Principal Pulitzer

246 11 18

TW: Use of Deadnames

Jack POV
After lunch, I headed off to 3rd period with Finch and Specs. A smile was plastered on my face. As I walked down the halls, I noticed people taking some flyers down and putting them in their bags.

"Its working!" Finch said excitedly. I chuckled and nodded.

"It is." Specs stated, and Finch lightly punched him in the arm. Their fun bickering was what I listened to until we got to class. We took our usual seats as the teacher started to bore on. The lesson was suddenly stopped, when the class phone rang. The teacher picked it up, looking and sounding annoyed. Once they set it down they turned to the class.

"Mr. Kelly, you are needed in the office."  They said. I shot a worried glance to Specs and Finch, who returned it. I gathered my stuff and walked out of class, hearing the teacher begin again as the door shut. I walked through the eerily silent halls to the office. The secretary, Ms. Hannah I believe, was typing away at a computer.

"Umm, I was supposed to come here?" I said after waiting for a little. Ms. Hannah jumped a little then nodded.

"Principal Pulitzer will see you in a few minutes." I nodded and watched the clock. Soon there was a buzz on Ms. Hannah's little mini-intercom thing.

"He can come in," A sort of gravelly voice I attributed to Pulitzer said. Hannah nodded to me with a small thumbs up. I returned the nod and stepped into the principals office. "Mr. Kelly, yes?" Pulitzer asked.

"That's my name." I commented, taking a seat in the chair he motioned to.

"Yes. It is also the name of the person who made these drawings, are they not?" He said, holding up a flyer.

"I did draw those." I answered again.

"What a shame." He started. "You were doing so well this year! Not getting in trouble as much," I squirmed a little in my seat at this comment. "And even keeping your friends out of trouble. Now, everyone who made these or put them up could have detention, or if I feel it necessary, suspension and even expulsion."

"What?! Why?!" I exclaimed.

"You did not ask to put these up. Simple rule, quite useful." Pulitzer said with a smirk. I glared at him as he continued. "Now, I have a deal for you. You talk against this... 'strike' at the rally."

"Uh no," I said, cutting him off.

"Ah, but you didn't let me finish now did you. Either you speak against it, or you get expelled." He paused, probably for dramatic effect. I scoffed. "Now I know you are Mr. Tough Guy. You could handle it. But what about your friend Charlie, or Davey! They would both be expelled too. That would hurt their families a lot. And all your other friends would be so disappointed in you like Albert, Antonio, Sean, even Robin and Juliette!"

"First off, it is Finch and Romeo. Second! Why them?! They didn't do anything!" I growled. Pulitzer just shrugged off my first comment.

"They helped, and that's all that matters." He put his hands on his desk and faced me. "So what is it going to be, hm? Speak against this movement? Or get you and all your friends expelled? The choice is yours. I will give you until tomorrow to answer me, and if you don't I will just expel you all. Now go back to class."

I scrambled to get out of the office, saying a quick goodbye to Ms. Hannah. Does he actually mean it?! I mean, he could. It wasn't even a major offense, but I guess we did do it AGAINST him. My brain debated with itself as I walked down the empty halls. I silently walked back into class, taking my seat. Finch and Specs tried to ask about what happened, but I shook away their questions, saying I couldn't answer. It was partially true, because I didn't know what Pulitzer would do if he knew the others knew. What am I going to do?! I want to make sure my friends aren't expelled, but it would also break their trust. I sighed and made my way out of class as the bell rang, this was going to be a long mind debate.

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