A Game With a Bad Ending

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Jack POV
This is it. This is hopefully when we will figure out what is happening with Crutchie.

"First off," I started. "I'm really sorry Crutch. I shouldn't have pushed ya." I looked him in the eyes. Crutchie smiled a little.

"It's fine ya doof. Just don't do it again. Now, what are we gonna do?" He asked, looking around and looking a little like his old self. Race chuckled a little and so did David.

"How about we just do a question game?" Race suggested. Step one, complete. Crutchie and David nodded in agreement. "I'se knows one. Its just a rapid fire game were you'se answer questions as fast as you can. Once you'se get it wrong, it goes onto the next person." Step two, done.

"I can start by being asked, if you want." Davey said. We all nodded. I started rapidly asking him questions and he, somehow, answered. Finally, he got one wrong. "Why don't you try it Crutchie." Davey said. Crutchie shrugged and nodded. Race started asking him questions.

"Favorite color?"
"Name a fast food!"
"McDonalds." After Crutchie answered, Race gave me and Davey a small nod. He was going to ask the question now.
"Who hurts you?" Crutchie was about to answer, when he suddenly grabbed his head, yelping a little in pain. Oh no.

"Crutch? Are you okay?" I asked, getting a little closer. His eyes seemed glazed at first, but then started to sharpen. The one emotion in them was anger.

"So that's all this was, huh? To get information out of me! You probably didn't even mean that apology!" Crutchie glared at me. I felt so guilty, and I knew Race and Davey did too. "And you two were in on it! I thought you were going to let me live my life when I told you I was fine. I was glad you invited me over just so we could hang out! BUT NO! This was all to get information out of me. I'm done." He said, shaking his head and glaring daggers at all of us.


"Don't." He said coldly at Davey's attempt to speak to him. He grabbed his crutch and walked out of the apartment. Medda walked in then, and noticed Crutchie was gone.

"What happened? Did it work?" She asked us. Race finally shook his head.

"He figured it out and was mad. Really mad." Race sounded so dejected. Medda walked over and hugged all of us. This is really when it set in. We had screwed up big time. Davey seemed to be frozen, not really moving. Once Medda got up to grab us something to eat, I sat down next to him. I put an arm around his shoulders and ignored the flutter in my stomach.

"Hey, it ain't your fault." I whispered.

"But it is. It's all of ours fault! We pushed him and he wasn't ready. We didn't even get to learn what pain stopped him from answering the question." Davey sighed. I pulled him into a hug and we sat there for a little, mostly thinking about how we screwed up.

Crutchie POV
Betrayal. That's all I felt as I walked home. My friends, well I wouldn't call them friends anymore, only apologized and invited me over to get information out of me.

I angrily kicked a rock on the sidewalk. They didn't even care that I wasn't ready to talk! I though exasperatedly. They just went on with it, without even asking me if I was ready to talk. Once I got home I walked to my room and just laid on my bed, angry. I remembered one person, who didn't betray me and who I could talk to. Spot.

LittleBrother1: Hey Spot

KingOfBrooklyn: hey crutchie

KingOfBrooklyn: wait, arnt you supposed to be with race, jack, and davey rn?

LittleBrother1: I dont want to think about them right now

KingOfBrooklyn: what did they do

LittleBrother1: Turns out they only invited me to fake apologize and get information out of me

KingOfBrooklyn: ...

LittleBrother1: Spot?

KingOfBrooklyn: im going to kill them

LittleBrother1: Spot, im glad for that, but please dont tomorrow. Im already super mad at them

KingOfBrooklyn: ... fine.

KingOfBrooklyn: BUT am i allowed to be angry at them as well?

LittleBrother1: Sure, be as mad as you want

KingOfBrooklyn: good to know

KingOfBrooklyn: also remind me to stay on your good side

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