Chapter 7

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''WHEN I FUCKING SAY TO BE HOME ON TIME, I DON'T EXPECT YOU TO FUCKING CALL ME FROM SCHOOL ASKING ME IF I COULD PICK YOU UP BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T WALK OR YOU FUCKING MISSED THE DAMN BUS!'' My father screamed at me while smacking me multiple times in the car. I tried to block them away with my hands, but he was way to quick and of course stronger than i am. I felt the slaps and punches he was throwing at me, i tried to hold back the sobs but it was to hard. ''Don't even start fucking crying, we're not even home yet and your already being a little cry baby. Maybe i should teach you a lesson and show you what you should really be crying about.'' I squeezed my eyes shut while looking out the window, feeling the blood drip from my nose, and my eye twitching once and awhile from my glasses hitting it after my father slapped me. 

''I-i'm so-sorry'' I whispered while looking down at my lap, i couldn't even think straight since my head was throbbing up a storm. I wanted to wipe the blood away from my face, but my father always says that once i bleed he wants to watch it dry against my pale skin just to see what he had done. He loves the fact that i'm in pain, he loves to watch me cry in vain, he wants to laugh at my screams, he wants to sleep in peace while knowing that i'm here dying slowly in my rotted up bed. 

''Don't even speak you stupid twat. I don't even want to see you look at me or even think about what i'm going to do to you. You hear me?'' I slowly nodded while trying to contain my trembling lip, i couldn't answer him since he didn't want me talking. I wanted to run away but i know if i do, that he would find me and probably murder me. I gripped my strap from my sachet once i saw the house coming closer and closer, i didn't even want to be home alone with the man but i have no choice. ''Who the fuck is that?'' I looked ahead, not even noticing the car that was in the driveway before. I pushed my thick glasses up the bridge of my nose, wondering who could be at our house. 

''Maybe someones here to save me, finally.'' I said in my head, i didn't want to say it out loud cause what if it was just some random person who got lost and thought that maybe this way they're place. I licked my lips only to taste the dry blood that had ran down my mouth. 

''Wipe the nasty blood off your face while i figure out who these people are, you better not even think about getting out of this damn car either.'' He slammed the door as we were parked across the street, i watched as he looked both ways to make sure there wasn't any cars driving by. I took out a baby wipe from my bag and started cleaning up my sore face, i made sure to get the small drops of blood that had also landed on top of my hands. 

''I wonder who they are.'' I said out loud, i kept my eyes on the car, my father, and of course the people that were now hopping out of they're clean looking rich car. They were smiling, laughing, and trying to shake my father's hand. I liked seeing him happy but he would only put on the act in front of others just to get people to think he was this good guy when really.....he's a rapist, abusive, jerk that likes to hurt his own bloody son. I waited ten more minutes, watching them all chat and laugh at things the bigger looking guy was saying. I looked down at my binder i had taken out just to finish some of my homework, but only to remember that i had to be at work in a few hours. I usually go straight after school, but my boss changed my schedule just let me finish school work. She's sweet and all but i don't think she really likes me. 

''Stop fucking day dreaming and get the fuck out of the car.'' I snapped my head to the side, seeing my father glaring at me with so much hate in his eyes. I quickly packed my stuff and unclipped my seat belt just to follow him towards the people that were standing around looking down at they're cells. 

''Ah and who might this stunning looking lad be?'' The guy raised his eyebrow while putting his phone down, i watched as he eyed me up and down. What's going on?

''This right here is my son, Marcel Harold Styles. And he's 18 and let's just say he's never had a real job other than that stupid bakery business he goes to that doesn't even pay enough.'' He chuckled, i couldn't really see the other man that was in the car, but he was leaning forward trying to look for something i'm assuming. Biting my lip, all i wanted to say is who these men were and what did they want.

''Well he's a beauty, mind if we go inside and i can get a proper look at him? Naked?'' I gulped while looking towards my father, the man that is suppose to love me, take care of me, tell me that he won't let no one hurt me no matter what. But yet here i am with the smiling man who took his sun glasses off along with the other guy who was now getting out of the car. 

''Let's go, i have to warn you though......He's a bit shy so just to warn you, he might not take his clothes off as fast as you expect him too. But i'll make sure he does.'' I could feel my eyes rimming with tears, are these men going to hurt me? Are they going to touch me in places i don't want to be touched in? 

''Fa-father pl-please.'' I was met with a hard slap across the face, my face stinging, my eye throbbing from the stinging pain that was brought upon my swollen face. 

''Shut the fuck up and get inside, remove your clothes and bend over the couch so these nice men can get a look at you. Wash out your damn hair to, jesus christ i hate it when you put that nasty shit inside your hair. Now go before i beat you in front of them!'' He gritted while i choked out a small yes and left inside the unlocked house. I tripped on my way to my room, while slowly dropping my bag on the floor and letting my cracked glasses hit the top of my bed. I sniffed a few times, going to my restroom and washing my hair out. I watched as my wet hair covered half my face, pulling a white towel that was stained with blood. I dried myself off as i removed my clothes just to stand in my briefs. 

''I ha-hate my li-life.'' I mumbled while wiping the tears from my eyes and walking back into the living room where three older men were standing, one being my father of course.

''There's my lovely boy, and better yet......All curly and half naked. Take the briefs off and bend over here.'' He pointed to the arm of the couch while sitting himself down on top of the coffee table. I took a deep breath while shimming out of my briefs just to kick them to the side and putting my hands in front of my penis. ''Come on.'' He said again, i made my way to the couch and slowly bent over the dirty thing just to squeeze my eyes shut, holding back the stinging tears. 

''Now let's get a good look at him, shall we?'' I heard the man that was checking me out say, i felt him stand behind me as he starting rubbing down my back and having both of his old wrinkly hands on my bum. ''He's got a nice little arse here, soft skin, the bruises really bring out all the skin color as well, i like the bumps from his spine...Like the way they stick out of his skin, he's so small, like a little 14 year old huh? I think we can make a deal on him, i'll come by everyday just to pay you for a few hours with him.'' I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, i cried so hard that i was shaking now. I don't want another man touching me, i know it's nasty to say that i only want my father to touch me when he wants to but other strangers just scare me. 

''Great, so anything you want me to do or no?'' I can't believe he would stoop this low just to get some money when all he wants it for is beer and drugs. I wanted to stand up and run out of the front door with nothing on, i would be happier to just run away butt naked just to get away from everyone. 

''Actually just have him naked, in bed, hair all curly like this. Just have him ready for me around four tomorrow.'' Was all he said before pinching my bum and walking away with the other guy that he had came here with. Soon enough the door was shut and my father was behind me. 

''I want you to go to your room, take a shower, and sleep naked. I'll be in there in a few minutes to open you up.'' I felt so dirty and ugly, i slowly nodded while standing up straight and walking to my room for the shower that comes to be a good friend since it cleans me off from these men. 

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