The Waiting Game

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TW: Little talk of pneumonia

Davey POV
I walked into second period and towards my table. Jack and Albert were already there. I smiled at them, and Jack smiled back. Albert looked a little mad at me, and I assumed he knew what happened with us and Crutchie.

"Look, Albert, I'm sorry about what happened with Crutchie. I'm pretty sure you know since you just had a class with him. Please don't be mad at us, we already have enough people mad..." I trailed off near the end. Albert raised an eyebrow then smiled a little.

"I'm not mad. More... curious 'bout what happened." He explained, searching for the right word. Jack and I both sighed with relief, happy that we would not have to suffer with another friend giving us the cold-shoulder. Class went on as usual, I was actually excited to learn, Albert was almost asleep, and Jack kept passing notes to me. Once the bell rang we all got up and started to make our way to lunch. I was a little nervous that Spot and Crutchie were not going to be there.

"Also, Spot and Crutch should be there. We asked Crutchie and he said he probably would, and that he would convince Spot to come too." The red-head seemed to read my mind.

"Great, I hope it's not too awkward." Jack mumbled.

"I don't think it will be, most people know something happened and will probably keep the subject off of anything like it." I assured him.

"I hope so." He looked up at me and smiled. I loved that smile. We got into the cafeteria and sat down. Everyone was acting normal and we were only waiting for Race, Spot, Romeo, and Crutchie. It was getting closer to halfway through lunch when people started getting concerned. None of the four had come in yet. I could see that people wanted to ask where they were, and Finch was about to, when they walked in. Well, three of the four did. Spot, Race, and Romeo seemed to be talking in a rushed manor. Romeo and Spot looked very concerned while Race seemed to be just as concerned, but trying to calm them down. I guess Race apologized at least to Spot. I noted.

Once they got closer I caught what they were saying.

"-ink it was just the headache. He told you it was a little worse this morning right!" Race said.

"But he had pneumonia once and didn't leave school!" Romeo countered.

"Yeah, I don't think he would leave for just a headache!" Spot said, going to bite his nails but Race gently pushed his hand down. They were so cute and needed to get together.

"Who are you talking about?" Sarah asked once they drew nearer.

"Crutchie. He didn't come to class last period." Romeo answered while sitting down.

"How do you know he didn't just get sick and go home?" I asked, even though I knew part of the answer.

"A few years ago, Crutch was coughing up a storm one day." Finch started.

"He didn't leave school no matter what, 'cause he didn't want to miss anything." Jack added.

"Then soon after school was over, he texted us that he had pneumonia and would miss school." Elmer finished, the table chuckled a little. I did too, apparently Crutchie really hated missing classes.

"Thats what I'm saying!" Spot interjected, looking worried. "He would not leave just because of a headache! I know he wouldn't. I think something happened to him." I looked around the table, and most people seemed to agree with him.

"Well what can we do?" Specs asked, to nobody in particular.

"We could text him first, see if something worse happened and he left," I threw out, to which most people nodded.

"If he doesn't answer we probably should look for him." Katherine said, a somber tone in her voice.

"We need to go ahead and do it then. So we have time to look." Elmer said determinedly, and I knew he must be worried sick on the inside. That was his crush after all. I know if Jack was not here and could be hurt, I would want to find him. So I guess I'm admitting I have a crush, happy 'javid' shippers? I thought. A few people pulled out their phones and texted him. Now the worst time of all; waiting.

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