Early Morning Meeting

287 11 10

TW: Cussing

Race POV
I woke up, groaning a little into my pillow. That is, until I realized what day it was.

"Shit!" I mumbled, getting up and checking the time. 8:03, I still have a lot of time. None of the other guys know, but I'm going to hang out with Spot at the park in, like, two hours. We both agreed on a earlier time because it was cooler, but still warm, and less crowded. I was lucky, because nobody in the gang should find out. Jack was going to the hospital today to hang out with Crutchie, as were Davey, Elmer, Sarah, and Katherine. The rest of the gang had gone together yesterday and it was... chaotic.

I threw the now tangled covers off my legs and got up. I stretched my back and heard a satisfying pop. I threw on my shirt and suspenders, adding a newsboys cap. I silently slipped into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and most of my hair. After a few minutes of a battle against a section of it, I gave up and decided to shove it under my cap.

I came out of the bathroom and to the kitchen. Medda was cooking something and it smelled delicious.

"Hi Miss Medda!" I said, more cheerful than normal.

"Well what has you so happy today?" She asked. I shrugged, not wanting to give it away.

"Nothing much. I guess I'm just excited for the day." Medda raised an eyebrow at this and I shrugged once more. I sat down at the counter, which was where we usually had breakfast (except for special occasions or something like the first day of school). Medda handed me a plate of steaming hot pancakes. I grabbed the syrup and started to drown them.

"Do you want pancakes or soup!?" Medda exclaimed when she spotted my plate. I chuckled and stopped... for now.

"Syrup makes everything better," I stated.

"Really? What about... jellybeans?" Medda asked.

"Chocolate chips?"
"Buddy the Elf says yes and so do I."
"Anything can make that better,"

This persisted for a while, Medda naming off foods and me stating why syrup made it better. I didn't know Jack had walked into the room until he said,

"Okay, what is going on?" I alugehd at this and Medda answered.

"Race here says syrup makes everything better," Jack sat in a seat next to me and Medda handed him some pancakes.

"I wouldn't say EVERYTHING but most things yes,"

"Okay name one food that syrup won't make better," I challenged. Jack yawned a little and started talking.

"Okay, maybe not a LOT better-"
"I guess not..."
"What about more syrup?" This one had me dumbfounded.

"I have no idea."

"See, MOST but not ALL." Jack said with a cocky smile. The little shit was so proud of himself for winning an argument about syrup. I rolled my eyes and finished my pancakes.

"Hey Miss Medda?" I asked, to which she hummed a response. "Can I got out today with a few friends, from ten to sometime?"


"Just the park down the street,"

"Sure dear, stay safe and text me when you are leaving the park and when you get home, though."

"Who is this friend?" Jack questioned. I didn't want to say just Spot, because knowing Jack he would tease me about it.

"Just a few from the gang," I don't think that was technically a lie, right?. It just wasn't the whole truth (LIES OF OMISSION LOGAN TAUGHT ME WELL). I checked the time and saw it was already 9:15. I went to my room and grabbed my phone, keeping it in the charger as I played a few youtube videos. These ones were cool because they were made by some kids at our school, and they were in our theatre. It was called Sanders Sides and was quite addictive.

I finished watching an episode and saw it was 9:52. Shit, I might be late. I said a quick goodbye to Medda and a now fully awake Jack and slipped out of the door. I walked down the street and into the small park. It was pretty foggy today, but in a nice way. I soon sat down at our designated meeting meeting point, and waited for Spot.

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