It is Time

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TW: Used 'Crip' as Slurr, Reference to Abuse, Tiny Innuendo

Crutchie POV
I woke up, very excited. The rally is today! I thought, quickly getting up. I got dressed and brushed my teeth and hair. When I walked out into the hallway, my happy spirit was immediately diminished. There stood my dad with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Where. Were. You?" He growled menacingly. I gulped and took a small step back.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked hesitantly.

"Where were you a night ago? For three days you were gone. And then I get a giant bill." He had an evil smile on his face and took a step closer. I took another step back and my back hit the wall.

"I was..." I trailed off.

"ANSWER ME YOU LOUSY CRIP!" He roared, taking three steps closer.

"The hospital!" I yelled out, fear seeping into my words.

"Why were you there? Did you tell them about me? Did you!"

"N-no I didn't. I had gotten hurt badly and my friends took me there," My voice was hoarse. He took a step closer, and was now in my face.

"Well then, I won't hurt you TOO badly today," He growled and raised his fist.

Davey POV
I woke up refreshed and ready for the day. I got dressed and went to grab a bowl of cereal. Les was already eating, but Sarah was nowhere to be found. I walked to her room and saw her sleeping peacefully.

"SARAH GET UP!" I yelled in her face. She shot up quickly, then groaned.

"Why did you have to YELL!?" She snarled back.

"Had to wake you up, also you should be excited!" I explained. She raised an eyebrow and attempted to run the sleep from her eyes.

"And why is that?"

"The rally is today." Her eyes shot open at this and she threw her covers off.

"Move it loser," She said and shoved me, literally, out of her room. She shut the door in my face and I smiled, satisfied with my work. I brushed my teeth and waited for her by the door. Soon she was out and walking towards me. She grabbed an apple and took a bite on the way out. I opened the door and walked out, closing it before she could walk out. I heard a small thud and the door opened.

"Do you mind?" She hissed. I laughed.

"You're my twin! I have to prank you."

"That was not a prank,"

"Was to."

"Was not."

"Was to."

"A prank is thought out and actually funny, not just slamming the door in someone's face!" Sarah said while face-palming. I just snickered.

"What ever you say. Also! How did your date with Katherine go?" I said, suddenly remembering the date from a while ago.

"It wasn't really a date, but it went well. What about you and Jack?" She smirked and I blushed a little.

"Also not a date and you saw how the flyers looked." Sarah sighed.

"Yes but how did YOU two go together, not just the drawing." She said, exasperated.

"We had fun- not that way, so just shut up- we had a cool hangout." I corrected myself when I saw her raise her eyebrows suggestively. She laughed and we walked down the street.

~~~Ig you can call it a time skip it only skips like 15 mins~~~

When we arrived at school, the rest of the gang was there, chatting excitedly. Everyone except Jack. I don't know how but he looked more remorseful than yesterday.

"Jack?" I whispered while sitting down. His head snapped towards me. "You don't look okay," I said, making sure it was not a question this time. He just sighed and shook his head.

"Please just leave it," I sighed but nodded, instead listening to the conversation.

~~~Time of the Skips~~~

Finally! I thought as I gathered my bags. The bell for last period had just rung, and I started making my way to the auditorium. Crutchie, Finch, and Romeo were in class with me, and we were all talking in a excited huddle. When we got in, the room was full of people. We made our way to where the Newspaper Club was hanging out. They were near the stage, because we were the ones to start it and would be the ones to talk about it. When we got there, I noticed how pale Jack looked. He looked sad, but also wore a "don't talk to me" face. I sighed and turned to Crutchie instead.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Ready as ever."

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