nails that were chipped, his knuckles that have been scraped to the point where you can actually see his bones, blood veins that looked as if they have been popped in all kinds on places, oh my god.....How.....When....i was in loss of words as i watched the poor boy cry his heart out. My own eyes had become blurry as i tried to hide my tears away, but i couldn't. How can someone do this to him? Hurt him to the point where he can't even breath right? 

''Marcel....My god.....Marcy? Come here baby.'' I sniffed a few times, he sobbed even louder as i picked him up and placed the poor lad on my lap. Cradling him like a baby, i looked up at the ceiling while placing my hand on his head to let him rest on my chest. ''Shh love, i'm right here and i promise to never let anything happen to you baby. Please calm down, Your going to come to my house right now and don't argue. Your going to rest, i'll give you pain killers, and i'll even let you wear my sweats and a sweater. You feel so cold.'' I picked him up bridal style while looking back down at his bag, it's already torn up and everything inside was just a mess. Shaking my head, i led us out of the stall, picking up my binder that was still laying flat on the dirty floor. ''Shhh, i'm here.'' Looking at the boys face, he couldn't even blink nor open his eyes......I wanted to see his eyes though, i wanted to see those green orbs that are so dull. Hugging him close to my body as i walked outside into the parking lot, i'm going to take care of this boy. 

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