Chapter 1

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It has been three day's since i have slept, since i had ate, since i had spoken to my father, the man that has been beating me to a pulp just because i didn't come home 2 minutes before he locked the doors at 4:30. I sniffed a few time's allowing myself to get out of the warm shower, As i looked myself in the foggy mirror only to see the purple, blue, and yellow bruising that was all over my pale body, the side of my neck, and of course one that has been there for a few weeks already but that's only because of the football team at school. I wrapped a towel around my skinny waist, making my way outside of the small bathroom and across the hall to find my bedroom door already open. As i approached the broken down door, i couldn't help but feel afraid of what was waiting for me on the other side. 

''Why haven't you went out and bought some food like i told you too? I thought we made ourselves clear that since you now have a job your going to pay the bills, pay for food, my beer, and of course new shit for the house. But yet here you are standing there half naked, looking like you were fucked up, dripping wet, acting like there's nothing in the world you care about. So let me say something MARCEL....Your going to get dressed, drag your happy arse to the store and get the food, understand?'' 

''But father, i haven't been to work since i've had a few days off because of school. I could go in today after school and make a little extra money by helping Debra and Luara with the cleaning for the back.'' I gulped, watching him stand on his two shaky legs showing that he was indeed drinking. but where had he been? I looked down at my bare feet hoping that these hits wouldn't hurt as much as his usual ones. I felt a hard hand grab behind my neck as he brought my face closer to his, i could smell the nasty smoke and alcohol coming out of his mouth as he breathed. 

''Your going to skip school today and go to work, and don't make me fucking tell you again or i'm going to end up hurting you to the point where your in the hospital begging for the doctors to just kill you right there and than. Do i make myself clear MARCEL?'' He squeezed harder, as i let my hands grip onto the towel that was hiding my private parts only to let out a small whimper as he pushed me against the wall as a picture frame of my mom fell to the floor. 

''Y-yes i unde-understand'' I let my eyes stay shut as i was now being released and left alone with the air drying the rest of my cold body. I peaked a bit as i watched him walk down the empty hall way that was filled with old flowers that people would send my father since they thought he was sick which is how we would get some money. My father had went to church one time and lied to some people about dying, when really all he wanted was they're money. 

''Oh and another thing faggot, make sure you take the trash out on your way. I'm to tired to even move from this couch!'' He yelled all that out in one sentence, i can't believe i'm 18 and still living here with him. But than again, i don't make enough money for my own place, and no one will take me in so it's better staying under the same roof with an abusive father that doesn't love me than being out there getting raped or worse....Murdered. ''You better take your house keys just in case i'm not here when you get back from your gay job with those old hags.'' I huffed out while trying to hold back the anger that was boiling through my blood. 

''I understand!'' I yelled back but quickly running inside my room just in case he decided to come in and beat me, but i heard nothing but a light chuckle coming from down the hall that led to the messy living room. 

''Your lucky i'm to comfortable to get up and kick your arse since i hate when you yell in this damn house, Actually when you yell in MY house. So next time i head another word coming out of your mouth today or tomorrow than it's a beating for you.'' I stayed quiet as i grabbed a pair of tan looking dress pants, brown sweater vest, white button down, and my old man looking socks that come with dress shoes. I know that i may not be the best looking lad here but i'm still a well respectful man that deserves a chance to have at least one or two friends in my life. 

''If only mum would have taken me with her instead of leaving me with this crazy man.'' I whispered to myself as i grabbed at my large jar of hair gel, applying the sticky substance on my hand and through my hair. I watched as a few curly strands of hair would pop out in certain places, but it's a good thing this gel can fix that. With one last flick of my wrist for the gel to help my hair stick, it was now perfect like always as i slid on my thick rimmed glasses. 

''You almost done up there! It's not like you have a fucking boyfriend, so hurry your ugly arse up and get to work for the damn money before i end up rearranging that face of yours!'' I bit my lip while grabbing my brown winter coat and running to the front door in a hurry so i wouldn't get smacked or whatever it was he was thinking of doing. ''You got your keys geek boy?''

''Yes sir.'' I looked down at my hands that were holding onto my silver keys, one for the house, one for the car that was my fathers, and of course the last one that was for the back gate that held nothing but dead plants and grass. ''Um i'm going to head out now, i'll be back later after work and well after i shop.'' I shrugged while wiping at my runny nose, i did have allergies but i always get like this when i sleep without blankets. 

''Yea yea yea like i care, now go before i strangle you.'' I held back a shaky breath as i ran out of the house in a hurry without looking back at the man that gives me hell, other than the students at school who like to bully me for no reason. I walked down the same sidewalk i'm always traveling down, passed an alley, passed the pot heads, passed the bench that held the same couple kissing for months now, and of course passed my high school which was looking empty. I stiffened hearing the football team laughing, i quickly looked to my side seeing that they were picking on some poor girl who looked new i guess. Well they weren't actually picking on her but more like trying to get inside her pants. 

''So desperate'' I rolled my eyes while snuggling with my coat, i sucked in the cold air as i looked down at the grey concrete that i remember walking down. I remember being kicked to the ground, busted open from the inside of my mouth, tasting the blood, feeling cold and unwanted, hearing them laugh, feeling the tears run down my blood stained face, crying out for help but no one came for me. I squeezed my eyes shut as i held my keys in my palm letting them dig into my skin. I could feel my eyes start to fog as the little drops of tears wanted to be let free, holding them back was harder than i thought. 

''HEY MARCY THE QUEER BAIT!'' I cringed at the voices as i wanted to run as fast as i can but seeing that they're way to fast and would catch up to me like nothing. I stopped walking as i turned around to see Zayn and his little group of dogs following him like he was they're master, which he was. 

''Yes?'' I looked down trying to hide the fact that i was scared, but knowing them. they would find out sooner or later, i was grabbed by my arm and thrown down onto the floor where little shocks of pain shot through my body. ''Pl-please n-not to-today.'' I looked up to see zayn already looking down at me while everyone else mocked my voice, i sniffed a few times before the hits started coming down and not only from zayn but everyone else that was by his side. 

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