The Newsies Banner

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Jack POV
I woke up with a start, immediately getting ready for school. Today was the day we were handing out the Newsies Banner, and I was scared. I had to go talk to Pulitzer about it. Being the appointed 'leader' gave me this job. Yay.

From asking some other people, they said that the clubs would join the strike, so that eased my nerves a little. We had even asked a few local news stations about it, and one even said they might cover it. It was exciting knowing our strike got so much tread.

"Hey Cowboy, ya ready?" Race asked as I stepped outside of my room. I shrugged.

"I guess," I said. We both ate breakfast then told Medda goodbye. We walked to school and sat down at the normal picnic table, waiting. A few of the gang was already there, but they were mostly talking amongst themselves. I was just thinking and imagining scenarios. I was jolted into reality by Davey and Sarah slamming a stack of papers onto the table.

"Here you guys go." Davey said with a proud smile. "Take as many as you want." People grabbed a random amount of papers and started reading it over.

"I didn't realize how good this was," Romeo joked. Everyone murmured in agreement. After a few minutes of reading, Katherine spoke up.

"20 minutes until first period. Let's go start handing them out." We all nodded, said a quick goodbye, then got up and left. I walked around the courtyard to where groups of people were hanging out.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt." I said as I approached a groups of kids all holding skateboards. "We are having a protest against the rules today, basically sitting in the courtyard starting in first period and ending once Pulitzer repeals the rules." I explained, handing them the flyer. "I hope you all join us." I got a few nods from them before leaving to got to another group.

~~~Time of the Skips~~~

It is finally time. I got a small déjà vu moment to the rally, but pushed it away. I wasn't going to betray anyone this time.

"Ready?" Crutchie asked, and everyone nodded. The bell rang, but none of us moved. I had my eyes closed, scared to open them and see it was only us. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and opened one eye to see Albert.

"Dude, look." He said in awe. I opened my eyes fully and turned around. Nobody in the courtyard had moved, in fact more people from the school were walking out into the courtyard.

"It's working." Specs said breathlessly. A smiled spread across my face (like butter lol) as I looked around. Almost the entire school was here. Some teachers were yelling at the students, but most were just smiling and watching.

"Your turn Jack," Sarah said.

"Yeah, go tell Pulitzer." Elmer added. I nodded and got up.

"Hey, take this." Spot said and handed me a flyer. I walked, and a small path opened in front of me. I soon got to the school doors and walked in. It was weird with the halls being so quiet, but I pushed those thoughts away. I had to focus. I walked into the office and saw Hannah looking out the window with a smile.

"I'm here to see Pulitzer." I told her.

"He's ready. Oh also, great job." She said with a smile. I smiled back and walked into Pulitzers office. All of his phones were ringing and he was frantically trying to answer them all.

"You." He said when he finally noticed me. I waved a little. "You did this!"

"Actually, me and the gang did." I said, slapping the flyer on his desk.

"I thought we had a deal." He hissed angrily.

"Never really shook on it." I countered. He glowered at me.

"So what do you want, huh?"

"The club and sport rules repealed." I answered quickly and confidently. He raised and eyebrow the sighed, rubbing his face a little.

"Those rules help-" He started, but I immediately cut him off.

"They do not. That's why we want to repeal them. And that is why those kids will sot out there all day until you undo it. So what's your next move, huh?"

Carrying The Banner//A Modern Day Newsies Story//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now