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TW: Little talk of smoking, Little talk of pneumonia

Race POV (muahaha cliffhangers from the last chapter)
It was so stupid. My 'plan' was, if you can even call it that. Once the bell rang and everyone left, I walked to class. I had english, with none other than, my crush, Spot Conlon. He probably hated me now, and I couldn't blame him. I sometimes got jealous about how close he is to Crutchie, but always hide it. They are just good friends.

I walked into class and saw Spot there, in his normal seat, looking directly forward. I could tell he was annoyed, probably at me. I cleared my throat a little as I sat down next to him. He looked at me with an eyebrow raises.

"Yes?" He asked coldly.

"I uh, just wanted to tell ya that I'se sorry. So are Davey and Jack." I said. He nodded and looked away. I hope he accepted it, or will tell Crutchie about it. All three of us really did feel bad. We should have just waited until he was ready, for Crutchie never kept anything from us for that long.

I focused on the lesson once the teacher started, although it was pretty boring. Once the bell rang and I got up, I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning me around. I turned and saw Spot.

"Yeah?" I asked, rather nervous.

"I just wanted to say, that I accepted your apology. I don't know if Crutchie is gonna, but I can tell you're being sincere. I will probably act like I hate you, and I'se still mad at Jack and Davey 'cause they haven't apologized yet, for Crutchie's sake. He... he needs someone on his side for now." Spot said, looking away like he was embarrassed from time to time. I felt shell-shocked. Spot. The Spot Conlon. Captain of football and my crush just gave me a beautiful speech. My jaw almost dropped at it, but I made sure to keep it closed. I put on a cocky grin.

"I'se glad. You would get into trouble without me." I responded. He scoffed.

"Oh yeah, OUT of trouble. Like how you was caught smoking at school."

"Hey they was Coronas!" I retorted, which made him laugh. We walked outside of class together. I was happy he wasn't fully mad at me anymore, and I knew he could help me apologize to Crutchie. I groaned a little when I remembered something.

"What?" Spot asked.

"Crutchie is in my next class!" I said exasperatedly. "He still hates me, not that I blame him, but it's gonna be so awkward and I could do something that makes it worse!" Spot chuckled a little.

"I don't think you can make it worse. Also if he is still mad, just stay a little away. Some space would do him good." Spot said, calming most of my worries. I gave him a nod as we turned to go to our different classes.

I walked into class, noticing he wasn't there yet. I sat a little ways away from where I usually sat with Crutchie and Romeo. I didn't know how good Romeo and Crutchie were after this morning, but even still I knew Crutchie would want to sit in his normal spot. Romeo walked in with his normal, flirty, grin. He noticed me sitting somewhere different and walked over.

"Why aren't you sitting where we'se normally do?" He asked, sounding curious.

"Crutchie is mad at me. I'se thinks keeping distance would help." I responded, a little sad. Romeo nodded and told me he would probably sit where we normally did.

I waited anxiously for Crutchie to walk in, maybe glare at me or maybe not even look my way, and sit with Romeo. As the time for class changes dragged on, both Romeo and I became more confused and concerned. Crutchie was never late, even with the crutch, and he only rarely leaves school. Once he was coughing his head off, and told us about some chest pains, but pushed through school so as to not be behind. Later that day he texted us that he had pneumonia and wouldn't be as school for a little.

Something was keeping him, and I knew he had had a headache yesterday. It's just that. He went home because the headache got bad. I told myself as the late bell rang. Although, deep in my gut, I could feel something was wrong.

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