Newsies Monopoly

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TW: Not Really Talk About but Signs of Abuse

Jack POV
Of course Crutchie would tell something was up with me. He always could, just as I could do the same with him. And of COURSE I couldn't tell him about it, because Pulitzer didn't want me to and because I knew what he would say.

"You don't need to worry about us," Is my best guess. But I did worry about them. So I just shook my head and told him to forget about it, and that I was fine. I took a deep breath and cleared my head, focusing on what was happening now. Elmer was driving me, Davey, and Crutchie to Crutchie's house to help him unpack.

"What is your room like?" Davey asked Crutchie.

"It's not much. Grey-blue-ish walls and a hardwood floor. I have a grey stained desk I love and my bed frame is the same color. You're also going to see it soon, so I don't get why you're asking." Crutchie laughed. Soon everyone joined in, his laugh was contagious.

We soon made it to a small apartment complex. "Here we are." Crutchie said. We got out of the car and started towards the building. Crutchie didn't really need us to help him get back, there wasn't anything to move and it wouldn't be traumatic, I think he just wanted to hang out. I had only been to his apartment a fee times before, so it was still pretty new to me. We used the elevator and soon got to his apartment. Crutchie pulled out his keys and unlocked the door.

"Where are your parents?" Davey asked.

"My dad is at work right now, should be coming home in a few minutes. Unless he went out with... colleagues after, in which he probably won't be here until later tonight." Crutchie said with a shrug. I caught the way he paused before saying 'colleagues'.

"And your mom?" Davey asked. I punched him a little and gave him a 'shut up' look.

"Jack calm down." Crutchie said, catching my look. "She died a few years back." He said like it was nothing. Davey gave a little 'oh' and went silent. We made our way down a hall and into a room. I noticed the doors hinges were a little broken, and the lock was completely broken.

"Wow, your room is cool!" Elmer exclaimed when we walked in. It was pretty cool. The walls held pictures of the gang and different posters, mostly of musicals. He had a small dresser and mirror, which held even more pictures of Crutchie and various friends. His bed was a bed with a bookshelf on the back, which was filled to the brim. Crutchie laughed a little at his expression.

"Eh, its just a room." He shrugged, while both Elmer and Davey kept looking around. I knew I had looked like that only a moment ago, but I didn't care.

"So Crutchie," I started as he flopped onto his bed. "First, don't reopen your stitches." I chided. I hear a mumbled sentence, something that sounded like 'You sound like Davey'.  "Second, what do you wanna do?"

"I have some board games, if you want?" He said, sitting up. "I actually got a new type of Monopoly a few weeks ago."

"OoOo what is it?" Elmer asked. Crutchie grabbed a box from his bookshelf and set it on his bed.

"Newsies Monopoly, sounds cool." Davey commented.

"Yeah, instead of places you can buy characters from Newsies! It was pretty cool to see, all of the gangs names are on it." Crutchie said. Weird. I thought, but shrugged it off. We started playing, and kept playing for a while.

"Aha!" Elmer exclaimed as I moved my piece. Right. Into. His. Property. "1,000 bucks." Davey had already been driven out, and Crutchie only had about 400 dollars left.

"I don't have 1,000!" I groaned. Elmer shrugged and held out his hand. I slapped the rest of my money in his and he grinned.

"Another one down." After only one move, Crutchie was out and Elmer held the whole board.

"I didn't know you were so good!" Crutchie commented.

"Yeah, what strategy did you use?" Davey wondered.

"I will never say." Elmer said mysteriously, and I scoffed.

"I don't care what it is, as long as you remind me to never play with you again." I said. Davey checked the time then sighed.

"It's already 11:00. I should head back home." Elmer and I agreed.

"Bye!" Crutchie said as we exited the flat.

"Bye!" We responded. Yeah, I'm gonna count this as a good night.

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