Chapter 12

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I don't know what it is about Marcel but for some odd reason, i don't feel like hurting him like i do every other day. It's like, seeing his face in fear when i had slammed him against that wall...He looked so weak and helpless. I did feel bad for a few seconds but not until he snapped me from my thoughts when he agreed to actually give me free shit. I thought he was going to have one of those old ladies inside the bakery take my order but i guess i was wrong for the first time. I have noticed a few bruises here and there, i know his dad beats him but that's probably because he know's that his only son his a faggot. I mean, i would probably do the same thing, but than again.....I don't think if i could ever lay a finger on my kid if He/She liked the same sex. After i had dropped the goodies off for my mum which i still don't get why she needed them now and not tomorrow. I mean....It's already getting late and she wanted to invite all her girls at our place just to read some book or talk about girl stuff that i didn't want to stick around to listen. As i walked alone, thinking to myself about people and why they live the way they do. I spotted two figures standing in front of the sunset, which was pretty if i may say so myself. Watching as it lowered, i could see the two hugging. Well they must be on some romantic date or somewhat, i couldn't break my eyes off of them though. They looked as if they were crying, or maybe the taller guy proposed to the shorter.........wait a fucking minute. 

''Well you ready to go home? Or.....Do you want to come to my place and chill for awhile before your dad get's back from the bar?'' I watched as the shorter one shrugged while leaning his body against the taller man's chest. ''Marcel, you know you can stay the night if you want. I kind of heard your dad yelling over the phone when he called. Just thought you should know that i'm taking a guess on this whole. But does he hit you? Cause i know those bruises aren't from the bullies at our school?'' 

''Jeff, pl-please let's not ta-talk ab-about this. But he s-said he was going to be ho-home in a few days si-sine he won some c-cash at some casino. I w-would love to stay the ni-night at your house for one night tho-though, but can you pl-please help me clean up my place tom-tomorrow when i go home?'' Marcel and jeff.....Are you fucking serious? I bit my lip trying to keep quiet when they hugged again, i don't know what's wrong with me but something inside of my body was burning up. Maybe i'm just getting sick, i think i ate something bad that i didn't even know of. 

''Of course i'll help you, just let me know what needs done than i'll make sure not to fuck anything else up.'' I knew the new kids name now but i just hated saying it since it would leave this venomis taste on my tongue, i think it's the fact that i don't like him being friends with marcel because now i'll see that stupid smile on his face, those ugly dimples poking from his cheeks, the twinkle in his eyes that look like he's in some Anime movie. I just hate seeing him happy, or maybe i just hate seeing him happy with someone else. Maybe i wanted to make him feel all giggling inside, maybe i wanted to be the first person to help him and tell him everything is going to be ok. Maybe i'm the one that wanted to hug him under the sunset and help him clean his ugly looking home.

''M-may i bo-borrow on-one of your sh-shirts wh-when we go to y-your h-house?'' I licked my lips, listening to their lovely little conversation. This is actually the first time i have ever heard him talk without stuttering much, i mean yeah he's still stuttering. But not as much as he usually does when someone speaks to him. ''I-i do-don't re-really ha-have clothes at m-my house, if you do-don't mi-mind though.'' I kept my eyes on Marcel while he looked down and started playing with his fingers, i have noticed how skinny the kid is to. Every time my mates and i fuck with him, we're always laughing about how easy he is to pick up and throw. 

''You can borrow what ever it is you want at my place bro, so no need to ask. Just make sure you don't grab any of lita's clothes, cause i'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to be walking around wearing woman's clothing.'' He started chuckling while Marcel let out this cute little giggle.....Wait what? Cute? shaking my head, i couldn't take this shit anymore, i'm going to make sure everyone know's about their little secret relationship. Walking away and passed the couple that still didn't know i was here watching them, i jogged the rest of the way to Josh's place. 

''Hey mate, why you running for?'' I stopped dead in my tracks while slowly turning to see josh and his mate, whoever the guys name is. They were holding bags of groceries to which i found funny since this is the first time the guy looked like a regular person instead of trying to pick fights at school. 

''I was actually going to your place but seeing that your right here. You wanna hang out or what?'' Walking towards the two that stood there staring at me, i looked over my shoulder to make sure they weren't looking at someone else. ''What?'' 

''Nothing, i just need to talk to you about something....Meaning it has to do with Marcel. We were talking earlier before going to the store and we saw him and the new kid hugging. I think they have something going on. So now we have a new victim to fuck with, other then little faggot Marcel.'' Shaking my head, i put one hand up in order to get him to stop talking. 

''I'm not giving up on picking on Marcel, i'm still going to be his walking nightmare. But if you want, you go ahead and pick on the jeff boy. But don't come crying to me when he knocks your arse out. I have to admit mate, he doesn't look like someone you want to fuck with, And about the hugging thing.'' Smirking up at the two who were looking down at me with blank faces. ''Marcel's going to be spending the night at the new kids place, he's even going to borrow his clothes. I know nothing's going on between the two but maybe it's something like fuck buddies.'' I'm not going to be thinking about Marcel when i'm trying to get these two to keep walking, i just hate the guy so fucking much. 


We had left 20 minutes ago after watching the amazing sunset, we had drove about 5 more minutes until a nice looking cute house came into view. The yard was covered in grass, rose bushes in front of every window that was shown in the front yard. The house was a really pretty light colored green to match the dark green grass, it was so cute.....If i would have seen this house before meeting Jeff than i would have thought that maybe some old cat lady lived here. 

''It's not much but it's still something, but don't be shy in front of my brother and his girlfriend cause than they'd bug you all night just to get you to talk. Just stick by my side ok?'' I slowly nodded while waiting for him to park which he did eventually. ''Thanks for coming over anyways, i thought i'd be alone and listening to the two nasty lovers inside talking all sweet and touching up on each other like there's nothing else in life to do.'' He chuckled while hopping out of the car and running to my side, i could have opened the door myself but he was being to darn sweet to me. 

''Th-thanks Jeff, an-and your hou-house is ve-very gorg-gorgeous. I-it's ve-very hom-homey.'' I looked down blushing while he shook his head amused, i hate my stuttering problems but he seems to not care about it at all. 

''Your cute, now let's go inside and to my room before they catch us out here. I don't want them catching us and then having this whole little lecture about you coming around more. Don't let them pressure you into doing something to, i'm not like them and well.....their the type of people to do what they want others to do, just because they don't like the way they are. I'm confusing, i know. But i'm just trying to help you out and even with my own bro.'' I listened carefully while gripping his hand before he could walk away. He looked down at our connected hands while looking up at my face. ''Don't be shy to do what you want Marcel, that's the point in living for the things you like. Just be yourself and also...don't let anyone say anything to bring you down when your happy inside and out. I know your life isn't perfect, but think about it this way......Your getting older and once your old enough to leave. Then do it, but son't be afraid to come here.'' He pecked my cheek while finally pushing the door open and yelling for his brother. He.....Just kissed me. 

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