Chapter 9

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Lunch time came by pretty fast, seeing that i wasn't really paying any attention in the rest of my classes just thinking about that nerdy little fuck. I groaned while walking to our usual popular table which wasn't full right now, people probably getting their lunches at the moment. Seeing that Josh, Louis, Niall and Liam were already there. I sat patiently in front of the others as they eyed me up and down smiling. I gave them all confused looks while looking at josh who kept his eyes ahead just glaring at something.....or someone that is. Looking behind me, there i saw, Marcel...and the new kid of course hanging out like they've knew each other for more than just a year or two. 

''Since when have they started hanging out? Or the real question should be, who the fuck is that new kid over there anyways?'' Before i could even say anything, Josh was already opening his mouth while keeping his eyes glued to the boy. 

''He's in one of zayn's and i's class, he stood up for that fucking faggot over there and now their like hanging out. He tried to act all tough with me and shit, but really....He has no idea who he's fucking with. So once i get him alone i'm going to rip his fucking kick his white boy arse and send him back to where ever the hell he came from. Him and his hill billy fucking accent.'' He shoved some french fries in his mouth while scrunching up his nose. 

''Yeah what he said, but who cares about him. I'm still focused on why anyone would want to hang around that fucking fairy when no one at school likes him in the first place. I guess after school we can all gang up on the two and show them a lesson about being faggots yeah?'' They all nodded while saying something else but i was to busy thinking of ways to show Styles not to fucking talk to anyone unless he wants to live another day. 

''I don't think he likes the new kid anyways, he seems to talkative.'' Shrugging my shoulders, i looked over and seen them sitting in the far corner of the lunch room while Marcel kept his head down having his curly hair cover up most of his chubby face. 

''I just think he doesn't want to be seen with him because he know's he's going to get his arse beat either way. Or maybe he's just shy and likes the attention the new kid is giving him, shit maybe they'll even fall in love and run away together than get hit by a truck.'' 

''Wow zayn......That's deep man.'' Louis fist pumped me while looking down at his carrots. ''I need to tell El that i'm going to be skipping her place today since i have a doctors appointment, gotta get my eyes checked for glasses maybe.'' He shrugged his shoulders while looking up from his tray, i slowly nodded while looking down at my cell. 

''I'm gonna go to the loo, i'll be right back.'' Josh said, i looked to were he was going but of course seeing that Marcel and the new boy were standing up and taking something out of their bags. I could see the new kid taking out a sweater and handing it to Marcel which he gladly took. What the fuck is going on over there anyways?


''Th-thanks J-jeff, i-it's ju-just reall-really col-cold i-in he-here.'' I stuttered out while pulling his black hoodie over my head and settling it over my torso. I looked up to see him going through his binder for something.......more like homework. 

''Yeah no problem little dude, i hate math so effing much man. I think when i get home i'll just have my big brother chew it up for me and i could tell the teacher that my bro got drunk and thought my homework was candy or something.'' I bit my lip to hide the giggle that wanted to escape my mouth, to be honest....He's really funny and kind of cute. ''So anyways, are you gonna get anything to eat or your not hungry?'' He asked while bobbing his head to the music he was listening to. 

''U-um n-no i'-i'm no-not hun-hungry, d- y-you wan-want me to gi-give y-you mon-money?'' He started laughing while patting my back which i flinched away a bit, seeing that he stopped and looked down at me from were he started to stand and take out his wallet. 

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