Kicks and Make-up

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TW: Use of 'Crip' as a Slurr, Use of 'F@ggot' as a Slurr, Abuse, Bruises, Crutchie the bean (queen) being hurt and sad

Crutchie POV
I woke up to silence. Odd. I thought. My house is almost never silent. I got up and got dressed, grabbing my crutch. I hobbled over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Once I got out I walked down the hallway, quickly and silently. I walked past the kitchen and checked the time, 7:38. I smiled. Maybe just this one day I didn-

"CRIP! GET OVER HERE!" I heard my father yell. I went faster to the door. I almost grabbed it until, a hand grabbed my arm, throwing me back. I landed on the wood floor with a thud. My crutch flew across the room, away from my reach. I grabbed the arm of a chair and started to get up.

My dad grabbed my collar then I could smell it. The alcohol. "You thought you could get away? HAHA!" He laughed in my face. He pulled his fist back and punched me in the face. The pain was instant, and I knew I would have to cover up a black eye with make-up today. He threw me to the ground. The wind was knocked out of me, and I couldn't move for a second. In that second he pounced, kicking me in the ribs and the good leg, while placing a foot on my chest.

"You will NEVER be anything more than a crippled f@ggot!" Was the last thing he said before walking back to his room. I laid there in a daze for what seemed like hours, but must have been only minutes. I sat up painfully and crawled over to my crutch. 7:53. Not too long today, but just as painful. I walked painfully over to the bathroom and covered up my eye with foundation, which was already starting to bruise.

I quietly limped out the door. And down the stairs. When I got to school, I plastered on a fake smile and limped over to the table we always sat at.

"Hey guys!" I said to the gang. Elmer, Albert, Romeo, and Davey were all at the table. I sat in his usual spot next to Elmer and where Spot would sit. "Whatcha talking about?" I asked. Romeo shrugged.

"Not much, just the Newspaper Club. And all the clubs in general. Apparently there are going to be new rules posted today during the clubs." Romeo looked a little angry, but I didn't ask about that. Jack and Race walked up to the table and sat at their respective spots. Spot walked up with Specs and Kathrine a few paces behind. Finally, Finch made a grand entrance by sling-shooting a blueberry at Spot's head, leading to a mad chase around the school.

Once everyone was at the table and calmed down, we chit-chatted. Suddenly, Specs perked up.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you'se guys, Romeo and I have an announcement." Romeo blushed at this. "We is dating." Everyone nodded and Romeo and Specs looks confused.

"You're not even surprised?!" Romeo asked.

"We have seen how you two act to each other, we knew at some point you'se would figure it out." Finch laughed. The rest of the table joined in. Gosh, I hope I wasn't that obvious with my crush. What if the other guys knew already? I shook the thoughts away.

Soon the bell rang, and I got up. Jack and I have the same first period today as well. I walked through the hallways with him. Right before we got into class he stopped me.

"Crutch, are you okay?" Oh great, the one question I did NOT want him to ask.

"Yeah, I'm perfect!" I lied through my teeth.

Jack POV
I knew something was up. All the time at the table with the gang, Crutchie was tense. And when we walked though the halls he was wincing with every step. As though even his good leg hurt.

"Crutch, are you okay?" I asked, concern lacing my voice. I saw him smile and say,

"Yeah, I'm perfect!" I looked past his smiled and to his eyes. I noted that they didn't have the normal spark in them. I also noticed something a little more concerning. Smudged make-up.


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