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TW: None that I know of (if there is some please tell me)

Jack POV
I sat down at my desk in 103. Mr. Denton seemed either mad or stressed, I couldn't tell which. I had also managed to calm my anxiety about Crutchie, but agreeing that I would keep an eye on him.

"Alright boys, and Katherine, please sit down. We need to go over the new rules Principle Pulitzer put up." Mr. Denton sighed.

I could feel the tension rise in the room. I did snicker a little when I saw Romeo and Specs squeeze each others hands. I wish Davey and I could do that. Hold up. Rewind. WHAT?! Why would I think that? I don't have a crus- I have a crush on Davey! Fu-

"The new rules are: 1. Every club must pay a ten dollar fee per person for the club to stay a club." I noticed Katherine and Race looked the angriest of the bunch. I knew why for Katherine, but was still pondering Race's reason.

"2. Everyone must come to every meeting, if more than two people are gone then the club is suspended for a week," Spot. Looked. FURIOUS.

"Finally, 3. Every club must pay for their supplies, including books, paper, ink, and printing services." Mr. Denton finished, and for a second it was silent. Until everyone started yelling.

"That is so unfair to our club! We need the most materials!" Romeo growled. "STEM and Experiment club use free services to get their supplies and Volleyball club only has to but a few nets and balls for the year, while we'se gonna have to play for everything every week!"

"What about sports players! I can't miss some games!" Spot argued.

"Some people's might not be able to pay the ten dollars!" Katherine shouted.

"What about the bigger groups like us!? We are paying over 100 dollars!" I yelled.

"I understand these are bad, but they apply to all clubs starting tomorrow. Sports, the rules are a little more lenient. But we can't do anything about it." Mr. Denton sighed. People's anger faded into dejection and sadness.

By the time he finished, it was time to leave. The gang got up and walked out, the only people talking being Race and Spot talking together and Davey and Katherine whispering to each other. I got a sudden pang of jealousy that I couldn't place, so I shook my head to clear it.

Ms. Medda pulled up in her car and Race and I got in. We knew she knew about the rules, and Race and I didn't feel like talking about it.

Davey POV
I walked into my house and almost slammed the door. I was sad but also seething at the same time. Is that possible? I guess the author is making me do it so it is now.

I walked to the table where Les was working on his homework.

"You okay David?" Les asked me. I looked at my little brother.

"Not really. I just learned about some stupid new rules that are going it affect our Newspaper Club badly. AND some of the rules almost seem to be directed at ONLY US!" I ranted. Les nodded, he was only in 7th grade but he still seemed to understand me.

"What are you going to do about it?" Les asked. I sighed dejectedly.

"We can't do anything. Especially not alone. Rules are rules."

"But people find ways to change rules all the time!"


"Wow, I thought you were supposed to be the smart one." Les muttered under his breath, as I scowled at him. "Women's Suffrage, Civil Rights Movement, LGBTQIADP+ community, Latino Suffrage, heck the Revolutionary War!" Les finished exasperatedly.

"You're... actually right." I said.

"Are you implying I'm not usually?" He jokes.

"Definitely," I replied without missing a beat.

"I'm gonna soak you for that-" Les said, getting up from his seat.

"No need." I felt someone punch my arm and saw my twin Sarah walk in. "Done and done. Also what I say you do is comply with the rules for now, and brainstorm ways to go against them, without getting expelled of course," I nodded.

"That's another great idea. Wow who knew you two were actually smart!" I teased. I was met with two, hard, punches to the arm. "Ow..." They just laughed and went back to work. I had finished my homework and decided to ask the gang about Sarah's idea.

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