It's Friday (friday, gotta get down on friday)

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Jack POV
I woke up to the alarm. Blaring. Right. In. My. Ear. I angrily hit the snooze button and threw the covers off of me. A sense of déjà vu passed over me, but I shrugged it off. Finally, Friday. I thought. I put on my clothes, and because I was the first one up decided to yell at Race.

I opened his door silently and he was still asleep. I walked over to his head.

"WAKE UP!" I screamed. His head shot up and he glared at me. I started backing away towards the door, holding in my laughter. I got out quickly, but not before he threw a pillow, hitting me directly in the head. I chuckled and grabbed it, walking to the kitchen.

"Woke him up?" Medda asked. I nodded, still laughing on the inside. Race soon joined me, his hair still a mess. Medda saw and almost burst into laughter.

"It ain't THAT bad!" Race protested.

"Sure it's not." I mumbled. He glared daggers at me, and I only started to laugh harder.

"That's it." He grumbled and got up. He went to the bathroom and came back with decent looking hair. I gave him a thumbs up, and he stuck his tongue out at me. Medda gave us breakfast then went out the door.

"Sorry boys! Auditions start in few days, and I am going to have to go in earlier until then. Leave the door at or before 8:00 okay?" She reminded us, and we nodded. She closed the door and Race and I went along with out morning routine as we normally did. It was 7:58 as we left the house, and we got to school at 8:17. I sat down in my normal seat, everyone but Crutchie was there.

"Is the football team gonna come?" Finch asked Spot. Spot shook his head a little.

"We don't know yet, gonna see how it plays out over the week." He responded. Everyone nodded, mostly in frustration and some in sadness, then people split off into small conversations. I found myself debating with Albert over wether pizza was just an open sandwich. Sarah was the neutral party for this, and we were trying to convinced her. I personally though pizza was just an open sandwich, so I argued for that. Albert was in the middle of making a statement, when the bell rang. We decided to call it a tie for now, and continue at lunch.

I walked to first period, which felt weird. I knew it was because Crutchie wasn't there, and no matter how sappy it was it was true. The class seemed a little bit duller without his jokes and puns, or even just the funny faces he made pertaining to the subject. It felt like only minutes had passed by when the bell rang. I shrugged on my backpack and grabbed my books, making my way to second period.

~~~Time of the skips~~~

I finally made it to fourth period. I walked into the auditorium and was greeted by Davey waving me towards him. I set my bags down and jogged over. He was talking with Elmer, Finch, Specs, Romeo, and a guy I knew about named Thomas.

"Okay, we need your opinion." Romeo started. "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I say egg, because the modern chicken had to start in the egg and then they could reproduce." Specs added on.

"I think the same thing," Thomas agreed. And Finch nodded.

"We think the chicken came first, because you had to have a chicken to actually make the egg in the first place." Davey said, pointing to Romeo, Elmer, and himself.

"Well the modern chick had to come from an egg first!" I argued. This sparked a heated debate about the genetics and likely-hood of all the scenarios. We ended when Medda called our attention.

"Today we are going to be learning how to work sound!" This was met with all of the actors groaning. Most of the techies were mildly excited, and some were super excited. Of course the actors would hate it though, for they would never really use them in their life. "I know many of you dislike it-" Understatement much? "It is still a very vital part of theatre! And the sooner we get started, the sooner we can finish and I may let you all sing songs from musicals!" This got everyone racing towards where Medda was standing.

A/N: I know all the classes change around just deal with it, also i havnt really been in a production of anything or a theatre class so if this is very wrong, my apologies

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